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Which way, Russia? Re-setting without Schwab?

While Moscow may be parting ways with its “Western partners” in search of more reliable markets, it is necessary to ask what the continuation of this economic and political pivot – which began more than a decade ago – means in practical terms.

On February 4, Russia and China released a joint statement declaring a “new era” for international relations and global sustainable development:

“In order to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sides call on the international community to take practical steps in key areas of cooperation such as poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity.”

Are Moscow and Beijing resisting the Davos-endorsed path, or are they building a parallel system using a similar blueprint? Are these two “sustainable development” partners opposed to world governance or do they instead want to be equal “stakeholders” in existing and future global superstructures?

The argument that Moscow is begrudgingly mirroring the West as part of a biothreat-fueled technocratic arms race raises a whole other set of questions. Can Russia responsibly harness technologies that have been abused and misused by western governments? If a PCR test is not fit for purpose in the West, can the same test protect Russia from biological threats as part of its Sanitary Shield program? Is the global adoption of CBDCs an attack on financial freedom in the United States, but a necessary measure to ensure Russia’s economic sovereignty?

These are the kinds of questions we should be asking ourselves as our increasingly chaotic world fragments into seemingly irreconcilable blocs.

Whether in the East or the West, will the “client path” be fundamentally different?

Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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14 Responses to “Which way, Russia? Re-setting without Schwab?”

  1. danceaway says:

    Such important questions which we would all love answers to. In an earlier post it was stated that they are continuing to use the PCR test in Russia, for instance. That part of Big Pharma still has a foothold.

    Some of the testing of the Sinovax vials has produced results less than favourable, let us say. ( La Quinta Columna, I believe reported this).

    The digital currency is another can of worms.

    So, yes, what are they really doing? Is a parallel system what they have in mind?

  2. Tapestry says:

    It’s a shame for Russians to fight a war to drive out Nazis only to be captured by technocrats who are no better. Russia and China are highly authoritarian regimes where people accept they have little choice. Is Russia going to be goaded to invade Western Europe and subject all former democracies to an authoritarian regime Russian-style? Is that why our armed forces have been run down to almost zero so we can easily be devoured by the new Red Army? The Great Reset can then be imposed with the gulag beckoning for refuseniks.

  3. danceaway says:

    This is a horrible possibility to contemplate, Tap.

  4. pete fairhurst says:

    We are all scratching our heads and trying to work out what’s what aren’t we. It’s by no means black and white, it’s the opposite, very complex

    Certainly this Wagman guy’s arguments are powerful and detailed and they can’t be dismissed out of hand. Although I’m very suspicious about him personally, I’m not clear about his biases and influences. He previously worked for RT and Press. Isn’t RT a western oriented outfit? There’s is undoubtedly a large fifth column in Russia that is pro west. Is he part of that?

    My main suspicions about him are based on a very long panel discussion that I saw hosted by OffGuardian. The discussion included a lot of argument about this topic. Waggman and Iain Davies [who I have a LOT of time for] said Russia is in on the Great Reset.

    Versus Matt Ehret and Tom Luongo [both of whom I have a LOT of time for too] who said Russia is a big part of a real breakaway from western hegemony and wants it’s partner nations to be truly sovereign

    This is exactly what the Putin keeps saying of course. I guess that a more totalitarian approach within any sovereign nation is possible under that structure as well. Certainly Russia has a long history of more autocratic rulers. Putin is like a modern Tsar isn’t he. Some of the Tsars certainly deserve the moniker “Great”. The way he’s going Russians will give him the same moniker when he’s done. His track record is stunning from an ordinary Russians point of view. Russian male life expectancy increased 10 years under Putin. His track record is pretty consistent too isn’t he, nobody can argue that he’s not a Russian patriot surely

    Anyhow, Ehret and Luongo wiped the floor with Wagman and Davies. Wagman came across as a biased weasel and Luongo was scathing and contemptuous [then again he is a New Yorker]. I follow Wagman’s Substack [he posts under Edward Slavsquat] and he is consistent, I’ll give him that

    • Tapestry says:

      Russians are Christians and great people to work with in my experience. They’re like an old fashioned version of European, and feel very like us British as we used to be. While their economy was wrecked, the people are not. That’s a great comment as per usual Pete – and others here. The jury is still out on Russia’s final direction. We can only support them in their efforts to rid the West of Nazism meantime. It would not be a great time to take a stance against OWG until the military situation is sorted out, if there are any changes to the Great Reset that Russia would wish down the pike. Never say No to the Headmaster was always good advice – same goes for Schwab et al. Cross one fence at a time, just as the Russians are doing in Donbas.

