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UK Government confirms the Fully Vaccinated accounted for 94% of COVID-19 Deaths in May

The most recent data made available by the UK Government on deaths by vaccination status confirms the vaccinated population in England accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 deaths throughout the month of May 2022, and 90% of those deaths were among the triple vaccinated population.

On the 7th July, Boris Johnson announced he was resigning as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and ever since there has been a mainstream media frenzy surrounding who will replace him. A frenzy that was shortly interrupted by a doomsday heatwave that has now been and gone.

However, just hours before Boris announced his resignation, the UK Government quietly published a report on deaths by vaccination status that has now conveniently been swept under the carpet.

That report contains data up to 31st May 2022, and it was published on the 6th July by the UK’s Office for National Statistics. It is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.

Table 1 of the latest dataset contains figures on the mortality rates by vaccination status for all-cause deaths, deaths involving Covid-19, and deaths not involving Covid-19. And it is here that we are able to ascertain the vaccination status of everyone who has died of Covid-19 in May 2022.

Here’s how the ONS presents the figures for the month of May 2022 –

We’ve taken the figures provided by the ONS for May 2022, and produced the following chart showing Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status in England during that month –

According to the ONS there were 1,364 Covid-19 deaths throughout the month of May, and the vaccinated population accounted for a shocking 1,282 of those deaths.

But what’s even more shocking is that the triple vaccinated population accounted for 1,155 of those deaths, with just 82 deaths recorded among the unvaccinated population.

To put those figures into perspective, despite what the UK Government and mainstream media would have you believe, the official UK Government data actually shows that there are 18.9million people in England who still remain unvaccinated, and nearly 50% of the population of England have refused the third jab.

But despite this, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 deaths in May 2022, and 90% of those deaths were among the triple vaccinated population.

These figures aren’t representative of an injection that is allegedly 95% effective against death, are they?

UK Government confirms the Fully Vaccinated accounted for 94% of COVID-19 Deaths in May

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One Response to “UK Government confirms the Fully Vaccinated accounted for 94% of COVID-19 Deaths in May”

  1. Occams says:

    And dollars to donuts, those ‘Covid Deaths ~ Unvaccinated’, are almost assuredly bovine excrement. Shove a phony test swab up the deceased’s nose, ramp up the cycles on the PCR Orgasmatron, et viola’!


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