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If A Weaker Virus Is Killing More People, then the Host Must Have Been Weakened

In his second “Red Pill Podcast” Joel Smalley answers the question: was the cure worse than the disease? In other words, “Is there evidence of increased mortality associated with the mRNA injections?”

He continued: “Given the glorification of the novel therapy, and incessant propaganda claiming it is ‘safe and effective’, you might wonder why I would even consider asking such an audacious question?”

By Joel Smalley

In the last episode, I presented the case that the UK government’s response to Covid as a public health threat was disproportionate. The mortality data did not support the premise that Covid was the “biggest threat faced by the UK in decades” and certainly did not merit the “most significant set of restrictions on British life in living memory”.

Following on, today, I’m going to be answering the question “Covid-19 – was the cure worse than the disease?” In other words, “Is there evidence of increased mortality associated with the mRNA injections?”

Given the glorification of the novel therapy, and incessant propaganda claiming it is “safe and effective”, you might wonder why I would even consider asking such an audacious question?

But by now, you will know that I will attempt to answer the question objectively. I hope to provide a phlegmatic response based on the evidence in the public mortality data which will contrast with the dogma spun out by the mainstream media.

With a bit of luck, I might encourage you to question for yourself if the benefits of this experimental medical intervention outweigh the risks as Boris Johnson assured us on 7th April last year.

And once you question that as well as questioning the nature of the public health threat, you will be well on your way to recognising that the official Covid narrative lacks evidence on every point.

For context, let’s take a brief look at seasonal excess mortality in England.

Every year, June to August represents the baseline of mortality above which deaths rise for the subsequent nine months.

Drawing a straight line through cumulative mortality for the first three months and plotting the excess above it for the rest of the year, allows us to compare seasonal excess mortality across different years, normalised to its summer baseline.

Up until spring 2020 when Covid first emerges, the seasonal pattern is quite consistent, rising modestly in autumn before accelerating in winter and levelling off in spring.

The out-of-season timing and magnitude of the Covid epidemic is evident. However, after an early but not unusual rise in mortality the following autumn, winter mortality 2020-21 is every bit as severe as during the spring ‘20 epidemic “in spite” of the mass program of mRNA injecting. This kind of explosion in mortality must be triggered by something, it’s not natural.

There is no apparent extraordinary mortality event in 2021-22. The tail-off is due to delays in registering deaths, nothing more, and will be examined in more detail later.

Looking at the daily deaths time series, we can accurately identify two obvious distributions.

The first starts at the beginning of September 2020 and appears to be waning in early December.

However, the second distribution explodes on 8th December 2020, the exact date that the mass injection program begins.

Both distributions run concurrently until the end of March 2021.

If we zoom in on the range between September ’20 and March ’21, we can fit Gompertz distributions to prove that the distributions are continuous and complete, i.e., that none of the policy interventions at the time had any impact.

So, having identified a significant increase in mortality concurrent with the rollout of the mRNA injections, how did this manifest in total deaths for different age groups for the same period that we examined last time – June to May?

For the over 65s, deaths in 2020-21, the first year of the mRNA injections, were 35,000 higher than usual, compared to 53,000 in 2019-20, the year of Covid. This is a drop of 34% and should not be unexpected due to the vulnerable population being much smaller and also a virus that would be naturally weaker.

Estimating 7,150 deaths that occurred but were not yet registered when the data was published for the year ending May ’22, there were 23,000 more deaths than usual, a drop of 56% from the Covid epidemic year.

For the over 40 to 64s, deaths in 2020-21, the first year of the mRNA injections, were 9,300 higher than usual, compared to 5,700 in 2019-20, the year of Covid. This is an increase of 63% and should be unexpected due to the vulnerable population being much smaller and also a virus that would be naturally weaker.

Estimating 8,300 deaths that occurred but were not yet registered when the data was published for the year ending May ’22, there were 9,400 more deaths than usual, an increase of 65% from the Covid epidemic year.

For the 5 to 34s, there remains very little change in deaths in any year since Covid first emerged.

So, is the vaccine safe and effective based on the evidence in the public data? Have thousands of lives been saved?

If this is true, how come more than 3,000 more people aged between 40 and 64 have died in each full year since the mRNA injections were administered when we would naturally expect fewer deaths?

I have shown again that interventions did not have any impact on mortality and the virus naturally favours less virulent mutations. So, if a weaker virus is killing more people, the host must have been weakened. It is the most plausible explanation.

Is there scientific evidence to support that hypothesis? The Substacks of Robert MaloneIgor ChudovPaul AlexanderGeert Vanden BosscheEl Gato Malo, and many others are replete with rigorous scientific explanations.

To claim ignorance at this late stage would be the feeblest of defences for anyone who is still supporting the injections in any way.

The data and the scientific research are overwhelming now but could we have known sooner and saved thousands of lives lost due to the mRNA injections?

We did try as early as March last year. Simply asking questions earned you the reputation as an “anti-vaxxer” and a fair few censorships and deplatforms.

I hope that alone should make you ask a few more?

If A Weaker Virus Is Killing More People, then the Host Must Have Been Weakened
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