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The FSA allows edible insects to remain on UK market

Introduction – July 22, 2022

This is part of the World Economic Forum’s plan to remove animal proteins from our diets over the coming years and substitute them with plant and insect based proteins.

“Fact checkers” may dispute this but there no denying the WEF videos that publicise the benefits of insect-based proteins.

Of course this won’t apply to the rich and powerful like Klaus Schwab and friends who will still feast on meats. However, for the great mass of humanity meat will soon be either too expensive or simply unobtainable.

However, this doesn’t end with plant and insect based proteins. In a move that echoes the old Charlton Heston movie, Soylent Green, scientists are also experimenting with meats grown from human cells.

So one-day ordinary folk may be forced to subsist on plant and insect or artifical based protein diets while real meat could be prohibited.

This is why traditional farmers in Holland are effectively being forced off the land by government policies. The World Economic Forum and their appointees in various national governments want us to eat differently, so naturally this means changing what foods are produced and how.

More observant readers may have also noticed over the past year or so there has been a subtle but coordinated effort by supermarkets, the media and food manufacturers to promote plant-based protein foods as a “healthy” alternative to meat. This is part of the same agenda.

I am a vegetarian myself but this has nothing to do with an individual’s choice regarding health and spirituality. It’s all about refashioning humanity for the Great Reset, and that involves; eliminating national identity, altering our sexuality, our racial identity, the way we work, our finances and even our diets.

The elite want to control every aspect of our lives so that one day humanity will be reduced to little more than drones to serve them.

Are you going to comply? Ed.

The FSA allows edible insects to remain on UK market

Sarah Hughes – Grocery Gazette July 13, 2022

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has released plans to allow edible insects to remain on the market while they undergo the Novel Foods authorisation process to assess their safety.

The plans, which were launched today indicated the FSA was keen to bring forward the necessary legal changes as soon as possible depending on the responses received.

According to FSA policy director Rebecca Sudworth, the proposals are aimed to help businesses that have been “affected by the uncertainty around insects for human consumption since the end of December 2020”.

Sudworth explained when Britain left the EU, the transitional measures relating to novel foods including edible insects weren’t changed to require businesses to submit applications to Great British regulators.

“Edible insect products will need to pass through the full authorisation process in Great Britain to remain on the market, so we encourage businesses to talk to us about getting their applications in and the support we can provide through the process,” Sudworth said.

“We want anyone with an interest in edible insects, particularly trade organisations and food businesses, to have their voice heard through our consultation.”

As a result, the proposals released today would allow edible insects to remain on sale if they were marketed in the EU or the UK before 1 January 2018 and were the subject of an application to the EU for authorisation as a novel food by 1 January 2019.”Our sector has been farming insects and developing exciting, innovative new food products in the UK for many years and the sector only continues to grow,” UK Edible Insect Association managing director Dr Nick Rosseau added.

“Research from our members’ extensive trials and user testing shows that edible insect products, when professionally farmed and manufactured, offer the environmentally concerned consumer nutritious, tasty, and safe food products that can meet a significant proportion of their protein needs.”

“The support of the FSA will make a huge difference to our ability to prove ourselves in the market.”




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