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Michael Hoffman – Queen Elizabeth and Britain’s Elite Child Molestation Ring

Michael Hoffman – Queen Elizabeth and Britain’s Elite Child Molestation Ring

September 9, 2022

saville-chuck.jpg(left, the King and his pimp)
Jimmy Savile (1926-2011) was a Satanist. The Queen of England awarded him the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1971 and subsequently conferred a knighthood upon him…. Savile supplied children to elite members of British society for their sexual satisfaction.
by Michael Hoffman
Knighted by Queen Elizabeth and protected by her top police officers, and co-conspirators Prince Charles and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, for years Sir Jimmy Savile (1926-2011) headed a vast VIP child molestation network among Britain’s ruling class. He was never arrested or prosecuted. He died an honored multi-millionaire.

What did Queen Elizabeth know about her son Charles’ close friendship with Sir Jimmy Savile, the organizer of a huge child molestation ring servicing the aristocracy and elite of Britain? Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the queen’s MI5 and MI6 secret police were in on it. But Her Majesty was not?

The following information is excerpted from:
Twilight Language ©2021 by Michael Hoffman, pp. 310-314

sav-queen.jpgSir Jimmy Savile wearing the ribbon and medal conferred upon him by Queen Elizabeth
Jimmy Savile (1926-2011) was a Satanist. The Queen of England awarded him the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1971 and subsequently conferred a knighthood upon him…. Savile supplied children to elite members of British society for their sexual satisfaction.

In 1984 Savile was accepted as a member of the Athenaeum, a high society gentlemen’s club in London’s elite Pall Mall district, after being proposed by Church of Rome Cardinal Basil Hume.
Another clerical member of Savile’s pederast ring was the Anglican Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt. Rev. Peter Bell, who had deep connections to the royal family, including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles.   Sir James Savile met Prince Charles through “mutual charity interests.”
The prince reportedly conveyed to Savile gifts on his 80th birthday, along with an enigmatic note reading: “Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country, Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that.”

sav-marg.jpgSavile was also a close friend of the “upright conservative” British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
“Correspondence showing the depth of the friendship between Sir Jimmy Savile and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is unveiled today in a secret Downing Street file that has been heavily redacted by civil servants following revelations about sexual abuse by the late entertainer. The 21-page dossier released under the 30-year rule by the National Archives shows Savile’s extraordinary access to the highest echelons of British society.”
“Thatcher and Savile met quite often…Some papers and sections of the government file on Thatcher’s relations with Savile remain withheld from public scrutiny for another 10 years.”
Prime Minister Thatcher is suspected of having concealed a child-rape ring operating among high officials of the British government.

In 2017, Nico Hines, London editor of the “Daily Beast” blog (thedailybeast.com), reported as follows:

Don Hale, “…a newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government….Leon Brittan, Margaret Thatcher’s Home Secretary, was fully aware of a pedophile network that included top politicians…the following morning, police officers from the counter-terror and intelligence unit known as Special Branch burst into the newspaper office, seized the material and threatened to have Hale arrested if he ever reported what had been found…

britain.jpg“Brittan, a Jew, and a protégé of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, had been promoted to Home Secretary at the age of 43, making him (among) the youngest person(s) to preside over Britain’s domestic law enforcement and national security apparatus…

“…allegations included in the Home Office papers that about 16 Members of Parliament and members of the House of Lords, and 30 high-profile figures from the Church of England, private schools, and big business, were members of, and advocates for, the ‘Paedophile Information Exchange.’ The shadowy group, which operated partly in the open, campaigned for the age of consent to be abolished and incest to be legalized.

“…There is growing evidence that MI5 and MI6, Britain’s security services, repeatedly blocked investigations…The longtime deputy director of MI6, and former High Commissioner in Canada, Peter Hayman, was himself allegedly a pedophile, and was ultimately named as such in parliament by Geoffrey Dickens. Hayman had been caught with explicit material in 1978 but no charge was brought.

“Secret files discovered at the National Archives this year revealed that the attorney general at the time believed it wasn’t in the public interest for Hayman to be prosecuted. Prime Minister Thatcher ordered his depravity to be concealed from the public. Thatcher must also have known about the allegations against her Home Secretary, Leon Brittan…Another of her most trusted lieutenants, Sir Peter Morrison, had also abused underage boys. She appointed Morrison to run her 1990 re-election campaign, regardless.”

To acquire this book: www.revisionisthistory.org/page7/page7.html

Copyright ©2021 by Michael Hoffman

Reply to: michael_hoffman14@mac.com

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