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3 Responses to “I’m having a tidy up. Guinea Fowl feathers wrapped in a page of the Manchester Evening Post from 1863”

  1. newensign says:

    Interesting Ian, I scanned it to make it more readable to put in my archives : See below:


    President Lincoln has been reviewing the “army of the Potomac” with all the pomp of a continental sovereign.

    A correspondent of the New York World, writing on the 7th inst. says “Yesterday commenced the grand series of reviews which are to be given to the President as commander in chief of the armies of the United States. On the day previous His Excellency arrived, and took possession of the tents which had been erected, floored, and furnished with every necessity for comfort; and the first 24 hours passed with no other accident than the failure of the carpenter entrusted with the business to make the bedstead for the President so long within six inches of what it should have been. The party accompanying the President consisted of Attorney General Bates, Mrs. Lincoln, and the little son Thomas, probably about eight years of age. At ten o’clock yesterday the officers at head-quarters assembled and paid their respects to the President. An hour later the whole company were mounted in readiness to proceed towards the ground where the first of the reviews was to be made of the cavalry corps in command of General Stoneman. First led off, from the general head-quarters, the President, as commander in chief of the army. General Hooker was near at hand and then followed, in their finest uniforms and newest shoulder straps, a host of officers, wearing every variety of insignia, from a bar to a star, and even a few double stars were to be seen. But among the first of the party was little Tom, son of Abraham, who had created about head-quarters a great many admirers, and whose presence and conversation occasioned no small sensation. Tommy rode a horse with the rest, and was attended by his own peculiar orderly. All were anxious to show with what charms they could captivate youthful innocence; but Tommy could not be fooled. He was old enough to know whose……

  2. Weaver says:

    Wonderful article thank you for sharing.

    • ian says:

      Slightly away from the norm Weaver, but interesting i think.

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