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142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States “Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated”

Ellen Fraint holds her daughter, seven-month-old Jojo, as she receives the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for children at Montefiore Medical Group in the Bronx borough of New York City on Tuesday June 21, 2022. Source.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Another 142 new cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries to babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old were added to the U.S. Government run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reported System) database today, bringing the total number of cases filed for this age group to 829 since the shots were authorized by the FDA a few weeks ago in June. (Source.)

I have put all new 142 cases that came out today on a separate page you can view here.

Brain and heart injuries, hallucinations, anaphylactic shock, seizures, skin rashes, gastrointestinal injuries, hemorrhaging, and other serious conditions continue to be listed as side effects to these toxic shots being injected into babies and toddlers.

One of the most tragic things I am reading in these write-ups of vaccine injuries in these babies is that the parents and medical professionals are giving them acetaminophen (sold usually as Tylenol or Paracetamol) which study after study has shown is toxic and harmful to children. See:

Study: Evidence that Acetaminophen, Especially in Conjunction with Vaccines, is a Major Cause of Autism and Asthma

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Harmful for Babies

Here are a few cases showing how these poor children are suffering after receiving the shots.

VAERS ID: 23977172-year-old boy in Arizona:
Life threatening episode requiring emergency transport: clammy skin and vomiting leading (8 minutes) to difficulty breathing (wheezing and flared nostrils-2 minutes). Turned blue, limp, non-responsive. Fully stopped breathing for two minutes. After several chest compressions started breathing again, rolled over, and threw up.

VAERS ID: 23992566-month-old boy in Virginia: (NOTE: In addition to the Pfizer COVID Shot, this poor baby also got at least 5 other vaccines injected into him at the same time!!) 07/29/2022 In the morning we had the vaccination and it was his six month check in. He also received other multiple vaccinations that day as well. We did notice spotting in his bowel movement of blood and there was one at 4 that evening. Another bowel movement at 7 that had much more blood in comparison. A third bowel movement around 12 that evening and the blood spots reduced as well. When we looked up his other vaccines and their symptoms they did state that it may have been a different vaccine”s. The doctor stated that they believe the symptoms may be caused by lactose intolerance. Check-up in two weeks to see improvements.

VAERS ID: 23930824-year-old girl in Maine:
07/25/2020 Around 2:00 AM she woke up with a fever of 102 or 103 degree and vomiting. She slept until around 9:00 in the morning and still had a fever. I gave her acetaminophen. Throughout that day I treated her fever with Tylenol. Her temperature peaked that afternoon at 104 degrees. Tylenol made her fever go down. She woke up several times during the night. Around 1230am, she was hallucinating and very confused saying things that did not make sense. The next day she woke up around 7:30am. She also complained of neck pain. I gave her more Tylenol. I switched to Motrin around noon and that seemed to bring her fever down better. She went to her pediatrician”s office that afternoon and was given a COVID test which was negative. Her doctor said everything looked good. Around 4 o”clock her fever went up to 104 again. Her fever does respond to Tylenol and Motrin. She woke up this morning at 03:30 and had a temperature of 105.5. I gave her Motrin, put a cool washcloth on her. When she woke up at 7:30am this morning her temperature was at 100.4 and she appears to feel better, but am not sure if she is just responding to the medication.

VAERS ID: 23933304-year-old boy in Oklahoma:
Child received COVID vaccine in Health department clinic on 07/25/22. Phone all from mom on 07/27/22 to report seizure on 07/26/22 at 7:00 am. Child transport to Hospital by ambulance. Temp was 100 upon arrival. Child spent the night at the hospital for “monitoring” per mom. Per mom DX with “complex febrile seizure”. Mom called to report to health department .

VAERS ID: 239375410-month old girl in Maryland:
Mother reported child had been crawling and pulling to stand for several weeks. Mother noticed in the evening of 7/25/2022 about 6 hours after vaccination child”s mobility changed: crawled a few feet then just stopped crawling, flopped, spread her arms and legs out across the floor. She became inactive for a minute; then continued crawling, pulled to stand and then bear weight. Mother reported no fever no signs of discomfort but is concerned about possible neurological problems in her otherwise healthy child. Mother reports normal growth and development. Family is new to the area. They have an established MD. Will follow-up with an appointment 7/28/2022.

