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Mark Steyn and Dr. Naomi Wolf have Become Targets of Ofcom Censorship

Like a wounded animal, Big Pharma’s United Kingdom media apparatus has lashed out against Dr. Naomi Wolf, an American journalist, for telling the truth.  This is the slow, painful death of journalistic ethics. “This censorship harms the British public and especially British women and children,” Dr. Wolf said.

Dr. Wolf is a best-selling author, journalist and CEO of the Daily Clout.  On 4 October, Dr. Wolf appeared on GB News channel’s ‘The Mark Steyn Show’ to report on verified harms to human reproduction found within the Pfizer trial documents released by court order. Harms that were hidden from the American people and the global public. These were harms that the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) were aware of.

Dr. Wolf appeared on GB News’s Mark Steyn Show to speak about the findings that her expert team of 3,500 War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers had found within Pfizer’s own Clinical Trial documents. This team of experts includes physicians, registered nurses, biostatisticians, lab clinicians and research scientists who have been researching the Pfizer documents that were forcibly released by court order earlier this year. Those findings include damage done by the vaccines to organs throughout the body, with an emphasis on disruptions to the reproductive systems in both men and women

GB News: Dr Naomi Wolf says she was ‘denounced’ after linking women’s health problems with Covid jab in 2020,
4 October 2022 (8 mins)

Steyn’s ratings went through the roof, so it was no surprise to observers on social media that the United Kingdom’s broadcasting regulator Office of Communications (“Ofcom”) filed an investigation into ‘The Mark Steyn Show’ regarding Dr. Wolf’s appearance.

“We consider that comments made during an interview with author and journalist Dr Naomi Wolf about the coronavirus vaccine rollout raise potential issues under our Broadcasting Code.  Specifically, our investigation will consider whether this programme broke our rules designed to protect viewers from harmful material.” Ofcom stated.

But as the Daily Clout noted, it is corporate media, that follow Ofcom rules, that are harming people.

Media watchdogs such as Ofcom claim to exist in order to protect the viewers. Dr. Wolf has accurately reported on menstrual harms, elevated rates of stillbirths, and miscarriages all over the world, with governments such as Scotland opening investigations into high spikes of babies who were born dead in the past year.

If Ofcom and The Guardian are so intent on an “investigation” into Mark Steyn, Dr. Naomi Wolf, and her claims, then we should call on them to do just that, and investigate thoroughly, every one of Dr. Wolf and the War Room/Daily Clout team’s 40 reports about the horrors that the mass vaccination program has unleashed on humanity. These are reports that come directly from the Pfizer documents that were released under a court order earlier this year. Let them investigate those with a fine-tooth comb, and then do what they’re actually tasked with, and that’s journalism, and protecting journalism. Citizens don’t need to be protected from journalism; journalism needs to be fiercely protected by the people.

This is an outrage.

Ofcom, a UK Media Watchdog, Opens an “Investigation” into GB News Segment Featuring Dr. Naomi Wolf, Daily Clout, 12 October 2022

Dr. Wolf spoke about the overreach and suppression of facts surrounding harms caused by the Covid injections on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Bannon’s War Room: Dr. Naomi Wolf, Government Overreach Has Hit New Highs, 12 October 2022 (10 mins)

Britons React to Ofcom’s Investigation

Below are a few responses to Ofcom’s tweet announcing their investigation.

Davey Boy tweeted: How do we raise a complaint about this misinformation? [See tweet below.]

June Slater Tweeted: Mart Steyn is sharing Information the other channels should. Try investigating the liars that told us to get vaccinated to stop transmission. EU inquiry proves it was never tested for transmission before being unleashed on the public. Do your job…

MaggieTat tweeted: Mark’s a real journalist, so he’s a bit of an outlier in broadcast media. He makes the pseudo-journalists uncomfortable because we can see they’re not doing their job.

Simon Miln tweeted: Take note – @MarkSteynOnline is on the right side of history, you may not be, depending on what you do now.

Leilani Dowding tweeted: The complaints should be against the liars who said they were “safe and effective”

Kathy Parr tweeted: Ofcom should be investigating Dr Sara Kayat – she’s the one who spread misleading and harmful information on “This Morning” – aka utter lies. [See article in The SunThis Morning hit by Ofcom complaints after Dr Sara claims Covid vaccine is ‘100% effective’ against death.]

Sir Kryten of nodnoL tweeted: Did you investigate this? [See tweet below.] Or are you deliberately trying to cover up vaccine adverse reactions and deaths?

Further resources:

Dr. Wolf’s claims made on ‘The Mark Steyn Show’ are based on the work of the War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project. Their forty-plus reports cite the internal Pfizer clinical trial documents, in the custody of the FDA, as well as the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) and other peer-reviewed studies.

Millions of women have had their menstrual health harmed by the vaccines:

Literally sterilising people:

Poisoning breast milk:

Harms To Leydig, Sertoli, and germ cells:

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