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The Person Most Likely to Kill You is Your Doctor

Watching the medical establishment lie, deceive and exhibit Olympian quality incompetence has been quite a shock for many during the last two years. Doctors have helped sustain the biggest medical fraud in history; smiling away as they jabbed and pocketed the cash.

But no one should have been shocked.

Members of the medical establishment, and their praetorian guard, the experts, always believe they know best. Anyone who questions the establishment must be ignored and, if they persist they must be crushed, suppressed, vilified and ostracised.

However, it isn’t difficult to compile a litany of medical incompetence – incompetence so egregious that, along with cancer and circulatory disease, doctors have for decades been one of the three most important causes of death and injury.

Many of the injuries and deaths among patients are caused by simple, straightforward ignorance rather than bad luck or unforeseen complications. The recent enthusiasm for giving millions of patients an untested experimental drug that didn’t work and wasn’t safe is just one more example of professional ineptitude.

If terrorists killed a fraction of the number killed by doctors the world would be in a state of constant panic. The person most likely to kill you isn’t a burglar or an aggrieved relative – it’s your doctor.

Doctors often claim that it is thanks to them that we are all living longer these days and that drug companies and doctors have improved our general health. But evidence shows that there really hasn’t been much change in life expectation for centuries. Way back in biblical times, ordinary folk were encouraged to expect a life-span of three score and ten.

It was cleaner drinking water, and better sewage facilities (introduced in the 19th century) which resulted in a fall in infant mortality levels – and reducing infant mortality made a tremendous difference to overall life expectancy figures.

In Australia, around half a million people are admitted to hospital every year because they have been made ill by doctors. One in six British hospital patients is in hospital because he or she has been made ill by doctors. Around half of all the ‘adverse events’ associated with doctors are clearly and readily preventable and are usually a result of ignorance or incompetence or a mixture of both. The rest would be preventable with a little care and thought.

Drugs are wildly over-prescribed, both by hospital doctors and by general practitioners. And doctors and hospitals are often appallingly and inexcusably slow. Waiting lists are so long that most patients will now die before they are investigated, let alone treated.

Doctors have always made mistakes but we have now reached the point where, on balance, many well-meaning doctors do more harm than good; killing more people than they are saving and causing more illness and discomfort than they are alleviating.

Worryingly, the epidemic of iatrogenic disease which has scarred medical practice for decades has been steadily getting worse. Today most of us would, most of the time, be better off without a medical profession.

Major disorders are not picked up in around four out of ten patients. When doctors compared post-mortem results with the patients’ medical records, they discovered that out of 87 patients only 17 patients were diagnosed completely correctly.

A major study of patients who’d had heart attacks showed that staying at home may be safer than going into hospital. Whatever advantage patients might have had through going into hospital was more than matched by the multiple hazards of going into hospital.

Before the industrial age, hospitals were built like cathedrals in order to lift the soul and ease the mind. Hospitals were decorated with works of art, flowers and perfumes. Modern hospitals, designed by experts, are built with no regard for the spirit, eye or soul. They are bare, more like prisons than temples, designed to concentrate the mind on pain, fear and death.

In the old days nursing was a noble profession. Caring was the key word. The most powerful jobs in the profession were occupied by ward sisters and matrons — all of whom still had close, daily contact with patients.

Today’s career structure means that ambitious nurses must move up the ladder to a point where they spend no time with patients.

The number of highly paid managers in hospitals has risen every year for decades. There are more administrators in hospitals than there are beds, nurses or other practical staff.

A few decades ago, patients were cared for in hospitals which were run by matrons and ward sisters — nurses who still knew how to turn a patient, make a bed and empty a bedpan.

In many countries, doctors (both in general practice and in hospitals) are now working strictly limited hours. As a result, it is rare to see a doctor in a hospital at weekends. You are up to 26% more likely to die if you are admitted to hospital at the weekend than if you are admitted to hospital during the week.

You are more likely to catch a serious, life-threatening infection in hospital than anywhere else. The great danger is, of course, that you may catch an antibiotic resistant infection. Hospitals are poor at hygiene.

American researchers have concluded that in an average sort of year, surgeons working in American hospitals perform 7.5 million unnecessary surgical procedures, resulting in 37,136 unnecessary deaths and a cost running into hundreds of billions of dollars. One Congressional Committee in the US found that 17.6% of recommendations for surgery were not necessary.

Back in 1988, I reported that coronary artery bypass surgery (the commonest procedure performed in cardiac surgery) had been in use for nearly thirty years without anyone trying to find out how patients’ everyday lives were affected by the operation. The experts just `knew’ it was a good thing.

