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US Dollar Has Been Backed with Gold, Economic Collapse Averted, US and Australian Debt Paid off

ER Editor: So who has the power to do this? Has the ‘Biden’ government been a sham, a mere front all along, a bankrupt illegal construct, allowed to act out in front of a believing audience? Much like previous ‘US’ governments before it. But now it seems to be reckoning time.


We remind readers of this curious article we published recently on how EU nations have been buying up gold for a very long time, and how it is used to wipe off national debt by raising its value as a one-time move. Gold’s value has been kept artificially low by the cabal for a very long time. Now we can see why:

Europe Has Been Preparing a Global Gold Standard Since the 1970s: Part 2

Kudos to the good people who have done this.

Americans who fear China can finally have their fears put to bed according to this article. America is awash in unclaimed assets. Real ones.

The world is definitely not what we’ve been led to believe it is. Thank goodness.


Anna Von Reitz Reports the US Dollar has been Backed with Gold, Economic Collapse Averted, US and Australian Debt Paid off

Report 298 | Breaking News! Anna von Reitz Reports the American Government has Backed the US Dollar with Gold | Global Banking and Economic Collapse Averted | US and Australian Debt Paid Off

Report | Ramola D | October 19, 2022

World-rocking news, shared in a first interview on this subject, Report 298, and two recent State Assembly webinars by Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for The United States of America:

The American government has stepped forward to provide the gold to back the US dollar, a global banking and economic collapse has been averted, and US debt and Australian debt has been bought out.

“Actual money is always asset-backed or an asset in and of itself. The US dollar-–linked to oil as the petro-dollar—has now been linked to gold.” —Anna von Reitz

“The US Dollar is Now Asset-Backed”: Banking Collapse, Hyperinflation, Bail-ins Averted

In her American States Assembly webinar on the 10th of October, Anna von Reitz made the bombshell announcement about the US dollar being backed with gold through a “very fortunate collaboration with someone who has helped open up resources that have been locked away, that belong to us, and that we can apply to our own benefit.” The resources meaning American gold, silver, precious metals.

“The US dollar is now asset-backed– by us. We’ve been able to negotiate and then to bring forward the amounts of gold necessary to back it. And so we’re not looking at a wholesale bank collapse. We’re not looking at a gross devaluation of the dollar through hyperinflation. We’re not looking at a bail-in. And we are not looking at a long-term loss of the dollar in the world market. And we’re no longer looking at our reputation shredded because of the actions of some of our employees, (and trustees).”

Teri Kealoha Sahm, who hosts the Monday night webinar, helped emphasize the reverberating import of this announcement, which is linked to here.

The decision to insert fluidity into the world economy through backing the US dollar—the world’s reserve currency—with gold, offsetting the US debt with the credit of physical assets and getting the world economy moving again, was made, she reports, despite the “wild rodeo” run by those who have created the “economic drama” currently evident worldwide, because of the need to strike a balance to avert financial disaster for the everyday American and all else dependent on the US dollar. “A lot of the commodity rigging will go by the wayside.”

In her Report Dated the 8th of October, 2022, Anna von Reitz and James Clinton Belcher assured the world:

“This evening I am able to positively assure everyone that we have avoided a banking and insurance industry collapse. We have not been able to keep the real estate bubble from bursting and the related fall-out from that, which could mean that up to 30% of the workforce in the United States and Europe will be out of work for some time..

Let us next turn our attention to how best to soften the collapse of the real estate speculation bubble, remove illegal mortgages, and retrain millions of workers for more satisfying and productive occupations.”

