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Peace. Harmony. Prosperity. But no Law, Church or House Of Lords.


The new incoming King of England has taken on the worst traits and dispositions of oligarchism and probably won’t willfully make any positive changes.

“London Bridge is Down” were the code words delivered by the Queen’s Private Secretary Edward Young to high ranking officials upon the death of Queen Elisabeth II.

This code was selected as part of a larger protocol dubbed strangely enough “operation Unicorn” for reasons beyond the wildest imagination of this author and which sets into motion a set of actions culminating in the anointing of Prince Charles as the new King of Britain and the Commonwealth.

For Canadians who had thought they would no longer be forced to endure watching their Prime Minister slavishly declare his oaths of fealty (and oaths of secrecy) to an inbred monarch sitting on the other side of the ocean as had occurred in 2017 they will be very disappointed. Canada’s Parliamentary Oaths Act of 1866 demands that both houses of Parliament are required to take pledges of allegiance after the deaths of all sitting monarchs. That’s right, every single member of the supposedly “elected and democratic” government of Canada must declare their oaths of fealty not to the people or non-existent constitution, but to some inbred family bloodline on the other side of the world.

Similar oaths will be read by elected officials across every other Commonwealth Five Eyes member state.

It is thus worth asking, is this institution of hereditary powers which Charles has inherited just a ceremonial gig with no real substance or influence behind it?

Although the majority of citizens including British subjects believe this to be the case, the facts point to a very different reality. And while I addressed this matter herehere and here, a few additional remarks must be added to this important matter below.

Prince Charles Just Became the World’s Largest Property Owner

This may surprise you, but the British Crown happens to be the world’s largest property owner clocking in possessions amounting to 6.6 billion acres across Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Canada, Great Britain and the Falkland Islands.

On top of the “Crown Lands” and “Crown Corporations” which are legally owned by the monarch of Britain, an organization called ‘The Crown Estate’ is one of the world’s largest property groups. Describing the institution which sends 25% of its earnings directly into the Monarch’s purse every year, Die Welt Business had this to say:

“The Crown Estate owns property all across the UK, from castles and cottages to agricultural land and forests plus retail parks and shopping centers. It owns more than half the UK’s entire seashore, giving it hugely valuable auction rights for offshore commercial activity, such as wind farms.”

The Crown controls nearly the entire seabed (and half the seashore) around the UK with any business wishing to build offshore windmills as part of the Green New Deal forced to rent their sea beds from the Crown Estate. It was noted by Byline Times that the Crown will stand to become “the biggest beneficiary of UK’s Green Agenda” which recently unveiled a 10 point plan for a “green revolution” and full decarbonization by 2050. For anyone confused about the exploding prices of inefficient energy sources across England, they wouldn’t get far without appreciating the tax-payer subsidized boondoggle of windmill farms.

Prince Charles himself has demonstrated that he certainly doesn’t see the Crown as a symbolic entity and was accused of “incontinent lobbying” in 2013 when dozens of personal letters (dubbed the “Black Spider Memos”) to MPs and the Prime Minister were made public after an intense legal fight to keep them secret. Charles’ official biographer Jonathan Dimbleby even wrote in 2013 that upon Charles’ succession to the Crown that things would become much more hands on, and “that a quiet constitutional revolution is afoot.”

Prince Charles and the Great Reset

Charles demonstrated this “more hands on” approach to governance on June 3, 2020 when he became the official patron of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and even officially launched the project Tweeting out #TheGreatReset. 

On his official website, the Prince launched the project saying “Today, through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, The Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset”.

Some of the Prince’s remarks delivered at the June 3, 2020 Great Reset address to Davos can be heard here:

Eco Warrior King of a New Crusade

Charles has demonstrated the sort of enthusiasm for decarbonization of the world which one tends to only find in a religious fanatic setting himself up as the eco-warrior of monarchs, a Crusader King of a new religion, except instead of Muslims in the Holy Land, our new Davos-connected eco-crusaders have targeted carbon dioxide and the industrial civilization, farming and useless eaters who cause it, to be the poisonous threat that must be destroyed. Charles appears to see himself walking in the footsteps of his WWF-founding father (who famously wished to be reincarnated as a virus to solve overpopulation) as the new leading spokesman for a total transformation of society under a WEF-green governance priesthood.

