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Lying is Their Most Powerful Weapon

August 8, 2022

NATO-cognitive-warfare-brain-777x437.jpgThey Weaponized Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance takes place
when the official state and mass media narrative
is constantly contradicted by the evidence.
The solution for most people
is to ignore the evidence.
 We need to ignore theofficial narrative instead.
They are “gaslighting” us – tricking people
into adopting self-destructive behavior like taking a
toxic “vaccine” or enlisting to fight in a war.
By Henry Makow PhD
In the first chapter, the author of The Protocols of Zion says “our countersign is force and make-believe.”
Make-believe = gaslighting.
Even the Protocols are subject to gaslighting. Wikipedia writes , “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination.
Typically the official narrative contradicts the evidence. The Cabalist Jewish plan for world domination is reaching fruition but if we are not allowed to notice, obviously we cannot resist it.
Believe what we tell you, not what you see. 
wtc7.jpgNo planes hit the Twin Towers or Pentagon. They were demolished like WT7.
“We are your friends,” the driver of the Mossad white van told the cops on 9-11.
9-11 served to justify a series of trillion dollar wars.
Other golden moments in gaslighting include, the Two World Wars, the Cold War, the assassinations of JFK and RFK and the Bay of Tonkin incident.
Most of history is gaslighting to conceal the gradual Masonic Jewish (Satanist) enslavement of humanity.
Jesus said – John: 8:44 “Your father is the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. From the beginning he was a murderer and has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks from what he is, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
Martin Luther called his book, “The Jews and their Lies.”
We have to realize that lying is their most powerful weapon. It’s cheap and effective. Their enemy (humanity) is cast into disarray without firing a shot.
With the COVID hoax, they have taken lying or cognitive dissonance to a new level – going beyond absurd as if the more outrageous a claim, the more believable it is.  Here are ten examples of the gaslighting we are subject to on a daily basis.
1. Lie: COVID is a pandemic.  Truth:  It’s a psy op designed to advance the globalist communist agenda. A pandemic with a death rate of less than one half a percent is not a pandemic. COVID is the flu rebranded. And they will admit the this but it won’t make the MSM which holds people in a trance.
UN-rules-on-conspiracy-theories.jpg2. Lie- The “vaccines” prevent transmission. Yet the vaccinated from Joe Biden on down get “COVID.” Truth- The “vaccines have another purpose, likely depopulation.
3. Lie – You can have “COVID” even if you have no symptoms. The PCR test works. The “vaccines” are safe and effective.  Masks and social distancing prevent transmission of this rebranded cold. 
Truth– 30,000 Deaths and 300,000 mishaps in US alone. Vaccine manufacturers won’t divulge ingredients. Alternate cures are suppressed. MDs censored and censured.
4.  Lie- The 2020 Presidential election was not rigged.  Yet Joe Biden will openly admit he had the best vote rigging organization in history.
5. Lie – Joe Biden is not a senile pedophile, criminal and traitor.  Same for his son. Same for much of our political establishment.
enjoy-your-lie.jpg7. Lie –  Jan 6 was a domestic insurrection when in fact it was an innocent protest against a stolen election. Truth -the protesters were unarmed! Some insurrection!
8. Lie – Men can become women and women can become men. Men can menstruate and have babies. Lies are peddled as truths. Men can compete in women’s sports and use their bathrooms and showers if they identify as women.
9. Lie- Children should be encouraged to change their gender without parental approval. Children should be exposed to drag queens at school and libraries.
10. Lie – That Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was not justified by Ukraine’s bombing of the Donbas and preparations to retake Crimea and Dombas. Ukraine is not another Cabalist boondoggle at the expense of the goyim.
11. Bonus Lie – Climate change. Everything is designed to hoard the world’s resources for the people who own and control the world.
We are being constantly gaslighted by the government and mass media. The object is to not just to misinform but to distort and drive us mad. They admit they want depopulation but when we say it, it’s a conspiracy theory.
We are learning what it was like to be a citizen of the Soviet Union or of China today. We resist by ignoring the official narrative and affirming the truth.
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One Response to “Lying is Their Most Powerful Weapon”

  1. Gordon says:

    Another big lie is the Con-Cern. We’re told that it’s all about scientist wanting to collide particles to see the beginning of creation but how does benefit you, me and the world. Hugo Talks explains it fairly well. https://www.bitchute.com/video/56gvvdB0iYht/

    Personally though I don’t think anything good is going to come out of Cern. I think the scientists are trying to open a portal to allow alien life forms through but what will come through is the one called Abaddon which means the destroyer, also referred to as the angel of the bottomless pit. He and the demons will come through to plague the inhabitants of earth and unthinkable proverbial will hit the fan.

    Shiva the destroyer stands at the forecourt of the Cern complex.

    Interestingly, I watched the following video earlier and saw the a connection and resemblance between Shiva in the video Exposing Evil Slender Man is a Demon From Cern and He is Kidnapping Children.

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