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Ukraine ‘disease’ experiments on its own people

Looking into the eyes of monsters

Russian parliamentarians told about secret experiments on the Ukrainian military

The Federation Council on Monday held a regular meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate the activities of American biological laboratories in Ukraine. According to the co-chairs of the commission, a blood test of Ukrainian servicemen showed that they were subjected to “secret experiments”, as a result of which they were turned into “the cruelest monsters”. The expert considers the statements of Russian parliamentarians about biological attacks by the United States hypertrophied.

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya after a meeting of the parliamentary commission on biological laboratories in Ukraine

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya after a meeting of the parliamentary commission on biological laboratories in Ukraine

Photo: Dmitry Dukhanin, Kommersant

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya after a meeting of the parliamentary commission on biological laboratories in Ukraine

Фото: Дмитрий Духанин, Коммерсантъ

Following the meeting of the parliamentary commission on July 18, its co-chairs, deputy speakers of the Federation Council and the State Duma Konstantin Kosachev and Irina Yarovaya, shared with journalists some new results of the investigation.

According to Mr. Kosachev, the analysis of blood samples from captured Ukrainian servicemen confirms that “for a number of diseases, including those atypical for the territory of Ukraine, the content of relevant substances is several times higher than the permissible norms.”

This means that “experiments were conducted on them and experiments on extremely dangerous diseases were carried out on the territory of Ukraine, which under certain circumstances could spread for military purposes,” the senator explained.

Earlier, Irina Yarovaya mentioned the experiments on the Ukrainian military, reporting to the deputies at the end of the spring session of the State Duma on the results of the first three months of the commission’s work. At the same time, she reported on banknotes infected with the tuberculosis virus in the Lugansk People’s Republic and on the study of gas gangrene in one of the veterinary laboratories of Mariupol.

This time, Ms. Yarovaya developed the topic started by Mr. Kosachev, and said that traces of drugs and very high titers for hepatitis A were found in the blood of Ukrainian servicemen. “We remember that the Minister of Health of Ukraine, a US citizen, was seen lobbying the interests of pharmaceutical companies to purchase expensive and very reactive drugs for the consequences of treating hepatitis. And it is quite possible that it was about testing these drugs on military personnel, “the deputy emphasized.

Also, according to the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, West Nile fever was found in the blood of the prisoners, detected in 20% of the samples examined.

“And we see: the cruelty and atrocities with which the servicemen of Ukraine behave, the crimes they commit against the civilian population, the monstrous crimes that they commit against prisoners of war, confirm that all this is a single system of management and the creation of a cruel machine for murder, (which.– “Kommersant” ) was administered by the United States… And those doping that they are still given in order to neutralize the last traces of human consciousness and turn them into the cruelest and deadliest monsters, also confirm this, “said Irina Yarovaya. In addition, in her opinion, “in the test tubes of US military laboratories it is necessary to search” for bird and swine flu, coronavirus and monkeypox, “because their special interest in the origin of viruses and pathogens of animal origin, then disguising them as natural pathogens and the natural occurrence of the epidemic is such an invisible maneuver when, preferring to go unnoticed, they actually create unforeseen situations in different regions of the world.”

Ms. Yarovaya recalled that the commission plans to submit the final report in the autumn, but already now the parliamentarians see a “reflection” on their investigation in the United States, which “launched a campaign to accuse Russia of allegedly committing some biological attacks.” “And the invitation that we previously sent to Deputy Secretary of State (Victoria. – “Kommersant”) Nuland, which in fact was reacted by the State Department also very nervously, confirms that in the complex they found the evidence that will still bring the United States out of the shadow of disguise and present the entire international community with evidence of a dangerous MILITARY-biological project of the United States,” concluded Ms. Yarovaya.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, geneticist Kirill Volkov does not consider the diseases detected in prisoners “atypical for Ukraine”. According to him, now there is a general trend for the spread of subtropical diseases, and in the southern regions of Russia there are also cases of West Nile fever, so in Ukraine it may well be more pronounced. And hepatitis A is quite a typical disease, the expert adds. In doing so, he admits that there are substances that alter consciousness and lead to aggressiveness, and that all armies are currently developing in this area. However, the statements of Russian parliamentarians about the “biological attacks” by the United States, according to Mr. Volkov, are exaggerated.

Athanasius Fees


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