The full article, which addresses the cordial American-Russian Alliance of 1858 and calls on all to call out the criminals responsible for the Nordstream pipeline explosions while averting any Biden/Deep State push to war with Russia can be found here: http://annavonreitz.com/report10822.pdf

ER interjection: here is a quote from the linked-to piece regarding the American-Russian Alliance:

It is also uncertain whether or not we will be able to prevent another illegal and immoral
“Mercenary Conflict” that certain Parties are attempting to mount against Russia, but we
will keep you all posted in hopes that our combined objection and intercession will put a
stop to it.
The American and Russian Alliance of 1858 is a Treaty between the Russian people and the American people, guaranteeing peace and mutual aid between us. This important Treaty between our two nations has never been broken, and we do not intend that it ever shall be.
The so-called Biden Administration has no permission to act against Russia so long as
the Russians honor our 1858 Alliance, and any actions taken by Biden or by Perpetrators
acting under his orders as the “Commander in Chief” of a commercial corporation are to
be recognized as private, unauthorized, and illegal activities.
It disturbs us that so many people have forgotten the fact that Mercenary Wars are illegal
by nature, and that the Perpetrators of Mercenary Conflicts lack the standing to declare
war (which is why such :”wars” are never formally declared).

US Debt and Australian Debt Paid Off

In her webinar on the 17th of October, Anna also expanded on how the Australian debt has been bought out as well as the US debt.

Teri Sahm noted that literally “American credit has been extended to stabilize the economy” while another way to understand this is “Americans have redeemed the credit and provided the gold to back the US dollar.”

In Report 298, Anna describes in detail what exactly it means when the debt note—the US dollar– which so far has been the Federal Reserve promissory note, or a debt note, an IOU, a promise to pay and not actual money—is backed by gold; essentially it means that now the debt note has been given physical value, and, being linked to the gold exchange rate, now accrues value based on the rise or fall of that exchange rate, and becomes representative of that actual physical asset, which can be used for trade or to forgive debt.

“For example, we took a bunch of gold and we paid off the debt of Australia. Why did we do that? Because otherwise their economy would have imploded, millions of people would have suffered needlessly, and it would have had a domino effect on a bunch of other nations–they would have all been in the same boat. So we redeemed the Australian currency on the same basis, using the Dollar as the reserve currency, the standard—so you’ve got Australian debt-notes that were redeemed by the US Dollar that were redeemed by US gold—that is, USAmerica Unincorporated gold—the unincorporated people who owned the actual physical assets, and are in fact the only people who can own the physical assets.”

“It doesn’t really hurt anyone to do this—it’s just balancing the teeter totter (playground seesaw) so everything is not all concentrated in commerce and commercial script and everything is not sequestered away as far as assets go—you can start that interchange, that flow of both commerce and trade, and people can benefit from that, because the devaluation of this (the US dollar) means the revaluation of the asset that this is based on—and you own both (the credit and the asset).”

Teri notes that ”because the dollar is now gold-backed, it’s strengthening” and Anna confirms “because the debt is reduced; every time we redeem these (dollar notes) the debt goes away and the credit returns to the issuer.”

And Who Exactly is the American Government?

We open Report 298 with Anna describing further who the American government is, as opposed to the US Government.

“The United States of America,” with a capital T to the “The,” Anna reminds us, refers to the original and unincorporated American government on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, a restoration of the original States of the Union, with the fifty restored sovereign State Republics contributing to a rebuilt Federation of States—a venture of restoration Anna von Reitz and Head of State Clinton James Belcher have spearheaded, and that has become an actuality as all the state assemblies have been put together and are now standing on Land and Soil.

The American government therefore is not the same as the United States Government, a British Territorial incorporated government, nor the municipal United States government, a Papist incorporated government, both operating in the Jurisdiction of the Sea or Maritime/Admiralty Jurisdiction–as has often been discussed in many of her articles, and also covered in the Let Freedom Ring! Podcasts and in her recent September 2022 report at Ramola D Reports, Report 292 | Anna Von Reitz & Teri Kealoha Sahm | Update on American State Assemblies & the US Raj. (Also see American States Assembly for links to a few explanatory articles.)