VAERS ID: 23976462-year-old girl in Pennsylvania:
Suspected febrile seizure, fever, vomiting, spasms of muscles and then sever shaking/chills for approximately 15 minutes. Transported to hospital by ambulance at approximately 1am. Discharged at 5:30am after monitoring.

VAERS ID: 23993192-year-old boy in Maryland:
On July 31 about 49 hours after his second dose around 3pm, patient became very lethargic and started crying. We took his temperature and he had a 104.6. We gave him ibuprofen and put him down for a nap. He slept and when he woke up he had a 102. We gave him Tylenol at that time around 6:45pm. He seemed better and was okay the rest of the evening. Before bed he had a temp of 101 so we gave him ibuprofen. He slept about 13 hours. When he woke up on August 1, he was completely inconsolable. He had a 104.3 temp. He didn”t want to eat but I was able to get him to eat a few pretzels. I gave him ibuprofen in the morning when he woke up after eating around 11:30am. He was inconsolable a lot of the day and only wanted to watch TV. He ate a very small lunch. I gave him tylenol at that point. His temp was better at 100. After his nap he was crying and didn”t want a snack. We went for a walk outside in his stroller and that seemed to help a little. He did eat some dinner but would cry on and off throughout dinner. After dinner, he took a bath and he seemed okay then and the rest of the evening. Before bed, his temp was normal at 98.7. We gave him ibuprofen at that time. He slept 11 hours overnight and when he woke up on August 2nd, he was fussing but not hysterical. His temp in the morning was 99.1 but he started to feel warmer as the day went on. He had a smaller than normal breakfast and a very small lunch. He was crying on and off during lunch. I took his temp again and around 2:30 it was 102. I gave him ibuprofen around 2:30 and put him down for a nap. Overall, hes been better today (August 2) but is not back to normal. He did get bit by a goat on July 31 around 1:30. When I called my pediatrician, they didn”t think his fever was related. They did prescribe him augmentin which he has been taking since August 1st

VAERS ID: 23994584-year-old boy in Pennsylvania:
4 days after vaccine patient developed acute ataxia. He was seen at Hospital and had an MRI that was read as normal. He was diagnosed with Cerebellar inflammation.

VAERS ID: 24017114-year-old boy in Indiana:
This is part 2 to a previous report . My son spent 4 days in hospital was a fever and tachycardia. He is 4 years old about 33lbs and at times his heart rate was above 180. He had 4 days of fever and high heart rate. His second vaccination was on 7/29/2022. We went to ER first on 7/ 30/10/22 he was treated for fever and giving Ibuprofen and heart rate monitored and then released: the very next day 7/31/2022 we had to go back to hospital due to fever (103) at hospital and high heart rate over 180. He was given ibuprofen, saline because he was not drinking much at that time duration of an hour and yet his heart rate did not decrease enough for discharge and he was admitted after 2:00am on 8/1/2022. He had several fevers between 8/1/2022-8/2/2022 and his heart rate slowly decreased but was still high and they continued to treat with ibuprofen and Tylenol interchangeably for fevers and monitor hear rate, he was given saline on 8/2/2022 after labs show n he had ketones in his urine from dehydration ( he was eating solids foods Or drinking water during this time. He was taken off of the saline on 8/3/2022 but still struggle to eat, fevers finally subsided and heart rate appeared to stabilize but his eating and drinking was still impacted and was kept an additional day for monitoring. He was released on 8/5/022 with recommendations to follow up with cardiologist and primary care doctor. Both were contacted. He saw pcp on 8/4/2022 and awaiting follow up appointment with cardiology to be scheduled by that office.

COVID-19 Vaccines are Biggest Scam in History of Medicine, and the Children Suffer the Most

As we have been reporting frequently for the past few weeks, many pro-vaccine and pro-pharma doctors and scientists are coming forward to sound the alarm on just how horrible these COVID-19 “vaccines” are, and the death and carnage that has followed.

A video has surfaced in the alternative media featuring an Israeli Professor, Dr. Zvika Granot, Ph.D., who is on the Faculty of Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He heads up the Granot Lab as the “Principal Investigator,” focusing on “neutrophils” and cancer research.

He is also a member of The Public Emergency Council For The Covid19 Crisis in Israel, which is where this video apparently originated.

Dr. Granot states:

We have already seen many distortions of science, lies and half-truths during the COVID crisis. More than once we have seen aggressive policies based on hopes that lack a scientific basis presented to the public as scientific facts.

We have seen how economic and political entities presented distorted science and silence many scientists who think differently.

