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UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War

Former U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron prefers to be coy about his family tree of turtle on the fence post made men.

Avowed Zionist David Cameron also acted surprised when it was revealed that his ancestors were high powered German-Jewish bankers on the maternal side and Scottish opium banksters on the paternal side. His feigned ignorance is particularly ludicrous given that, in the U.K.’s highly structured caste system, one’s passport into high society “clubs” requires papers of pedigree similar to those of champion-line horses and dogs.

Cameron’s great-great grandfather Emile Levita obtained British citizenship in 1871. He was the director of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, which became Standard Chartered Bank. The family hailed from the Rothschild Frankfurt and environ cesspool, namely Mainz, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, and a generation earlier from Bad Orb, Hessen, Germany.

See Winter Watch’s Posts on the Rothschilds

Enid Levita (right), daughter of Arthur Levita and paternal grandmother of David Cameron, wearing the uniform of Sussex County Guides, c. 1930

However, it was Cameron’s great grandfather Arthur Levita (1865-1910) that deserves special attention.

L.G. Pine, editor of Burke’s Peerage, wrote that Arthur was a prime example of Jewish intermarriage with aristocracy. “The Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss, which is not mutual.”

Arthur married Stephanie Cooper, who was described by one source as “a cousin of the royal family.”

Incredibly, not one but two of Cameron’s great grandfathers were involved in City of London war finance and are mentioned prominently alongside both the London and Paris Houses of Rothschild and Jacob Shiff.

His Scottish great grandfather Sir Ewen Cameron (1841- 1908) was top of the heap in the City of London bankster scene, serving as chairman of Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) in London. HSBC then and now has been a central kingpin of drug money laundering.

US, International Banksters Receive Mere Wrist Slaps for Laundering Narcos’ Drug Money

He also played a key role in arranging loans from the Rothschild family to the Empire of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War.

In 1904, Japan’s Takahashi Korekiyo — who served as governor of the central bank, prime minister and seven times as finance minister — rolled into London. His goal was to drum up financing for a war with Russia (Feb. 8, 1904 – Sept. 5, 1905). The details of the movers and shakers of this war profiteering come courtesy of the Rothschild Archives. 

Big-Loan Capitalism at Work

Takahashi had gotten wind that German-Jew Jacob Shiff of Kuhn, Loeb was interested bankrolling the war with a consortium of Parr’s Bank and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. Schiff’s motivation for agreeing to underwrite half of Japan’s war bonds was a desire to help Russian Jews.

According to the archives, during 1904, great-great grandpa Ewen Cameron and other leading London Anglo-Jewish financiers — including Lord Revelstoke of Baring Bros., a second David Cameron great-grandpa; Arthur Francis Levita and W. M. Koch of Panmure Gordon; Sir Marcus Samuel (later Viscount Bearsted) of Samuel Samuel & Co and Royal Dutch Shell; Sir Carl Meyer and Otto Kahn — took part in the negotiations with Takahashi Korekiyo for the selling of war bonds to finance the Japanese war effort during the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War.

On April 12, 1904, Takahashi recorded in his English-language diary: “Mr. Shand came to see me afternoon on my request and we talked about the form of treasury bill and of the means of making good feelings of Cameron and Rothschild.” And on April 13, he wrote, “Met with both Rothschilds (Nathaniel and Alfred) at their office.”

Takahashi wrote that he had met with a man named H.R. Beeton, who recommended that he enlist the help of Sir Ernest Cassel, banker to the king and along with Lords Revelstoke and Rothschild, one of the three most prominent financiers in London. Takahashi reported Beeton as saying, “Jews are the first-rate financiers. And Cassel is most influential in London. He can invite Rothschild as well as Morgan and so on. Bring out big loan so as to make Anglo-American concern.”

During the war with Russia from 1904 to 1905, £82 million of Japanese war bonds — almost half the cost of the war — was raised by these men and their banks. In London, after the war, from 1905 to 1907, Takahashi negotiated in Europe the issuance of £48 million more in bonds, largely through the London and Paris Rothschilds.

In September, Takahashi traveled to Paris to talk with French financiers and government officials. While there, Takahashi, with a letter of introduction from Lord Rothschild and Alfred, visited their Paris cousins, who agreed to participate in a Japanese bond issuance to allow them to reorganize their war-time debts, if the London branch of the family also took part. Here, great-grandpa Arthur Levita is mentioned as playing a key role of intervening and persuading the Rothschild houses to participate.

Extract from the visitors’ book for Alfred de Rothschild’s Halton House, dated July 16, 1905: “Takahashi was accompanied by his son; other guests were Arthur Levita and his wife, the family of Alfred Cooper, art dealer Charles Davis and N.M. Rothschild & Sons employee Jules Ayer.”

Farewell dinner for Takahashi at Savoy Hotel. Ewen Cameron (second from left) in attendance with Lord Rothschild and other bankers.

Image result for david cameron panama papersModern-Day Banksterism

Panama Papers disclosures revealed “the prime minister has been fending off questions about his finances. Analysis shows his wealth is derived from a network of inherited wealth and family companies.”

See “David Cameron Admits He Profited from Father’s Offshore Fund

See “Banks Must Declare Links to Panama Papers Law Firm Mossack Fonseca

David Cameron’s grandfather Ewen Donald Cameron (1906-1958) was a City of London figure who became a director at the stock brokerage house Panmure Gordon. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all senior partners in the company. AIan Cameron followed in the footsteps of his father and became a director at Panmure Gordon in 1957. The company’s documents reportedly boasted that he represented a 70-year connection between the firm and the Cameron family.

Also of note is the family tree of David Cameron’s wife, Samantha Gwendoline Sheffield. It includes Pamela Harriman, the first wife of Winston Churchill’s son Randolph; Conservative member of Parliament Sir Berkeley Sheffield; and Sir Bede Edmund Hugh Clifford, Governor of the Bahamas, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago, who was a descendant of Charles II.

Winter Watch Takeaway: How could anybody dare to think David Cameron is a made man straight out of the Rothschild cesspool?

Attention expert genealogists and historians! 

The ties and bloodlines of the Rothschild-connected bankers and other agents– such as Karl MarxAugust Belmont, John Jacob Astor, Henry Kissinger,  Madeleine Albright and Frederick Lindemann, for example — need to be more deeply researched. Winter Watch’s theory is that there are Crime Syndicate family links of made-men to this hornet’s nest. It needs to be sincerely examined and either confirmed or refuted by honest and neutral researchers as opposed to the prevailing network of hacks. This is long long overdue.

Sabattean-Frankist families the Rothschilds utilized were intermarried and typically inbred, but the research should mostly be on the 18th and 19th centuries. Changes in names and religious affiliations, and incorporation with Freemason gentiles, has obfuscated history. It would require a well-versed historian/genealogist to do justice. Winter Watch provides a number of names that offer a good start (such at the one’s linked above).

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World

UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War

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