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Political Policing: Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales

Next week sees the start of another dark week in the People’s Socialist Republic of Wales, wrote Voice of Wales (“VoW”).  Starting on 10 August, VoW journalists are due to appear in Newport Crown court in a show trial lasting three days.

VoW, hosted by Dan Morgan and Stan Robinson, began broadcasting on YouTube in July 2020 “giving a voice to the people not represented by mainstream media.”  By February 2021, the establishment’s propaganda machine had caught up with them as described by THIS BBC article. YouTube had removed some of its videos and demonetised others. At the time, VoW had more than 5,000 subscribers and more than 350,000 views. You can follow Voice of Wales on Rumble HERE.

In January, Morgan and Robinson were arrested while reporting on a protest.  The arrests took place even though the pair were known to the police as journalists. They spent thirty-six hours in custody at Newport Police Station.  On their release, one of five bail conditions dictated they were not to associate with one another.

Another bail condition was Morgan and Robinson were not to attend any covid vaccination centre in England or Wales unless they were attending to get “vaccinated” themselves.

In February, all the bail conditions were dropped.

“All around the world journalists are being arrested and falsely imprisoned because, according to the police, you have to be ‘accredited journalists’.  Accredited, by who? The very people committing this global tyranny. Who should tell the people what they can and cannot read, view or think? Certainly not the Welsh Police Chief Constables or Crime Commissioner. Not the Welsh Government or Drakeford. The attack on Voice of Wales was an attack on our democracy and those responsible should be called to account,” VoW wrote.

Journalists ON TRIAL in Wales, Republished from Voice of Wales

To give you a background on the case, back in January, Voice of Wales was made aware of a group of people intending to serve papers on a vaccine centre in Cwmbran to raise concerns about the dangerous side-effects of the vaccine. They wanted the police to attend with them to facilitate a peaceful protest. This was the first vaccine centre in Wales where this was taking place and Voice of Wales was invited to go along at short notice to report.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Voice of Wales: Cwmbran Stadium, 21 January 2022 (2 mins)

Read more: VoW Update on Cwmbran Stadium, 22 January 2022

On the day the group tried to contact the police making repeated phone calls to notify them of their intentions. Police told the protestors they would not attend. The three protestors filmed by VoW reporters proceeded to the vaccine centre to “serve the papers.” The group were calm, and peaceful, causing no problems for the staff on the day. The staff phoned the police who then arrived and again, this was very calm with no aggression.

This all changed with the arrival of Chief Inspector Martin Smith. Chief Inspector Smith arrived and completely escalated the situation with a rather unprofessional and hostile attitude. When the protestors explained why they were serving papers the Chief Inspector was very rude. He insulted them calling their protest “bunkum.”

Instead of remaining impartial, he took a political stance. He invited the group to move from the doorway and to “stand in the designated protest area” pointing to an area approximately 6 meters away from the door. He then instructed the police officers to escort the group to this area. All, bar one of the group immediately complied and moved.  The Chief Inspector hearing the objections from one protestor now became hysterical and within less than a minute he gave contradictory orders to his staff and ordered the arrest of the whole group, including the journalists of Voice of Wales.

Dan and Stan were held in custody for 32 hours. During their time in custody, Gwent Police used documents found on the group to further arrest Dan and Stan on fraud charges. Using these charges, they then executed search warrants at the home addresses of Dan and Stan, seizing any of the Voice of Wales equipment they could find. This included 4 cameras, tripods, microphones, phones, and vehicles.

Following the release of Dan and Stan, they were handed draconian bail conditions that restricted their personal life and ability to travel and work. After seeking urgent legal advice, the condition that Dan and Stan were “not to associate” was changed to “not to work together” and after more advice, all conditions were dropped.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Voice Of Wales Bail Condition Change Press Release, 28 February 2022 (9 mins)

Voice of Wales have been building their case for 8 months now and between VoW, solicitors, barristers and an ex-police inspector of 30 years, we are confident that the CPS/police will not be able to prove the flimsy case against us.

Voice of Wales is confident that this is nothing more than a show trial. We believe this is a politically motivated case with the intention to discredit Voice of Wales by the Communist Coalition ruling from Cardiff. They are angry we dared to question legislation and policies they are pushing through with no public consultation. These include 16-year-olds and foreign nationals given the right to vote, Wales becoming a nation of sanctuary, mandatory sex education for all children from age 3, political policing and much more.

It is unbelievable that we are living in times where the journalist is arrested, charged and put before a judge for daring to report. Alternative media is growing ever more popular because more and more people are getting fed up with the biased mainstream media pumping out constant propaganda, forcing people to accept their idea of the new normal. People are getting fed up with journalists toeing the party line and only printing what the government tells them. People are getting fed up with a political police force, and people are getting fed up with the forced indoctrination of our children.

Voice of Wales was established to fill a gap in media coverage in Wales, and we are proud to say we are not puppets controlled by the Senedd. We cover all topics to raise awareness amongst our communities. We will not be intimidated or bullied into submission, and recent events have made us even more determined to work harder.

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One Response to “Political Policing: Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales”

  1. ian says:

    As long as the police obey the globalist overlords, they will be in a job. I can’t see them revolting to be honest. The job attracts Gestapo wannabe’s, please sir, the primary three’s were talking while you were out of the room, kind of people. The assholes in charge, can keep pushing their Orwellian agendas and plod will be his enforcers. The police in Britain were always treated with respect and were helped to a degree by the well meaning British public, but that can all change very quickly.

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