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Mike Stone- Whites are Programmed to Accept Displacement

HenryMakow.com – Oct 6, 2022

The use of the word “channel” as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally “channeling” unseen energy and influence into your life.

The bottom line is White men are being programmed to accept their replacement. To accept it, to see it as inevitable, and to acquiesce in their new position at the bottom of the totem pole. Sadly enough, it’s working.

by Mike Stone – (henrymakow.com)

Every time you watch a movie, television show, or streaming service your mind is being manipulated and molded by an unseen hand.

You are being systematically and scientifically brainwashed.

Nobody wants to hear that and almost everyone denies it.

Are you familiar with the term “channeling”?

It’s a word used by mystics and psychics.

To “channel” means to attract and draw in spirits and entities from another world or another dimension. A person who is channeling a spirit voluntarily allows that non-human form access their body and their mind. Does that sound like a healthy practice to you?

Now what happens when you turn on the television? You turn the knob or press the remote to a specific “channel.” You then invite whatever is on that channel into your home and into your mind. The use of the word “channel” as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally “channeling” unseen energy and influence into your life.

Are you familiar with the term “programming”?

When you are programmed by a hypnotist you are no longer in control of your own mind.

Now what happens when you watch television? You tune in to a specific “channel” and watch a specific “program.” You then allow yourself, whether you realize it or not, to be influenced by whatever you are watching. The use of the word “program” as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally being “programmed” with propaganda every second you watch.



Continues …


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