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Germany goes ‘martial’ appointing the Bundeswehr to control streets

    German Federal Police announces - from October 2022: "civilian-military cooperation"  The police will be supported by the Bundeswehr from October 1, 2022.   This cannot be read differently from the description published by the Bundeswehr:   "Soldiers, civilian employees" should "collaborate in a civil-military manner".   A special command, it is announced, is "directly subordinate to the Federal   Ministry of Defense and not part of an organizational area".     It is advertised as so-called “homeland security”. The internal deployment of the Bundeswehr was   initially justified by the Infection Protection Act. Now a war outside the EU and   outside the official NATO allies is supposed to serve as justification.     By some definitions,   Germany is already at war with Russia by supplying weapons of war to Ukraine.  Russell Bentley fighting and blogging in Donetsk writes -  THIS is the resurgence of German nazism, and nothing else. The same nazi scum who outlawed the letter "Z", now use their military against their own people.  
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5 Responses to “Germany goes ‘martial’ appointing the Bundeswehr to control streets”

  1. Mr Dude says:

    When they try that in the UK there will be much hot oil and acid getting chucked on squaddies . A large ball bearing fired from a quality catapult kills at 30-50m. Ask gypsies they make their own and love them

  2. Mr Dude says:

    Civvy: Hi Squaddie check out my friend in the bikini here

    Squaddie: Wow

    Civvy: Oh and have some of my wasp spray in your eyes

    Squaddie: Ouch

    Civvy: Thanks for your rifle. Here’s a bullet between the eyes.

  3. Tapestry says:

    Mr Dude, it sounds comic. In reality most people will comply with the requests of a soldier – and not wish them harm. Obviously any Satanists who look to indulge cruelty on a whim will meet resistance.

    • Mr Dude says:

      If it’s RAF Reg, Rifles or Guards the people have nothing to fear ; )

  4. newensign says:

    Of course the German Government isn’t German, its still controlled by the “Allies” pretending to be German! One has to remember Germans are Anglo-Saxons like us. The enemy hates Germans as much as they do Russians. Nazi is a weaponised word from AskeNAZI (The Khazars) to demonise the Germans, when its the enemy that are the real Nazis!

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