“The American government stands outside and apart from the US government,” says Anna in Report 298, “…and when I was a kid growing up in Wisconsin in the ’60s and ’70s we knew they were separate subjects, we had textbooks very clearly labeled American History and US History. But over the years since Jimmy Carter’s Department of Education—which is basically illegal and unConstitutional—began to get involved in setting the curriculum for all the state public schools, it’s only been US History.

So entire generations have grown up thinking there is only US History and believing American history is US History, and it’s not!

So knowing this, when I grew up, I went back and started looking at the history and structure of government as I knew it and as I was taught it, and the fact is the American government is the employer of the US government.”

What are the Implications for Americans and People Worldwide?

Anna addresses the questions of what this means for the people of America and the world, in particular American state nationals who have understood this crucial difference between jurisdictions and governments and are working with Anna and their state assemblies to bring freedom and positive change to their states on the land (which all Americans can do)—while stepping out of the Sea Jurisdiction of the US Government, using the process of declaring oneself living and a state national which was discussed recently in a podcast with Michelle Ford, Co-coordinator for the California State Assembly:



Report 295 | Michelle Ford, California State Assembly on Restoring Your American Status on Land and Soil Jurisdiction

“What it means,” says Anna, “is the employers are taking control of the employees again, we are interacting with them, we are telling them what we want done and how we want it done.”

Americans on the land have therefore been recognized quite openly with this momentous move–as they are also recognized each time an American State National interacts with or Notices them.

Does the US government recognize the American government then, and American State Nationals?

What Anna suggests is that a transition is in the process of taking place although it may take a while, years or decades to fully see it through—but a Great Shift is upon us:

“They have to work with us—we’re their employers, we’re the source of their money, we’re the source of their credit.”

A Few Concepts: The Constitution, Credit, and Gold and Silver

Notions of debt, credit, and actual money (gold, silver, precious stones/anything of commonly recognized value) usage in the USA go back to the time of the drafting of the US Constitution.

Anna explains that the US Constitution requires that the government—meaning the government service contractors or the US Govt/British Territorial government and Municipal Government—act on Credit, while requiring the States—the unincorporated states, not the current State government corporations—to pay with gold and silver. But for a century and several decades, the States have not been in session and although land-and-soil Americans have always been here, the governments, through “unlawful conversion” of all into US citizens—a presumption and impersonation—have been ignoring them.

“We have not been functioning on that system for a very long time because the Constitution requires the Government to act on credit, and requires the States to pay with gold or silver. Well, if the States haven’t been in session, there’s no responsible parties able to pay in gold and silver—or oil or anything else. So everything gets rolled over into a trust.”

The assets of Americans therefore have been held in trust in various banks—much of this gold confiscated from American families in the 1930s but also earlier, as Anna has described in recent articles at her website including this article on Trust Gold–A Brief Explanation to the World, Donors, Middlemen and You, the Blood Money, Money Spell series and others such as this one: Who really owes who in America?

These American assets are considerable in value, Anna notes. The momentous act of literally saving not just the American economy from plunging into a debt crash but the entire world economy, similarly burdened, by being linked to the US petro-dollar was made possible, Anna explains, by the fact that Americans do have huge amounts of physical assets—not just land and mineral assets like other countries but riches in gold, silver, metals above and beyond the holdings of other countries such as China.

American assets had historically “been left adrift out there—banks were beginning to say our assets were abandoned. The situation is we were declared missing, ‘we don’t know where they went.’” As in the case of Robinson Crusoe or anyone who goes missing: Anna explains that after 7 years, if someone is still missing their estate is taken into the public venue, a probate court distributes those assets to whoever, their public interests are ceded, their private interests are distributed to their next of kin.

Part of the research and disclosure Anna has been providing in writings at her site over the years includes discovery of these American assets.

“We have the receipts and deposit slips, we have records. We raised our hand and claimed those assets.” “Our government was missing since 1865…so here we come back on stage and we are the richest nation on earth. ….we exercised only 3 accounts—and those 3 contain 150,000 metric tons of gold.”

