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King Osman stays in place

The news narrative that King Osman has resigned as British Prime Minister seems to have worked. He has not. He is still Prime Minister and there is only a proposed date set for his resignation around the time of the Party Conference. He has resigned as Leader of the Conservative Party after an open rebellion of MPs, but MPs are nearly all regarded as expendable pawns by the banking elites. The Prime Minister will resign when the Queen is ready for the event to occur. As the war in Ukraine is a key element in the Great Reset, the palace (Prince Charles) will want to keep King Osman in place for now.

Maybe there will be a new precedent set for the ‘British Constitution’ where the Prime Minister controls the government without the requirement for a political party to be in control of Westminster.   Elections can be rigged to order nowadays and candidates carefully selected for their corruptibility and willingness to remain silent.  All most MPs are bothered about is being re-elected for the most part which is why they want to ditch King Osman, or at least express their disloyalty to their constituents who have no real idea what is going on, and try to win back their disappearing votes.  Recent by-elections show all the main parties are in trouble – see Wakefield.

As the Great Reset rolls on and WW3, the banking cabal and the Khazars won’t care about constitutional details and discussions. They have their war-compliant Churchill in place and they’ll keep him there as long as they require him. By October there will no doubt be events which make Britain want King Osman kept in place (or think they do)….and any voting or elections can be delayed with crisis or emergency orders from the executive.


Every time a fire is reported in the media in Britain, it is invariably described as ‘a horror’, makes masses of smoke which is ‘visible for miles’, and makes ‘explosions’. This is of course nothing to do with the fact that occasionally there are actually fires which make explosions and make smoke visible for miles. These are when ammunition dumps are hit by missiles, or arms shipments are intercepted in similar vein. It would be easier to pick these events out from the reported explosive qualities of the resulting fires, but not when all fires are now being reported as ‘explosive’.   All fires are now ‘explosive’……especially after April 14th when the RAF Welford Depot blew up closing the M4 in both directions – reported as ‘fireworks exploding’ by only three newspapers, with no TV coverage.  There may well be other genuinely ‘explosive’ incidents which have been successfully covered up by the media.

Ukraine is being sacrificed to make way for the Khazars and so too is Britain being sacrificed (at least the people are) – being one of the most ‘boosted’ nations thanks to the NHS, and with a diminutive army being prepared for war with a war colossus, and with the food supply 50% imported, and now clearly insecure.  Add energy insecurity to that list as gas is cut off as well as grain.  That is why Ukrainian flags are so visible in our schools churches and still some houses. King Osman knows where his loyalties lie.  There is no politician in Westminster mindful of English interests and the survival of our people against these well planned coming catastrophes.


Mind you King Osman likes living in and around London so maybe he will deliver Ukraine to the Khazars (his own people) and keep London safe albeit thinned out to a greater or lesser extent of the numbers, from boosters, war events and starvation.  No wonder he was clapping the NHS so enthusiastically while the nation’s immune systems were targeted with medical weaponry.  The palace is very satisfied with his performance to date and won’t want him replaced.  Once millions are dead or dying, he can make some fine media appearances, and head for a sumptious dinner at Buckingham Palace.  Meantime, most media, mainstream and alternative has been conned.

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12 Responses to “King Osman stays in place”

  1. Gordon says:

    Very well said. So true and right on the button.

  2. danceaway says:

    Fantastic analysis, Tap. Thank you so much. The level of deceit that we live with daily is almost unimaginable.

  3. Weaver says:

    Brilliant assessment of what is really happening rather than the fake news.

  4. Tapestry says:

    Thank you commenters, though I see other threads here point out the role of the Rs, and the Jewish connection in Ukraine and Odessa and the desire for a new Jewish homeland. The desperate fighting around Snakes Island seems to suggest some higher hand is looking hard at the Black Sea as the key to power in the region.

  5. Aldous says:

    Good read Tap and it ‘doesn’t defend itself from being read by its length’ as another former Crime(sic) Minister Churchill was (allegedly) once quoted as saying after being given a lengthy report about something or other. He was probably too drunk at the time to be bothered.
    I myself wouldn’t compare CM Osman with CM Churchill but with Neville Chamberlain who was certainly not a wartime PM in searching for ‘peace in our time’ – the last thing the Edomite bankers(sic) wanted. Warmongering Churchill would do very nicely.
    No, I think the UK may be heading for a Government of National Unity (lol) under Keir Starmer.

    Off topic but I’m hearing that former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has just been assassinated (apparently shot from behind) in Nara while giving an outside address.
    President Vladimir Putin of Russia has sent condolences to the mother and to the wife of the late Shinzo Abe, a former prime minister of Japan, who was killed by a gunman on Friday.
    VPN required to access the RT link in Europe I’m reliably informed. RIP

  6. Aldous says:

    Russia’s top diplomat comments on PM Johnson’s resignation
    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has described the politician as someone “clinging to power,” whose activities are intended for show

    Cling Osman or even Bling Osman (the ridiculous UK/UKraine lapel badge) would be more apt than ‘King’ Osman.

