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Relations between Washington and Moscow are at an “unprecedented” low – Russian Ambassador to US, Antonov, speaking on Russia-24 TV

Moscow’s envoy picks over ‘crumbs’ of Russia-US relations

Washington and Moscow are almost not on speaking terms, harming not just bilateral relations but issues of world importance

Moscow’s envoy picks over ‘crumbs’ of Russia-US relations

Relations between Washington and Moscow are at an “unprecedented” low, making it practically impossible to resolve many issues that impact the entire world, the Russian ambassador to the US said on Wednesday in a TV interview. The Washington establishment and the media are overwhelmingly Russophobic, unlike the American public in general, ambassador Anatoly Antonov told the news channel Russia-24.

“The situation is unfortunate. I would like to describe it otherwise, but I can’t. Everything that has been built up in recent years has been destroyed,” Antonov said in the interview, aired on Wednesday evening. “It seemed like two years ago we were talking about a difficult relationship, when we had the Trump administration here kicking out Russian diplomats and seizing our property.”

But ever since Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, relations between Moscow and Washington have degraded to a point where Russian nationals, even those living in the US, are subjected to discrimination, intimidation and harassment, Antonov said.

Antonov described Russian-American political dialogue as “paralyzed” to the detriment of even those areas where the two countries have mutual interests. The first contact Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had in six months was a phone call at the end of July. 

Of our interactions, only crumbs remain.

The few remaining areas of interaction amount to a deconfliction hotline in Syria, some work on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and to some extent peaceful space exploration.

“Unfortunately, this is all I can name today,” Antonov said, adding that Russia is firmly convinced that without direct interaction, it’s impossible to solve not just bilateral problems but issues that affect the entire world.

Russophobia currently dominates major American cities, but as one gets further from Washington, there is “less interest in European affairs and more questions about why the US is feuding with Russia in difficult economic times,” according to Antonov.

“Unfortunately, cultural, scientific, and educational ties have been severed. Mentions of our country’s role in World War II are also being erased,” he added. 

While Americans are slowly growing tired of anti-Russian rhetoric and are more interested in their everyday problems, according to the ambassador, there is a long way to go before the current hostility can be overcome.

Antonov claimed that US “political circles do not like our desire to create a new international order.” 

The Kremlin demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc, after recognizing the Donbass republics as independent states over Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements. Ukraine insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked, even as its former president admitted that for Kiev the main goal of the Germany- and France-brokered protocols, first signed in 2014, was to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

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One Response to “Relations between Washington and Moscow are at an “unprecedented” low – Russian Ambassador to US, Antonov, speaking on Russia-24 TV”

  1. sovereigntea says:

    Pentagon linked Youtube just cancelled The Russian Embassy so no more thought crimes from them in our free & democratic Nirvana.

    Embassy comment on hostile actions by YouTube, 16 August, 2022

    On 15 August, YouTube deleted without warning 29 videos from the Embassy channel. Most of the videos were Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrei Kelin’s interviews dated from 3 March to 15 August 2022. These interviews cover a vast number of topics, namely, Russia-UK relations, global food and energy crises, Russian compatriots abroad, the West’s illegal sanctions policy, as well as clarification of the aims and objectives of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.

    Notably, YouTube also censored videos containing evidence of war crimes committed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces against the civilian population of Donbass. In particular the suffering inflicted on residents of Mariupol by the “Azov” terrorist organisation. Furthermore, YouTube unilaterally deleted visual messages from respected Western cultural figures, including Emir Kusturica. It seems that the world renowned film director was “cancelled” for his calls to put an end to the Western imposed policy of primitive Russophobia.

    YouTube’s administration decided to spare itself the effort of providing a justifiable explanation of its reasons for deleting the videos, preferring to hide behind the slicked-down wording “We think that your content violates our Community Guidelines”. Indeed, a very convenient and, most importantly, universal excuse.

    It is questionable whether members of the YouTube staff who were responsible for this absurd decision are equpped with sufficient foreign policy competence to assess the official statements made by the Russian Ambassador to the UK based on easily verifiable data. We therefore regard the removal of video content from the Embassy channel as a crude attempt to limit our communication efforts and, most notably, to deprive the audience of a source of credible information.

    YouTube administration should be aware that its actions bear the signs of a violation of OSCE principles and commitments on the freedom of expression and mass media, entered into by all participating States, including the UK. Moreover, the selective hindering of the Russian diplomatic mission’s activities, which, as we understand, do not contradict the laws and regulations of the receiving state, raises doubts about the platform’s adherence to basic norms of international law, enshrined, in particularly, in the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Finally, YouTube’s policy towards the channel of the Russian Embassy in London can be viewed as discriminatory actions under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

    We are used to regularly hearing our Western colleagues, including in the UK, talk about the primacy of the freedom of speech and mass media as fundamental democratic values. However, the constant repetition of these slogans, which have turned into a kind of mantra, is not preventing Western countries from themselves sliding towards authoritarian methods. Their mainstream propaganda outlets are eager to pontificate on the latest “agenda”, their “cancel culture” policy allows the suppression of signs of dissent, while remaining independent media are severely censored under the guise of “battling disinformation”. Regretfully, this trend seems to have caught up with YouTube, where comments of Ukrainian “trolls” and “bots” seem to be more compelling for the platform’s administration than statements by the Russian Ambassador, whilst direct calls for violence and hostility against Russians are somehow not incompatible with the “Community Guidelines”.

    Acting against and in violation of the principle of freedom of speech, YouTube itself is undermining the initial reasons for its establishment, prompting numerous users to switch to other platforms where communities are not divided along the lines of “ours” and “theirs”.

    We call upon YouTube’s administration to restore all deleted videos and offer an apology to the Russian Embassy in London for its groundless, excessive and discriminatory actions. Such a step would demonstrate to YouTube’s multi-million audience as well as hundreds of thousands of video bloggers from around the world that the platform can still be trusted. After all, without them YouTube is just digital code.


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