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United we stand

In theory at least,  £5 is exactly 5 lbs of sterling silver in weight.

In 1815 when paper money was first introduced, £5 was worth 5 lbs of sterling. Now in 2022,  5 lbs of silver costs £1500.

That’s 16 oz per lb x 5 = 80 ounces.  Today’s price about £18.25 per ounce of fine 999/1000 silver.  Sterling is over 925/1000.

Furthermore, 16 ounces of silver in 1815 was worth 1 oz of pure gold.

Today’s gold price makes £5 then cost £7500 now.  Inflation over 200 years is 1500 X.

We should allow people to buy precious metals tax free – no VAT and no CGT.

Then they could protect themselves from banker’s fake promises, government printing presses and inflation.

Support The Teds.  The English Democrats.  Stand together not apart.

You don’t need high interest rates to create honest money – just honest money in the first place.

Take possession of all precious metal, not vouchers like paper money.  Look what happened to that.

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6 Responses to “United we stand”

  1. newensign says:

    This shows precisely what they have cheated us out of down through the years Tap, so well done in working it out. This is the amount that needs to be liquidated from their estates and redistributed, to people and small businesses who are not part of the banking cartel and ITC though it won’t be an easy job. It was worked out that a Roman fine suit cost about the same as a high quality suit today in quantity of gold to pay for it!

  2. Sabremesh says:

    Worth pointing out, I think, that for people in the UK, all Royal Mint bullion coins which have a nominal/face value (eg sovereigns or Britannias etc) are legal tender and are NOT subject to CGT!

    This exemption only applies to UK legal tender coins (so not Krugerrands, Maples, Eagles etc).

    Gold coins are also not subject to VAT, so you can buy/sell any quantity of say, sovereigns, and not be liable to any tax on them in your lifetime.

    All silver coins, however, are subject to VAT in the UK, which makes them less attractive as an investment.

  3. Tapestry says:

    It should be said that if you buy gold, the vendor has to keep a record of what you hold. Silver is anonymous. Silver attracts VAT and CGT. Gold coins that are free of VAT and CGT (UK minted only) have a higher price so what’s the difference? Silver was still in coinage (minted pre-1947) and in people’s purses until 1973 when pre-1947 coins were removed. Since then all coinage in circulation has effectively had no intrinsic value at all. The placing of VAT and charging of CGT on silver is the way we are stopped from using silver as money. These taxes should be removed, or we are going to lose another 1000 X the value of our savings in the next few years as hyperinflation bites and wipes us all out. Gold will be confiscated from all holders as it was in the 1930s, and you will only be able to buy it with a licence. Mrs Thatcher removed the gold licence in about 1977/8. Gold will always be subjected to control but silver should be free and useable as money as it was for thousands of years until it became taxable, and mostly replaced with paper money which inflates. Digital will no doubt inflate much faster still. As I know of there is no political organisation which is proposing the removal of CGT and VAT on silver other than the Teds. Silver fluctuates in price a lot more than gold and if you buy at the right part of the wave, the 20% VAT becomes pretty academic pretty quickly. You could have bought silver at £12 an ounce four years ago and it is now more like £19. Silver is more heavily suppressed than gold in price and could see far higher rises. Robert Kiyasoki sees $100 as coming soon and $500 within ten years. Dollar price about $20 now. That’s also a measure of how far paper/digital money will collapse.

    • Sabremesh says:

      So yes, this is a bit of a minefied.

      Old UK silver coinage which is no longer legal tender may be liable to VAT (unless you buy it from an individual or dealer who is not VAT registered). Its value will be determined by the weight/scrap value of the silver, unless the coin is a numismatic rarity.

      However, current silver coins from the Royal Mint, like silver Britannias are legal tender. They are liable to VAT (although see work-around above). However, they are definitely CGT EXEMPT, like all legal tender coins.

      Of course, nobody would use a Britannia to pay a debt, because its face value (£2) is a fraction of its market value (c. £30). However, this legal tender CGT-exemption loophole is still a gift for anyone in the UK who wants to invest in silver or gold, and not pay tax on the profits.

      • Tapestry says:

        One problem, Sabremesh. There aren’t any available. Please let’s stick to the script. We need to get rid of VAT and CGT on all sterling purchases. This is real money that can save people from the nightmare of inflation yet access is denied.

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