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China knew of Putin’s actions in February ahead of time, and supported him.

This is quite long but contains much important information.

There’s not a scintilla of evidence that Russia wants/wanted to invade any NATO country.

Putin was endlessly provoked.  Says Ray McGovern.  He gives historical context and many details of the current situation.

Had the West not pursued NATO expansion, there would not be a war today and Crimea would still be a part of Ukraine.

Russia was most worried about NATO putting missiles in Crimea.  US promises not to put strike missiles in Ukraine were dropped in February 2022.

The media is the linchpin.  You can’t get a straight word from the media.  BAE Systems are sending 300 artillery pieces M777 which are very accurate.

Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin links with CIA, media, academia and so on.  They’re making big money.  ‘For as long as it takes’ is the current statement from the US defence industry.

Nuclear weapons are not discarded.  Follow John Mearsheimer on politics.  Ted Postol on military.  Doug McGregor.  Scott Ritter.   www.raymcgovern.org

Pursue the truth.  Try to appreciate where Russia is coming from, and see through the heavy media propaganda.  MICCIMATTC explained.


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One Response to “China knew of Putin’s actions in February ahead of time, and supported him.”

  1. sovereigntea says:

    Appeal for assistance

    Saker.is website under attack by the usual suspects – site down at the moment.

    Friday, July 8, 2022
    Saker blog under attack – URGENT request for help

    Dear friends

    The Saker blog has been under attack for many months, but we kept it quiet. Our webmaster and sysadmin Herb has successfully beat back all the attacks, but now the enemy has upped both the scale and nature of the attack and we are barely hanging on.

    I have two urgent requests:

    1) If you are an IT security specialist (or can contact one you know) and you think that you (or he/she), or your company, can help, please contact at the following email as soon as possible: saker-webmaster@yandex.com

    Please do NOT email me personally as I am on sick leave and this is way above my IT skills.

    2) please circulate this appeal of mine on social media, maybe that will help us get to the right people who can help us.

    Finally, we will keep you updated on the old blog’s site here: http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/

    Thank you in advance for any help!

    Kind regards

    Posted by VINEYARDSAKER: at 19:35

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