      • pete fairhurst says:

        Thanks Tap

        Yes Christians and grounded people. They did live through 70 years of commie totalitarianism after all

        Yes the jury is out, and yes their efforts to rid the west of nazism deserve everyone’s support too. If they don’t do it then, who will?

        I don’t think they want to dominate the west in reality. That would go against all their history and they’ve got enough to handle as it is. It’s a massive place, difficult to defend, though they’ve never failed to repel invaders have they

        Finally that is a very good point about the headmaster too. They’d be mad to take on too much at once

      • pete fairhurst says:

        My reply to danceaway below “awaiting moderation”. Ha ha, WordPress I expect

    • newensign says:

      A good summary Pete, but when you say pro west I think you mean the unholy trinity of those sovereign states London, Vatican and Washington DC controlled by the evil Khazarian money power.. Russia and the west have the same enemy. One has to look at it like as if you were watching a soccer match – one team has blue shirts, the opposing green shirts, but if you put on a special pair of glasses, you will se some with red shirts on both sides manipulating the game to red’s advantage!! That is why we have been brainwashed into thinking the enemy is always external or invisible as in Covid but never within the gates!!

      • pete fairhurst says:

        Thanks newensign
        Yes that is what I meant by the west, certainly not ordinary folk
        Good analogy

  5. newensign says:

    I have a friend in St. Petersburg who told me last year that the enforcement of Covid restrictions were fairly relaxed and he didn’t wear a mask. The enforcement of Covid regulations, was left to employers’ discretion. Many people changed jobs in order to avoid mask wearing. He also said different areas of Russia were more lenient in enforcing the Covid regs that others. It would appear the London regime was more draconian than the Russian one! I have mentioned before that Russia has within its ranks large numbers of 5th columnists, left over from the Soviet area, which shows in their parades where the Russian flag with St. George slaying the dragon on it followed by the communist hammer and Sickle Flag. Putin like other leaders is pulled by different forces within his country which may conflict the NWO agenda, while Russia and Putin continue to shun the degeneracy imposed on the West, Russia will continue to be blessed by a higher power. In the long run Russia will have to disengage from China and Turkey from where the Khazarian Mafia hail!!

  6. danceaway says:

    As Mike of iEarlGrey is located in Saint Petersburg, his views of his life there are an insight, as well.

    He remarked that employers were requiring 80% jabbed rate even though Putin had said it was not mandatory. One gets the impression that he himself has not taken part in the offering.

    His walks around the city show what appears to be a relaxed populace. He speaks of the benefits for families, and recently posted his June/July electricity bill which was ludicrously low for his 125 sq m house.

    There were videos recently of a bicycle day in Moscow with many out on the cleared streets on bikes and scooters enjoying themselves.

    • newensign says:

      Yes indeed Danceaway, nothing is cut and dried! People are herded into supporting teams and that one side is good while the other side is bad – it has to one or the other with most people. They can’t conceive both teams being a mixture of good an evil!!

    • pete fairhurst says:

      Yes danceaway that’s what we found too when out and about. My wife and I visited Moscow and St Petersburg in 2019 and we were both stunned by the quality of the public spaces in both places. Parks like none we’d seen before, very well appointed, very well maintained and full of life [it was June their warmest month] Everywhere was spotlessly clean too and the population were taking full advantage. A great atmosphere with no edginess whatsoever

      Gorky park in central Moscow was simply wonderful. Lots of sports and other exercise activities, several music venues, loads of good food stalls, lots of bikes, large relaxation areas with inflatable furniture and the like. Massive lawns and wooded sections

      We figured out that the parks were so well done because most city folk live in flats not houses. Their summer houses are dachas, wooden places out in the countryside. The dachas were endless out side the city. We took a high speed train from Moscow to St Petersburg, about 750 kilometres. There were dachas all along the train lines for at least 200k out of Moscow, maybe a bit less for St P

  7. newensign says:

    A good summary Pete, but when you say pro west I think you mean the unholy trinity of those sovereign states London, Vatican and Washington DC controlled by the evil Khazarian money power.. Russia and the west have the same enemy. One has to look at it like as if you were watching a soccer match – one team has blue shirts, the opposing green shirts, but if you put on a special pair of glasses, you will se some with red shirts on both sides manipulating the game to red’s advantage!! That is why we have been brainwashed into thinking the enemy is always external or invisible as in Covid but never within the gates!!

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