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The Proof Of Heaven – the late Ian R Crane

(152) Ian R Crane with The Qero of Peru – Prophecy of our Sun on Human Consciousness now – YouTube

The Story and Inspiration Behind AV12

Ancient Wisdom and Prophecy

Ian Crane was always intrigued and fascinated with the spiritual beliefs and prophecies of indigenous cultures. Over the years he made several trips to the ancient sites of the world, traveled the Inca trail and spent years learning and studying the wisdom the ancients had to offer.

Driven by a desire to know more, in June 2010 Ian made the pilgrimage to Cusco, Peru, intending to visit the ancient monuments of Machu Picchu. Through an unexpected set of circumstances he found himself spending many hours with the wisdom keepers of the Inca, the Q’Ero. As synchronicity would have it, one of the Q’Ero spoke perfect English and offered to translate. Ian spent many days with the Q’Ero and the translator and was given a deep and intimate look in to their knowledge and the prophecies which they urgently wanted to share with the wider world. The Inca prophecies relating to a forthcoming shift and the challenges and opportunities it will offer.

In essence. A shift is coming, it’s energetic, it will affect consciousness on earth and we had better prepare.

The Shift Presentations

On his return home Ian set about formulating a presentation which he titled “The Shift Is About to Hit the Fan”. He spent months on the road touring the UK sharing the Inca wisdom with hundreds of people who attended his presentations. He went on to expand the presentation in to a series of workshops which were again popular and well attended. The desire to share the knowledge kept Ian away from home for months on end but he felt it important enough to keep going.

Ian R Crane – Prophecy of our Sun on Human Consciousness

The Shift Is Upon Us

The Alternative View team share Ian’s vision so much so that although he is no longer with us we are committed to keeping his mission going at this critical time in human history. Ian’s meeting with the Q’Ero and understanding of other ancient knowledge has guided us to bring his Shift presentation right up to date and bring to you:

AV12 – The Shift Has Hit the Fan

We believe it’s no longer coming; it’s here. World events over the last two years have shown open minded people that something is amiss and things are not ‘normal’. The Q’Ero would suggest it’s totally normal, it’s cyclical and it is a shift and a reset back to a better world. Not only that but a valuable, powerful and very necessary shift and reset that threatens the parasitic world leaders. The near future may have lots of shocks and surprises but also many gifts too. Personal consciousness and awareness will play a large part in the transit.

The Aim and Goal of AV12

The AV12 Conference aims to take stock of the world and re-evaluate our current position in the light of the Inca prophecy. As with all AV events we aim to bring you speakers who posses the capacity for critical thought and can deliver deeper and more honest insights in to the current world position than the mainstream media would ever allow. The speakers will present their information on their chosen subject but against the backdrop of the energetic changes we will be asking all speakers:

Where do we find ourselves and how did we get here?

What do you think is going on?

Where do you think we are heading?

Join us on the 4th September 2022 and together we may find some answers.

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