Bentley squares up to Lancaster
Tue 6:23 am +01:00, 23 Aug 2022 4Now, this back-stabbing motherfucker has written an official complaint to the DPR Press Center to have Graham Phillips and me stripped of our press accreditation, because our “criticism of him had made it ‘almost impossible for him to work in Donbass, people had refused to give him interviews, laughed at him, were not taking his work seriously’, but most of all it had ‘negatively affected his crowdfunding”. Yes, with Pat, it’s all about the money…
Let me reiterate – Pat Lancaster has written an official complaint to the DPR Press center requesting that Graham Phillips and I be stripped of our press credentials and not be “allowed” to report from the DPR. Of course, the official reaction to this request from the Press Center was laughter.
So, many people know I’ve had a problem with Pat since I discovered he was lying about me stealing human aid money back in 2016. Sending private messages to my supporters saying I was “a liar, a thief and a parasite.” I have written about it before, even made a video about it, which all boils down to this – I have never taken a single fucking penny of human aid money, and I can prove it. I did human aid with XAH Humanitarian, Essence of Time, and Donbass Human Aid. Between the three of them, I’ve helped bring well over half a million dollars of human aid to Donbass, and never took a penny or even got paid a penny for any of it. Anybody that wants can contact any of those orgs and ask THEM if I ever took shit. But Pat says I did, so you can ask him too. ASK PAT EXACTLY what money did I steal – How much. when, from where and from who. ASK PAT. See what he says. It will either be nothing or a lie. ASK HIM.
And now, this lying, back-stabbing piece of shit has AGAIN gone behind my back (and Graham’s) to try to cut us out of the picture. Yes, I have criticized Pat – he IS a piece of shit, and people should know it. He’s a semi-competent (and semi-literate) reporter who has done some good work. Which just goes to prove that you can be a piece of shit and still do good work, and conversely, just because you do good work doesn’t mean you’re not a piece of shit. And Pat’s a piece of shit.
My criticism of Pat is based on facts, on his own goddamned lying words. I have the screenshots, I can PROVE it. He says Graham and I have “humiliated” him, but we haven’t – no need to, he humiliates himself quite completely, all on his own. Imagine, trying to discredit Graham and me, trying to get us fired from the jobs we do for free. I don’t need press accreditation, I can and will still do what I do with or without it. I’m sure Graham would too. So exactly where the fuck does Pat get off trying to cut us off? MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD ASK PAT.
And I do have one more question for Pat too – Why isn’t this motherfucker in the Army? He’s a citizen of the DPR, military age, tough and fit, right? There’s a draft, conscription for military age males who are citizens of the DPR. So why the fuck isn’t he on the Front for real? If he’s too chickenshit to volunteer, they really ought to draft his punk ass and make a man out of the boy. As for me, I did my time, over a year on the Front in combat. I’m 62 years old now, and my health is not that good, but just by virtue of my age, I’m exempt from the draft. If they need me, I’ll gladly go, but so far, it looks like they got it handled without me. Of course, if they draft Pat, me and Graham can cover the news for him while he does his patriotic duty. WHAT’S PAT’S EXCUSE? WHY DOESN’T HE VOLUNTEER? WHY DON’T THEY DRAFT HIS ASS? MAYBE SOMEONE SHOULD ASK PAT.
Maybe the DPR Press Center should consider whether they want a lying, back-stabbing ratfuck little weasel like Pat representing us to the world. The most important things a real journalist (or anyone) can have is honesty and honor, both of which Pat Lancaster is completely devoid of. His only loyalty is to himself, and he’s only in it for the money. He has proven himself willing to lie and backstab honorable colleagues in order to try to monopolize the market for English-speaking news from Donbass. As for my criticism of him, if Pat wasn’t such a piece of shit, I would not call him one. But the truth is the truth, and I’m going to speak it. Anybody who reads this is welcome to share it with Pat and get his reaction and answers. Ask him if he said I stole human aid. He did, so ask him about specifics – when, where, how much, from who? Ask him if he wrote an official letter to the DPR Press Center asking for Graham Phillips and I to be stripped of our press accreditation, and if so, why? Ask him why he hasn’t volunteered for the DPR Army, and how he is able to avoid the draft. He’s a DPR citizen, why doesn’t he man up and defend his country? ASK PAT!
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Russell is the second most honest person that I have met in my life. First being my father. I wish Russell would get paid a salary for his fund raising efforts. He does it for free though.
An explanation from Patrick is necessary.
I’ve followed you, Graham, and Patrick from your earliest days in Donbass.
Well…. we can see USA has already made its way into the Donbass. We have Patrick Lancaster (that I personally think produces good reports) and encourages people to check out the ‘other side’ of things.
Russell Bentley (USA) – quoted as above ‘goddamned Pat Lancaster, Boy Wonder and Internet Star’ – ‘this back-stabbing motherfucker’ – ‘because our “criticism of him had made it ‘almost impossible for him to work in Donbass, people had refused to give him interviews, laughed at him, were not taking his work seriously’ – ‘ I have never taken a single fucking penny’ – ‘contact any of those orgs and ask THEM if I ever took shit’ – ‘lying, back-stabbing piece of shit’- ‘he IS a piece of shit’ – ‘you can be a piece of shit’ – ‘ just because you do good work doesn’t mean you’re not a piece of shit. And Pat’s a piece of shit’ – ‘where the fuck does Pat get off’ – ‘Why isn’t this motherfucker in the Army?’ – ‘ Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, motherfucker, shit fuck (great communication skills). Russell might as well thrown is a few cunts and twats etc.
Snigger, as they say show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.
Show me your words and I can tell who you are and a lot more….
Snigger, Graham Phillips ‘appears’ to be slightly smiling, enjoying being in front of the camera and also excited by everything rather than the seriousness of the situation.
I wish this guy would stop mincing his words and just say what he thinks lol. I have never knowingly encountered Graham Phillips, but Patrick Lancaster seems or seemed to be OK. One or two things bothered me on his reports, but it doesn’t get mentioned here. It seemed so surreal to me, that he could film a dead child laying covered by a sheet, then interview family members. Could you talk to press while your recently killed child lay beside you? I may be completely wrong, but it sometimes appeared to me as being staged. The Russian troops however seemed to like him, so is just a Russian propaganda tool. We can’t or at least I can’t be sure.
I agree with you Ian. Patrick Lancaster is definitely in with the Russian army without doubt but he is also showing what has gone on in Donbass long before all this took place if you go back through his videos to 2014. As for the parents and the dead child, things are different in poorer economies, in Africa they fire out as many kids as possible because they are their pension that will look after them when they’re old. Donbass is obviously poor and all ranges of ages have been under attack by the neo-nazi’s, shelling etc. We have rich economies where the children rely on bank of mum and dad in most cases….. blah blah.. blah
Thanks Snigger, good points.