Approving vaccination for babies and toddlers by the FDA in the USA and by the Ministry of Health in Israel, breaks all records of the theater of the absurd and raises deep doubts about the conduct of the regulators in the USA and Israel.

We have uploaded the video to our BitchuteOdysee, and Telegram channels.

CDC Backtracks on COVID Measures Less Than 2 Months After Recommending COVID Shots for Babies and Toddlers

The truly tragic thing about this corruption within the FDA and the CDC, is that yesterday the CDC finally backtracked on many of their COVID-19 measures that are recommended, stating that the focus should now be on “individual decisions,” and that “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people.”

And, just like that, it was over.

This is HUGE news folks. In Bureaucrat speak, this is a near-complete cave-in to the actual facts.

  • No symptoms? No problem.
  • Vaccinated or unvaccinated? Same guidance.
  • Exposed? No need to even quarantine.
  • Students exposed? They can stay in class, what the hell, right?

If you managed to maintain your integrity through this awful period of time, congratulations! You are one of the rock stars of this story. You are a solid individual who has courage and stood firm and tall when it mattered most.

As for the people who didn’t, some can be forgiven. But many cannot.

Those who could have and “should” have known better? The doctors who failed to utilize known and proven early treatments to save lives?  The public health authorities that locked people down and forced masks onto children’s faces without a shred of supporting science to back those decisions?  Medical hospital administrators who took the monetary bait and forced patients onto toxic and deadly regimens of Remdesivir and ventilators (again, without any supporting evidence!). The NIH treatment panel that still – to this day – does not recommend vitamin D, or any of the other actual safe and effective early treatments?

Sorry, not sorry, those people need to suffer real and lasting public consequences. Some doctors should lose their licenses. Some bureaucrats need to lose their jobs while others need to go to trial.

I feel most acutely for those who got caught up and suffered terribly as a result. I feel truly awful for all the people prevented from being at a loved one’s passing, or who ,as a condition of continued employment, were coerced into getting Covid jabs they neither wanted nor needed.

There are far too many tragic cases out there. Far too many young lives were lost and continue to be lost. I am angry that it happened and at the petty, ignorant bureaucrats who forced it to happen. “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” is a thing now, and the attempts to normalize it by the press have left me thinking that those companies and journalists who engaged in this ought to be barred for life from ever being in the business again. (Full article.)

The statement “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people,” is, of course, a meaningless statement, because those unvaccinated with COVID shots (like myself), are unvaccinated specifically because we don’t follow CDC “guidance” to begin with, but know how to research and think for ourselves.

Why the CDC has done this about face is probably a matter of pure speculation, but I think the sheer number of pro-pharma and pro-vaccine doctors and scientists that have come forward in the public these past few weeks, must be a big part of it. Without these medical professionals on board, there is no one left to implement more COVID measures.

This especially came to a head last month when LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon. See:

LA County Chief Medical Officer Exposes Bogus COVID Hype with Health Department Bureaucrat Politician

Without the support of the medical professionals still working in the hospitals, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer backed down on more mandates. See:

Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer Backs Down Indoor Mask Mandates As Multiple Cities Refused Enforcement

And remember, it was the former head of the FDA under Donald Trump, who now sits on the board of directors for Pfizer and is a talking head “expert” for CNBC, who addressed the public earlier this year back in February to explain why it was taking so long for Pfizer to come up with a COVID-19 “vaccine” for young children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old:

The Food and Drug Administration’s plan to fast-track Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for children under 5 years old was delayed because of a “low number of cases overall in the clinical trial,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Monday.

“Most kids are not getting symptomatic Covid,” said the current Pfizer board member and former head of the FDA. “One case in one direction or another can tip the perception of the vaccine’s overall effectiveness.” (Full article.)

In other words, there just were not enough sick kids with COVID symptoms to complete the trials. But they ended up putting this product into the market in June anyway, and now the CDC is saying that unvaccinated people should be treated the same as vaccinated, after untold numbers of deaths and injuries, not to mention massive loss of employment due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, many of which are still in place.

People need to be tried, convicted, and executed over this.

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States “Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated”

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One Response to “142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States “Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated””

  1. Belyi says:

    I presume the case histories are not satire as they have VAERS numbers, but my mind boggles at the parents who seem to be totally unaware of what pushing toxic rubbish into their toddlers does to them.

    When they’ve finally been killed by this criminal behaviour I won’t shed a tear for the people who were supposed to keep them safe.

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