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Scotland: Dramatic and Unexplained Resurgence in Excess Death Points to Covid Injections

Edinburgh professor claims latest data confirms ‘causal relationship’, as he calls for the Scottish government to re-open public inquiry.

Retired Edinburgh professor Richard Ennos says official data for 2021 and 2022 ‘provide very strong evidence for a causal relationship’ between the vaccinations and a huge number of excess deaths in the country, wrote Graham Crawford in an article published by Holding the Line.

Professor Ennos has written to Siobhian Brown MSP, convener of the Scottish government’s covid-19 recovery committee, calling on her to re-open a public inquiry into the deaths which can only be partially explained by the virus.

By Graham Crawford, Holding the Line

Earlier this year, the committee investigated the cause of an unprecedented level of excess death recorded in Scotland from week 21 to week 52 of 2021.

Numbering 4,819, it was 12% above the average – the worst ever recorded.

Recorded deaths so far in 2022 are heading in the same direction, and Professor Ennos suggests they are now a consequence of the booster jab.

In a recent letter to Ms Brown, on July 12, he also expresses his concern that the public inquiry earlier this year into the 2021 excess death figures failed to make any mention of the injections as a potential cause.

He states that of 103 public submissions to the inquiry, more than a third pointed to the jabs as a possible reason for the inflated loss of lives.

He tells Ms Brown: “However, in your report to Humza Yousaf, cabinet secretary for health and social care, there was not a single mention of adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines as a possible cause of the excess death seen in Scotland in 2021.

“This was despite the fact that a number of respondents provided detailed information from peer-reviewed scientific papers showing that death is a known adverse reaction to the covid-19 vaccines and that a variety of mechanisms of action have been established (induction of blood clots, myocarditis etc.).

“Post mortems have also confirmed that covid-19 vaccination can cause death of recipients, and this is acknowledged by the UK government who have already paid compensation to multiple families of those who have died as a consequence of covid-19 vaccination.

“Your lack of any reference to covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions as a contributor to excess death in Scotland in 2021 is even more concerning because recent detailed analysis of National Records of Scotland data now suggests a causal relationship between excess death in Scotland and covid-19 vaccinations.”

Professor Ennos states that the argument leading to this conclusion begins with the observation that in the last 32 weeks of 2021, excess death began in different age classes of the Scottish population in a staggered manner, approximately 12 weeks after peak vaccination of that age class.

Beginning with the oldest, this pattern was repeated as the jabs rollout continued down through ever younger age groups.

He suggests there can only be two reasons put forward for the extra deaths: it was the injections or it was a lack of medical care caused either by withdrawal of NHS services or to patients’ failure to access these services, “both consequences of the Scottish Government response to covid-19.”

However, he says, there was no consistent rise in excess deaths to point to delayed medical care as a result of long waiting lists.

Instead, what National Records of Scotland data reveal, says Professor Ennos, is a second staggering of excess deaths following the booster (third dose) jab – with 2022 mirroring the pattern of 2021 whereby age group deaths occurred approximately 12 weeks after peak administration of the vaccine.

He states that the sequential manner “predicted by the adverse reaction hypothesis … provides very strong evidence for a causal relationship between covid-19 vaccination and excess death.”

At the time of writing his letter, the cumulative excess deaths in Scotland in 2022 were 1,669, “and this number continues to increase each week.”

Professor Ennos’ letter concludes: “The National Records of Scotland data do not support the statement you made to Humza Yousaf on April 28, 2022, that “the excess deaths have decreased and, at the date of this letter, are below average for the time of year.”

“On the contrary, the excess death situation in Scotland in 2022 is turning out to be as serious as it was in 2021.

“Given this body of evidence, I would like you to explain to me why, in your report to Humza Yousaf, you made absolutely no mention of the possibility that adverse reactions to the covid-19 vaccine were responsible for at least a portion of the excess deaths seen in Scotland in 2021.

“I also call upon you to reopen the inquiry into excess deaths in Scotland, given the resurgence of excess deaths in 2022 (552 in the past four weeks alone), but this time taking into consideration that adverse reactions to the covid-19 vaccine may be a significant contributor to these excess deaths.”

In response to the questions raised by Professor Ennos’ letter, a Scottish parliament spokesman stated: “The committee’s inquiry into excess deaths in Scotland since the start of the pandemic has now concluded. All the evidence it considered, including the Scottish Government’s response to the committee’s findings is available on the parliament’s website.”

Professor Ennos said: “I dismay at this totally inadequate and evasive response from the Scottish government. It is not good enough. Lives are at stake, yet pertinent questions arising from official data are simply being dismissed. Where is the much-vaunted concern for public health we have had hammered at us for the past two and a half years.”

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