July 2022 edition of Australia’s Spectator aptly characterized the Prince’s misanthropic activism in the following terms:

“The environmentalism that the Prince has decided to occupy himself with while he awaits to ascend the throne is not a harmless sort of apolitical tree-planting or rainforest-saving activity. He’s not hugging pandas or funding wildlife sanctuaries. Instead, he has engaged himself in a hybrid business and political uprising that threatens the survival of the political system which he is meant to oversee. In addition to being a betrayal of the ordinary citizen, his actions represent a failure to his sole duty as future king – to protect the constitutional monarchy from rising climate fascism and globalism.”

Of course, it would be silly to believe that Charles were his own man, while ignoring the armada of handlers, courtiers and deeper Byzantine grand strategists who revolve around the Crown as an institution sometimes dubbed “the Fount of All Honors”. The Fount of All Honors is an official term which denotes the legal idea that all authority for the public and private affairs emanates from the single source of the Crown and its unbroken bloodline.

Continuity is everything for empire, and the importance of maintaining institutions that transcend individual lifetimes has always been a point of high concern.

In a post-1776 world that began to get a taste for self-government, freedom and democracy as a new mode of self-organization, the “stability” of hereditary institutions came under grave threat. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the past 250 years has been shaped by the clash of these two opposing paradigms of organizing society. Where one paradigm assumes as self-evident the existence of inalienable rights of all people, the other system presumes that the only inalienable rights are those held by an oligarchical master class who wish to rule over subjects (aka: useless eaters) whose population levels must be periodically culled for easier management.

The supposition that rights cannot be granted or withheld by a superior bloodline is truly anathema to any system of oligarchism even if it masquerades behind the costume of a species of democracy designed to placate plebs but not allow them or their representatives the means of influencing anything truly meaningful about their reality.

It is evident that the new incoming King of England has taken on the worst traits and dispositions of oligarchism and probably won’t willfully make any positive changes (or learn any useful real world skills) without being pulled by the scruff of the neck.

Perhaps British citizens who have been fed generations of royal propaganda will finally get sick of their new green warrior king before mass famines and death-by freezing sweep across the Commonwealth and decide to catch up with the 21st century and become a real nation.

In his declaration, Charles continued: “In taking up these responsibilities, I shall strive to follow the inspiring example I have been set in upholding constitutional government and to seek the peace, harmony and prosperity of the peoples of these islands, and of the Commonwealth realms and territories throughout the world.

“In this purpose, I know that I shall be upheld by the affection and loyalty of the peoples whose Sovereign I have been called upon to be, and that in the discharge of these duties I will be guided by the counsel of their elected parliaments.”

Continuing the declaration, the King said: “In all this, I am profoundly encouraged by the constant support of my beloved wife.

“I take this opportunity to confirm my willingness and intention to continue the tradition of surrendering the hereditary revenues, including the Crown Estate, to my Government for the benefit of all, in return for the Sovereign Grant, which supports my official duties as Head of State and Head of Nation.

“And in carrying out the heavy task that has been laid upon me, and to which I now dedicate what remains to me of my life, I pray for the guidance and help of Almighty God.”

The King has approved an order that the day of the Queen’s funeral will be a bank holiday.

Lord President of the Council Penny Mordaunt said: “Drafts of two proclamations. One – appointing the day of Her late Majesty’s state funeral as a bank holiday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“Two – appointing the day of Her late Majesty’s state funeral as a bank holiday in Scotland.

“And of two orders in council, directing the Lord Chancellor to affix the great seal to the proclamations.”

Charles answered: “Approved.”

TAP – No mention of the law, or the church.  Just a willingness to be ‘guided by the counsel of elected parliaments’ – does he mean by that, the laws, or just the debates?  The House Of Lords has gone. It sounds like a pretty free hand to me.  It’s just God and Charles.  Not much else is in the loop.  The laws passed by Parliaments do not apply, except as guidance.  The church is nowhere.  Who is the Almighty God that is again ‘guiding’ and ‘helping’ him?  I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

In any case, it seems that constitutional monarchy is no more.

He is promising to uphold himself as the government without any check, institutional limitation,  or the Rule Of Law, bar taking guidance.

This is the biggest constitutional change ever made.  Rule Of Law gone.  House Of Lords gone.  Parliament only advisory.

‘Sovereign’ has been redefined from ‘The King In Parliament’ to ‘The King’.  Five hundred years of history has been rewritten.  You’re on your own, Chuck.

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