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Mass Poisoning Update: the guilty are now hiding the humanitarian catastrophe they have created


Greg Hunter interviews Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the top Pulmonary and Covid Critical Care experts on the planet. Dr Kory is co-founder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (flccc.net) and author of the upcoming book “The War on Ivermectin.”

This fascinating interview gives a shocking insight into the humanitarian catastrophe now unfolding as a result of the Covid psyop and the drive to inject millions of victims with booby-trapped pseudo-vaccines and the increasing desperation of those responsible for the mass poisoning to hide what they have done. Yet the deaths now showing up are on a scale too vast to hide.

Please help save  lives and bring the criminals to justice by spreading this important video as widely as you can.





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A month ago, world renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory, said ,” “This is a humanitarian catastrophe, and it has been ignored.  It has been suppressed.  It has been censored.”

Well, the dark powers who pushed the vax bioweapon have stopped ignoring the growing massive deaths and injuries and are now trying to shut people up.

Namely, doctors like Perrie Kory, who is under investigation by his certification board for so-called “misinformation” about treating Covid and vax injuries that have followed the injections.

The facts and data show Dr. Kory has been right all along.  Dr. Kory explains, “I definitely think, and Dr. Robert Malone agrees and says, they are getting really nervous on the inside.  There are a lot of people that promoted these policies and pushed this vaccine campaign, aggressively, even when the data was coming out that the initial trials were fraudulent.  They mischaracterized and manipulated the data and ignored safety signals. . . . The stopping point for these vaccines was probably reached in the second week of January 2021.  There were enough deaths being reported and enough injuries being reported that had the FDA been functioning as it should have, the vaccine campaign should have been stopped back then.  We are at 15 months now.  They are still pushing boosters.  We are vaccinating toddlers.  There is no limit to this vaccine obsession . . . . This is absolutely terrifying to behold.”

Dr. Kory says the people are waking up to CV19 vax nightmare.  Dr. Kory sees vax deaths and injuries accelerating in his own practice.  Dr. Kory says, “You can tell the population and the average Joe who have been lied to, drowning on propaganda, and censored from really accurate and appropriate guidance and data are figuring this out.  You cannot hide a humanitarian catastrophe of this scale.  You cannot hide it even with all the propaganda and censorship.  You have young people dying everywhere for no good reason.  That can no longer be ignored.”

Dr. Kory also says, “The excess mortality that we have seen and are seeing, first of all, it’s historically unprecedented.  A few months ago, a number of life insurance companies were reporting increases in life insurance claims for young working age Americans 18 to 65 . . . up to 40%.  Lincoln Financial, the fifth largest life insurance company in the country, just a week ago, announced in the last quarter of 2021 there was a 163% increase in life insurance claims over historical baselines.  Those are the drop-deads, heart attacks and strokes.  The excess mortalities of cancers we are seeing are going to continue to rage throughout the vaccinated population.   That’s going to be going on for some time.”

While the medical boards keep trying to silence and punish people like Dr. Kory, he is still treating patients with vaccine injuries.  Kory says, “Almost all the patients we are seeing are disabled (from the CV19 vax) and they cannot work, and if they can work, they are very limited.  That is one pattern.  Another is they get vaxed and they get sick, and then they get better, but a week or two later, weird stuff starts to happen.  The most common symptom that is I see is #1 fatigue.  The vast majority are having a chronic fatigue syndrome presentation.”

Dr. Kory is trying a variety of new treatments for the vax injured, but his baseline go-to drug is still Ivermectin because it binds to the spike proteins and removes them from the body.  Ivermectin is also a very good anti-inflammatory, according to Dr. Kory.  The good news is he is finding ways to help people with vax injuries and is learning more every day.

There is much more in the 53-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the top Pulmonary and Covid Critical Care experts on the planet, who is co-founder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (flccc.net) and author of the upcoming book “The War on Ivermectin.”


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Mass Poisoning Update: the guilty are now hiding the humanitarian catastrophe they have created

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