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  1. ian says:

    Yes indeed David. Teaching 5 and 6 year olds the finer points of sex for sex’s sake. No mention of love, or relationships, just get in there. Abortion hotline numbers, shown.

    My good lady is currently binge watching Game of thrones, and whiles’t I’m reading my new no dig gardening book. By this Guy.

    A flash of a naked lady quickly distracts me. One guy was getting to pick a new wife out of about ten young girls. I thought, imagine how shite it would be to marry someone you didn’t know. Oh no doubt it would be a turn on at first, someone new, but that passes.

    I bet the ladies are thinking, I’d rather marry the GOT guy than some old arsehole who sits and reads gardening books. Sadly I think all the women in the world would.

    Possibly I should read those school books.

    • David 2 says:

      Hi Ian,

      Keep the faith, there will be a great awakening. Attacking the children will be their downfall.

      A while back my cardiologist wanted me to do a stress test. I said ‘why I am already married!’

      Einstein probably summed it up best – “A man marries a woman hoping she will never change and a woman marries a man hoping he will change. Both are disappointed.”

      On the question of reading material and marriage. Planting cabbages is hardly a sexy conversation. Maybe you need to do something fresh and spontaneous!

      I have four daughters and arranged the marriage for one of them. It has turned out extremely well. Mind you they did spend time getting to know one another, so it was not as cold or calculated as it might seem.

      • ian says:

        Quote, ” Planting cabbages is hardly a sexy conversation. Maybe you need to do something fresh and spontaneous!”
        I once planted cauliflowers I’ll have you know. The call me mr spontaneity in brassica circles. I’ve had many an organism amongs my cabbages.

      • ian says:

        Cabbage root fly for example.

  2. David 2 says:

    Hi Ian,

    I am beginning to sympathize with you.

    My own preference would be Brussel sprouts or broad beans.They have much more sex appeal with a light jus over them!

    Keep the faith and keep digging!


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