  7. Aldous says:

    Why is Keir Starmer – who has only been a sodding MP since 2015 from memory – now ‘leader’ of the Labour Party?
    Because of what is about to dramatically unfold in the UK.

    There is no obvious choice in the ailing Tory Party – forget about the likes of Patel, Sunak and Co who the British electorate would not accept – but Starmer has leadership presence (of sorts) to the sheeples’ blind eyes, not realising that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Perfect for World war 3?
    Time will tell.

    • Gordon says:

      I see Starmer in every way as a Tory so in that respect I suppose you’re correct.

  8. newensign says:

    Another thread I came across on Bojo’s resignation, was the involvement of Bill Gates:-
    Why Is Bill Gates In London At The Same Time Boris Johnson Resigned?
    by threadsirish

    Did you know that Bill Gates private jet flew in to London on Wednesday night? The same day Javid and Sunak resigned, then within the space of 24 hours so did Boris Johnston. Just another amazing coincidence of course.

    Suzanne Seddon @suzseddon
    Is it a coincidence that Bill Gates was in London. The same day MP’s started resigning?

    Here is where it gets interesting and the joining of dots becomes important. The last time Gates arrived in the UK and tried to fly under the radar (excuse the pun) was back on October 18th 2021. October 19th was a watershed day to renew the temporary provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020.

    2nd Smartest Guy in the World is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Gates was also invited to a dinner in 10 Downing Street with a bunch of b(w)ankers. Now why would Bill Gates a self-proclaimed computer whizz and global philanthropist get the nod to such an event.
    To understand why Gates is making a reappearance again so soon after a massive amount of resignations of the UK cabinet you need to read the thread I wrote back then. Its important as it was retweeted 3,000 times back in October but has now been deleted (as my account was closed down).

    I have reproduced it in its entirety so you don’t have to click out. It will all begin to make sense.

    Those fireworks I mentioned back in October have now come to pass.

    Since that date in October 2021 the UK has added additional politicians to the ranks of the World Economic Forum.

    As I alluded to in my previous thread Boris just wasn’t playing ball or moving fast enough for “Build Back Better”. Alternatively, it was always planned that way in that Boris would be the useful idiot for the first part of The Great Reset only to be replaced by someone else for the next stage, the financial part of the reset. After all that is the ultimate end goal, the mother of all financial crashes ushering in a digital currency, social credit score system and thereby total control of the masses.

    Why Are The World Economic Forum (WEF) & Rockefeller Foundation (RF) So Intent On Implementing A Digital ID, Digital Currency & Social Credit Score System ?

    Who the next PM is going to be I can only hazard a guess. What I can say is that before Gates stepped on his plane the next UK PM had been selected, he won’t be elected.

    I could be totally wrong but my guess is that it will be somebody who has worked in the banking area and someone who has an intricate knowledge of Central Bank Digital Currencies. Will it be one of these WEF politicians ?

    Or will it be one of the recent Bilderberg attendees, Michael Gove, Tom Tugendhat or David Lammy. Just pay very close attention to who the media are pushing as they are bought and paid for and complicit in this whole $hit $how.

    Whoever it is Gates is the messenger boy to give additional instructions to the next selected Prime Minister as well as the other WEF politicians.

    He is like a bad smell and pops up at the most opportune moments. You can be sure that he has been on the blower to World Economic Forum supremo Klaus Schwab who has also been given instructions for the next stage.

    The financial and economic reset is well under way with Gates helping to steer the ship.

    Why Is Bill Gates In London At The Same Time Boris Johnson Resigned?
    by threadsirish

    Did you know that Bill Gates private jet flew in to London on Wednesday night? The same day Javid and Sunak resigned, then within the space of 24 hours so did Boris Johnston. Just another amazing coincidence of course.

    Suzanne Seddon @suzseddon
    Is it a coincidence that Bill Gates was in London. The same day MP’s started resigning?

    Here is where it gets interesting and the joining of dots becomes important. The last time Gates arrived in the UK and tried to fly under the radar (excuse the pun) was back on October 18th 2021. October 19th was a watershed day to renew the temporary provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020.

    2nd Smartest Guy in the World is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Gates was also invited to a dinner in 10 Downing Street with a bunch of b(w)ankers. Now why would Bill Gates a self-proclaimed computer whizz and global philanthropist get the nod to such an event.
    To understand why Gates is making a reappearance again so soon after a massive amount of resignations of the UK cabinet you need to read the thread I wrote back then. Its important as it was retweeted 3,000 times back in October but has now been deleted (as my account was closed down).

    I have reproduced it in its entirety so you don’t have to click out. It will all begin to make sense.
    Those fireworks I mentioned back in October have now come to pass.

    Since that date in October 2021 the UK has added additional politicians to the ranks of the World Economic Forum.