When a survey was eventually done, it was found that the operation had little positive effect on patients’ lives but did put a good many out of action for some time. And many died as a result of surgical complications. Moreover, patients who have symptoms of heart disease often don’t need surgery at all but stand a better chance of recovering if they are put on a regime which includes a vegan diet, gentle exercise and relaxation.

Psychiatrists and psychologists are constantly eager to create fashionable new bandwagons It is now possible to be clinically afraid of over 500 different phobias including korrhaphiophobia (a fear of defeat), apeirophobia (a fear of infinity), chrometophobia (a fear of money) and hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliphobia (a fear of long words). It’s difficult to tell when the experts are being serious and when they’re having us on.

Psychologists have been proved to be worse at making judgements (or offering advice) than hairdressers. Research has shown that psychiatrists are worse than useless.

When doctors in Israel went on strike for a month, admissions to hospital dropped by eighty five per cent, with only the most urgent cases being admitted, but despite this the death rate in Israel dropped by fifty per cent — the largest drop since the previous doctors’ strike twenty years earlier — to its lowest ever recorded level. Much the same thing happens wherever doctors have gone on strike. The Great Reset doesn’t have a place for doctors or hospitals. Maybe we shouldn’t worry too much. Just give us open access to painkillers.

An editorial published in the British Medical Journal stated that: ‘only one per cent of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound’ and that ‘only about fifteen per cent of medical interventions are supported by solid scientific evidence’.

Uncomfortable truths (such as those the truth-tellers have been screaming about for the last two years) have always attracted abuse, ridicule and persecution, and those who dare to speak out against the establishment have always been regarded as dangerous heretics.

Original thinkers, daring to question the establishment, are still being demonised and cancelled by a modern culture which is just as constrained, as restrictive and as destructive as anything in history.

There may not be much burning at the stake going on these days but original thinkers are destroyed by being described as ‘conspiracy theorists’ or, for absolutely no reason at all, and with no supporting evidence for the slur, they are labelled ‘discredited’.

The licensing authorities remove the licenses of doctors who dare to question the officially approved line of thinking. Doctors who voice views which question drug industry research are told that they must be suffering from mental illness.

When I was invited to speak to NHS staff about drug side effects, I was banned because the drug industry protested. I was replaced by a drug industry spokesman.

Still, I mustn’t complain.

Michael Servetus wrote a book suggesting (accurately) that a separate pulmonary circulation existed within the body. For sharing this truth with the world, Servetus was burnt alive in 1553.

These days we just have to put up with censorship and lies and garbage on Google and Wikipedia.

Copyright Vernon Coleman July 2022

Vernon Coleman’s latest book is `Medical Heretics: How the medical establishment crushes the truth and suppresses good ideas’ is available as a paperback. For details please visit the BOOKS section on www.vernoncoleman.org Vernon Coleman’s international bestseller `How to stop your doctor killing you’ is also available from the same site.


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3 Responses to “The Person Most Likely to Kill You is Your Doctor”

  1. ian says:

    Not an article to send to anyone needing hospital treatment, unless you really don’t like them, but certainly well worth knowing.

    • Aldous says:

      Most people Ian are far too trusting of their doctors and should think of them nowadays like they think of lawyers.
      Q: What’s a 1000 lawyers lying dead at the bottom of the ocean?
      A: A good start.
      Q: What’s the difference between a lawyer and a hooker?
      A: A hooker stops screwing you after you’re dead.

      Everyone loves lawyer jokes but most would never think of their doctor in the same way which often proves to be a fatal mistake.
      They are usually far more ‘thinking’ when it comes to buying a car, TV, refrigerator, etc, rather than what happens to their one and only body.
      I steer clear of modern medicine and can’t remember the last time I had a check up.
      Sure, I was patched up after a bad fall quite a while back after breaking a couple of bones following a day on the lash with a couple of friends who led me astray but I refused any jabs apart from the painkillers necessary to reset them and stitch me up.
      It’s got absolutely crazy with all these Big Pharma poxy drugs and quack treatments infesting the medical system and being pushed and promoted by the medical ‘profession’.
      Many doctors today are more dodgy than even a lawyer. A used car salesman should be held in higher regard. Regards.

  2. Weaver says:

    Vernon Coleman never holds back from the truth painful as it may be. I agree with you though Ian I am still battling family members who believe after being seriously ill will Covid symptoms that would have been a lot worse if they had not taken the jab.