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It’s the West; they think they can do whatever they want.

Monday, 15 August 2022


Two key actors in the West’s Kosovo-Ukraine-China triangle of destabilization – Nicholas Burns and Victoria Nuland

Free photos of Microbiologist




Aleksandar Pavic
Strategic Culture
2022-08-15 19:57:00


Soon after Nancy Pelosi’s recent descent on Taiwan, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called out Nicholas Burns, the U.S. ambassador to China, for “keeping an embarrassed silence” regarding Madame Speaker’s “brash and insolent stunt.” Burns’ silence was quite a change from a mere month back at the World Peace Forum in Beijing, where he “demanded that China stop supporting the war in Ukraine or relaying ‘Russian propaganda’.” Even more brazenly, Burns used that opportunity to flatly accuse the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson of “telling lies about American bioweapons labs, which do not exist in Ukraine.”

But that was then and this is now in the West’s “rules-based order,” where each occasion requires a new set of rules. Thus, it goes without saying that, for the time being, Burns is also keeping an “embarrassed silence” about another potentially tectonic event – the latest, even more damning evidence of the work of U.S.-run biolabs in Ukraine offered by the Russian Defense Ministry on August 4, including involvement in the Covid-19 pandemic, highly suspicious U.S.-funded research of the monkeypox, West Nile fever and African swine fever pathogens, and even U.S. involvement in the death of ex-Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.

The reason for Burns’ silence is not difficult to discern: since the “free” Western mass media have massively ignored the latest proof that Victoria Nuland’s March reluctant admission that the U.S. was indeed running “biological research facilities” in Ukraine was just the tip of the iceberg, neither Burns nor any other U.S. official are going to do anything to force their “free” /media to even broach the subject. And now that Twitter has suspended the Russian Foreign Ministry account for daring to quote key parts of the Russian defense ministry’s sensational presentation, Burns and company don’t have to say anything at all. If it’s memory-holed by the “free” social media, then it must not exist. At least until such time that it can be properly “genetically engineered” and made “safe” for consumption.

That’s the modus operandi of the West’s holier-than-thou liberal “elites” – it’s not the truth that matters but successfully managing the hypocrisy so that it doesn’t appear too painfully obvious even to minds numbed by the sheer inanity of Western mainstream narratives. Or to paraphrase former Clinton advisor James Carville’s snowclone about the economy – it’s the West, stupid. They think they can do whatever they want.


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One Response to “It’s the West; they think they can do whatever they want.”

  1. Tapestry says:

    Money wants the West destroyed .

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