    As I alluded to in my previous thread Boris just wasn’t playing ball or moving fast enough for “Build Back Better”. Alternatively, it was always planned that way in that Boris would be the useful idiot for the first part of The Great Reset only to be replaced by someone else for the next stage, the financial part of the reset. After all that is the ultimate end goal, the mother of all financial crashes ushering in a digital currency, social credit score system and thereby total control of the masses.

    Why Are The World Economic Forum (WEF) & Rockefeller Foundation (RF) So Intent On Implementing A Digital ID, Digital Currency & Social Credit Score System ?

    Who the next PM is going to be I can only hazard a guess. What I can say is that before Gates stepped on his plane the next UK PM had been selected, he won’t be elected.

    I could be totally wrong but my guess is that it will be somebody who has worked in the banking area and someone who has an intricate knowledge of Central Bank Digital Currencies. Will it be one of these WEF politicians ?

    Or will it be one of the recent Bilderberg attendees, Michael Gove, Tom Tugendhat or David Lammy. Just pay very close attention to who the media are pushing as they are bought and paid for and complicit in this whole $hit $how.

    Whoever it is Gates is the messenger boy to give additional instructions to the next selected Prime Minister as well as the other WEF politicians.

    He is like a bad smell and pops up at the most opportune moments. You can be sure that he has been on the blower to World Economic Forum supremo Klaus Schwab who has also been given instructions for the next stage.

    The financial and economic reset is well under way with Gates helping to steer the ship.
    Why Is Bill Gates In London At The Same Time Boris Johnson Resigned?
    by threadsirish

    Did you know that Bill Gates private jet flew in to London on Wednesday night? The same day Javid and Sunak resigned, then within the space of 24 hours so did Boris Johnston. Just another amazing coincidence of course.

    Is it a coincidence that Bill Gates was in London. The same day MP’s started resigning?

    Here is where it gets interesting and the joining of dots becomes important. The last time Gates arrived in the UK and tried to fly under the radar (excuse the pun) was back on October 18th 2021. October 19th was a watershed day to renew the temporary provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020.

    2nd Smartest Guy in the World is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Gates was also invited to a dinner in 10 Downing Street with a bunch of b(w)ankers. Now why would Bill Gates a self-proclaimed computer whizz and global philanthropist get the nod to such an event.
    To understand why Gates is making a reappearance again so soon after a massive amount of resignations of the UK cabinet you need to read the thread I wrote back then. Its important as it was retweeted 3,000 times back in October but has now been deleted (as my account was closed down).
    I have reproduced it in its entirety so you don’t have to click out. It will all begin to make sense.
    Those fireworks I mentioned back in October have now come to pass.

    Since that date in October 2021 the UK has added additional politicians to the ranks of the World Economic Forum.

    As I alluded to in my previous thread Boris just wasn’t playing ball or moving fast enough for “Build Back Better”. Alternatively, it was always planned that way in that Boris would be the useful idiot for the first part of The Great Reset only to be replaced by someone else for the next stage, the financial part of the reset. After all that is the ultimate end goal, the mother of all financial crashes ushering in a digital currency, social credit score system and thereby total control of the masses.

    Why Are The World Economic Forum (WEF) & Rockefeller Foundation (RF) So Intent On Implementing A Digital ID, Digital Currency & Social Credit Score System ?

    Who the next PM is going to be I can only hazard a guess. What I can say is that before Gates stepped on his plane the next UK PM had been selected, he won’t be elected.

    I could be totally wrong but my guess is that it will be somebody who has worked in the banking area and someone who has an intricate knowledge of Central Bank Digital Currencies. Will it be one of these WEF politicians ?

    Or will it be one of the recent Bilderberg attendees, Michael Gove, Tom Tugendhat or David Lammy. Just pay very close attention to who the media are pushing as they are bought and paid for and complicit in this whole $hit $how.

    Whoever it is Gates is the messenger boy to give additional instructions to the next selected Prime Minister as well as the other WEF politicians.

    He is like a bad smell and pops up at the most opportune moments. You can be sure that he has been on the blower to World Economic Forum supremo Klaus Schwab who has also been given instructions for the next stage.

    The financial and economic reset is well under way with Gates helping to steer the ship.

  9. ian says:

    Look out for Priti the Poison dwarf Patel, if a new government is formed. Devious and hateful. Ideal qualities for government ministers in these circumstances, where populations need a good hating.

  10. pete fairhurst says:

    Yes very well said thanks Tap. Excellent comments too

    We certainly seem to be heading for a definitive period in the coming months. Nothing will surprise me now though given the madness that we’ve seen in he last 2 plus years. The western elites are simply insane and their Great Reset is insane too. It must fail surely, I hope that it does anyhow

    There are powerful forces against it too it seems. Not least in the US according to Tom Luongo, an astute financial analyst. He says that the WEF is losing this elite struggle and that powerful US elites will make sure it fails. Not to mention the Chinese and Russians ones who seem to be opposed to it as well. I guess that we should know soon enough. These madmen are unlikely to give up easily though

    Johnson, Starmer, AN Other? I can’t see that it will make much of a difference. They will choose their puppet to suit their purpose. Western European politicians really are pathetic

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