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Independent UK Journalist Graham Phillips Sanctioned by UK

British Journalist Graham Phillips Added To UK SANCTIONS LIST! – Inside Russia Report

26 July 2022

The UK imposed sanctions against its own citizen Graham Phillips for covering the situation in Donbass, his assets and home were also seized. Great Britain. Sanctions. Against a British citizen. Now we have seen everything, and they speak about misinfo and propaganda…

Source: https://tinyurl.com/2dofztn4

Graham Phillips YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GrahamPhill…

Graham Phillips Telegram: https://t.me/grahamwphillips

UK Sanctions List (HTML): https://ofsistorage.blob.core.windows…

HM Treasury Entry for Graham Phillips: https://sanctionssearchapp.ofsi.hmtre…

The Guardian – “British pro-Kremlin video blogger added to UK government Russia sanctions list Graham Phillips is accused of being a conduit for pro-Russian propaganda and is first UK citizen put on list”: https://tinyurl.com/24ez39a4




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3 Responses to “Independent UK Journalist Graham Phillips Sanctioned by UK”

  1. ian says:

    If the law allows this, then we too might be targeted eventually. That they can do this during war, is known, but we are not at war.

  2. danceaway says:

    Yes, Ian, you have hit the nail on the head. And Graham is not even living in England. He apparently has a Ukrainian wife and lives in Lugansk.

    Commenters pointed out that if he has other family in UK they could also be targeted. This happened to the father of the German girl reporting from Donbas who has been threatened with 3 years in Jail; her father had his bank account seized as well.

    • ian says:

      Very disturbing. The direction, in which we are heading is getting serious, if it wasn’t bad enough before, it is now.

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