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Medvedev issues apocalyptic warning to West over Ukraine

13 Sep, 2022 19:42

The former Russian president used a Book of Revelation quote to comment on “Kiev Security Treaty” demands

Medvedev issues apocalyptic warning to West over Ukraine



Western “half-wits” from “stupid think tanks” are leading their countries down the road of nuclear armageddon with their hybrid war against Moscow, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel on Tuesday. Endlessly funneling weapons and support to Ukraine while pretending not to be directly involved in the conflict will not work, added the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council.

The “security guarantees” proposal unveiled by Kiev on Tuesday was “really a prologue to the Third World War,” saidMedvedev, calling it a “hysterical appeal”to Western countries engaged in a proxy war against Russia.

If the West continues its “unrestrained pumping of the Kiev regime with the most dangerous types of weapons,”Russia’s military campaign will move to the next level, where “visible boundaries and potential predictability of actions by the parties to the conflict” will be erased and the conflict will take on a life of its own, as wars always do, Medvedev argued.


Ukraine publishes security guarantee proposal

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Ukraine publishes security guarantee proposal

“And then the Western nations will not be able to sit in their clean homes, laughing at how they carefully weaken Russia by proxy. Everything will be on fire around them. Their people will harvest their grief in full. The land will be on fire and the concrete will melt,” Medvedev wrote, before citing a Bible verse from Revelations 9:18.

“Yet still the narrow-minded politicians and their stupid think tanks, thoughtfully twirling a glass of wine in their hands, talk about how they can deal with us without entering into a direct war. Dull idiots with a classical education,” Medvedev wrote.

His comments were prompted by Kiev’s publication of a “security treaty” proposal, developed under the tutelage of former NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The draft envisions the US and its allies guaranteeing Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders with weapons, ammunition, financial assistance and training, as well as committing to maintain sanctions against Russia for as long as Kiev wants, and handing over any confiscated Russian property to Ukraine. 

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6 Responses to “Medvedev issues apocalyptic warning to West over Ukraine”

  1. sovereigntea says:

    Note how the evil warmongers will not be affected by rising prices while we all go broke for the USA.

    Note how they take the piss from their safe warm ivory towers miles from the front.

    Borrell compares anti-Russia sanctions to ‘diet’ for you lot.
    EU top parasite Ursula von der Leyen

    “I stand here with a conviction that with the necessary courage and with necessary solidarity Putin will fail and Ukraine and Europe will prevail,” she said to great applause. “Europe’s solidarity with Ukraine will remain unshakable.”

    She also praised the EU for its response to the Russian military operation, which has included military and humanitarian support for Ukraine, as well as the “toughest sanctions the world has ever seen.”

    However, von der Leyen acknowledged that achieving victory against Russia would require serious sacrifices from European citizens. “The moments ahead of us will not be easy – be it for the families who are struggling to make ends meet, or businesses who are facing tough choices concerning their future.”

    For example EU top parasite Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission is entitled to a ‘basic salary’ of 138% of the top civil service grade. If a Director-General of a DG with a grade 16 step 3 is getting 20,768.57 EUR per month, then Ursula von der Leyen’s salary is approximately 28,661 EUR.


    Clearly Ursula will not be feeling the pinch or sitting in the cold.

    Lets hope that if matters escalate Putin has a missile with her name on it at least then taxpayers wont be funding her bloated tax free pension.

  2. sovereigntea says:

    Israel announced that it had received carte blanche from the United States for strikes against Iran.

    According to Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, the Israeli side received from the United States the right to complete freedom of action against Iran. In fact, we are talking about the announcement of direct hostilities against Iran, and, which is very remarkable, Israel will almost certainly be ready to start hostilities against the Islamic Republic if Tehran escalates against Azerbaijan, which is one of the few allies of Israel, since the Guard Corps Islamic revolution has already been seen for the transfer of military equipment towards the border with Azerbaijan.


  3. danceaway says:


    Home » News » Rogov: the accumulation of forces and equipment of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye region is colossal, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting reconnaissance in force

    • sovereigntea says:

      Wallace & Truss have a lot to answer for if this is accurate.

      “All coordination on the Zaporizhzhya line of contact is carried out by the British and, to a lesser extent, by the Americans. In fact, NATO soldiers in the form of Anglo-Saxons are now fighting with us in the region, but through the hands of our former fellow citizens, who were convinced that they were not Russian at all., – said a member of the main council of the administration of the Zaporozhye region Vladimir Rogov

      There are also many flights like this one in the image making us a target should matters escalate.

  4. Aldous says:

    The euro superbitch won’t get out of this world alive sovereigntea. No one ever does. God and Nature are champions and always stay ahead. They got hubby Phil the Greek last year and now they’ve got the star prize. It’s nothing personal, just business as usual but with attitude.

  5. sovereigntea says:

    Truss would probably go along with this. She needs to be stopped.


    NATO’s central role in drafting the plan

    The Ukrainian director of Zelensky’s Office Andrey Yermak clarified that the draft on security guarantees guarantees Ukraine’s security until it becomes a member of NATO, and is a first step towards the country’s NATO membership.

    “Security guarantees are not an alternative to Ukraine’s policy of becoming a 100% NATO member. Euro-Atlantic integration exists in our Constitution and will undoubtedly exist as long as Ukraine is not a member of NATO,” he added.

    Former NATO Secretary General and Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Fog Rassmunsen pointed out for his part that Ukraine’s victory in this war is an immediate priority.

    “Right now the Ukrainians are showing on the front line that with the necessary resources, they can defeat Russia on the battlefield.

    Ukrainians are showing their will to fight and the democratic world must continue to provide them with the means for their fight.

    When this war is over, we must guarantee that Russia will never be able to invade Ukraine again.

    The best way to do this is for Ukraine to have a significant military force, capable of countering any future Russian attack, ” Rassmunsen said, adding that “ creating and maintaining such a force requires the commitment of Ukraine’s allies to period of decades”.

    Rassmunsen also said that the text of security guarantees for Ukraine and thus the future Kyiv Security Treaty includes two innovations:

    First, the guarantors undertake to provide Ukraine with everything necessary, weapons, training, intelligence, military industry to defend its borders.

    Secondly, the guarantees are not based on the UN Security Council, of which Russia is a member, but solely on the judgment of the guarantors.

    Finally, according to Rassmunsen, the security guarantees and the security treaty they will lead to include a detailed mechanism for its implementation, with sanctions against Russia forming part of this treaty.


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