In contrast she notes that decades of accumulation had left China with only “28,000 tons of gold total.”

These astronomical amounts of gold and other assets therefore—locked inside trusts (as well as hidden in caves, such as in the Philippines)–are being freed by the claiming-of-assets, which is being used by the Federation to facilitate international trade.

What has happened now is that an international trade bank dealing in physical assets—gold and silver—has been set up, over and above the current commercial banking system, which brings the commercial banking system as subsidiaries under public law just as the international trade bank is operating under public law, and the US dollar, which has been in actuality a debt note or Federal Reserve promissory note, is now linked to the credit of actual physical assets and the gold exchange rate.

Additionally, the American States Assembly is now minting coins. “We are ordering the minting of some of our gold into American Eagles—and those will be available for international trade purposes.”

Again how that works will be through the Treasury and Mint: “We go to the Treasury with our gold and ask them to take it to the Mint and have them mint our coins.” Further explaining “it’s not the gold standard, it’s the gold exchange rate,” Anna notes that through it all the part played by the American people is central.

Snapshot, Report 298

Holding up a dollar note she states:

“We give value to this, we extend our credit through this, when we redeem this, it not only lowers the debt of the issuer, it also then accrues as a credit to whoever is holding the debt—the value of it depends on the exchange rate. 22 of these to one ounce of silver, and 2,000 of these to one ounce of gold. So when we strike those coins, they will have a value—and will be traded internationally according to what that value is on the exchange rate—it just gives us a means to trade internationally and we have credit to trade in the commercial realm, as required by the Constitution. When the states manage their gold and silver assets they own both the gold and silver and the credit generated by the gold and silver—for you as the ultimate asset owner it’s a win-win situation—you own both sides of the teeter totter—you’re in the catbird seat because you own both sides.”

By using asset-backed currency from now on, she says “We’re trying to transition from the status quo where everything is based on credit to a mixed system where there is both credit and what is behind it” permitting an “ebb and flow” to vivify and catalyze the economy into dynamic motion.

Dollar Notes Based on Actual Money/Gold Rather than Debt Collateralizing People and Labor

Inevitably this move to back the dollar with gold will lead to freedom from historic enslavement, of the kind pulled off by those who sought to register and securitize everyone from birth, not to mention create Legal-Fiction “persons” as corporations from names.

In Report 298, Anna discusses anew the semantic deceits in language used by those who collateralized people and labor while aiming to keep the truth of those frauds hidden. Long term practices of incorporating governments led to further deception. Notions of Civil War continuing on to the present day relate to mercenary conflicts run by the British and Papists since 1865 – they are still at war with each other, she says.

Report 298 is a richly informative and meandering discussion, addressing many aspects of what we all face and hopefully will rise from as these ancient frauds and unseasonal crimes are addressed by one and all.

Baby-boomers and older Americans as also all age groups and genders are exhorted by Anna to “get off the couch” and help to clean out the corruption. The route forward to medical freedom, health freedom, clean air and rejection of bad ideas such as transhumanism and social credit schemes lies just ahead, but people will have to rise to make sure we and all our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren are on it.

For more information on all these subjects, and to read Anna’s advice and regular updates, please visit annavonreitz.com and The American States Assembly site. To go directly to the banking and dollar/gold discussion in this podcast, please go to about one hour into the conversation.

Watch Report 298 here:

Bitchute/Report 298 | Breaking! Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted

Source: Everyday Concerned



Featured image: https://globalbullionsuppliers.com/blogs/blog/how-does-a-gold-backed-currency-work

US Dollar Has Been Backed with Gold, Economic Collapse Averted, US and Australian Debt Paid off

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One Response to “US Dollar Has Been Backed with Gold, Economic Collapse Averted, US and Australian Debt Paid off”

  1. Tapestry says:

    Gold hidden in caves in the Philippines….Yeah Right!!!!! Lots of gold yet to be mined there, I would agree.