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5 Responses to “The Public Has Never Heard This Side of The Story. Suggested recently by newensign, thanks for that.”

  1. Aldous says:

    Clicked on the video to watch later when I’m more sober.

    Don’t ‘give’ to so-called ‘charities’. Most are an absolute scam just to bleed money from the goy.
    Give it instead to ‘friends in need’ as I do. They mostly don’t ask for it but I know they’re in difficulty. I’ve got funds doing nothing so why wouldn’t I? It’s not like the so-called ‘money’ just sitting there is earning much nowadays anyway.
    I’ve lent money to family and friends that I knew I would never get back but I didn’t really care. What’s money for anyway?
    Helping someone in need is surely the highest priority.
    I remember being in London decades ago when an Irish vagrant asked me for some ‘cutter’, seemingly straight out of Clockwork Orange. I willingly handed over a couple of coins but my friends were aghast. I reproached them for not being more ‘Christian’, especially as we were staying at an expensive hotel and wanting for nothing.

    • ian says:

      Well done Aldous. I’m a sucker for people down on their luck. I once saw this guy laying beside a shop who looked near death, both the guy and the shop. I took all the change out of my pocket, possibly £5 or more, and put it in his little pie dish. My wife who was trailing behind after looking in windows assured me that he’d made a miraculous recovery and was nearly running to the off licence. I felt that it likely made his day for him.

  2. newensign says:

    I agree, Aldous and Ian, with your thoughts on charity. I never give to large charities, most are government quangos anyway and here on tap we have seen the nefarious activities of the Red Cross! Immigrants are put up in 5 star hotels, while our own homeless people are left to beg on the streets (agreed there are one or two frauds), one rarely sees a coloured person on the street!

  3. Gordon says:

    I look at those charity ads on the TV and think hmmm! That Snow Leopard you want money to protect is as scarce as hobby-horse shite. One expedition took six weeks just to get a sighting of a Snow Leopard and the leopard wasn’t seen again until days later, yet is portrayed it as being “Ruthlessly Hunted”. The ad will probably be aired on every commercial TV station throughout the world. What a scam.

    Oh, by the way, you’ll get a free cuddly toy (made from slave labour) and regular updates (begging letters) for 36 quid a year.


    Talking to the Pharisees.
    Mat 22:37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 
    Mat 22:38  This is the first and great commandment. 
    Mat 22:39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 
    Mat 22:40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    • newensign says:

      Quite right Gordon, root of the word neighbour, both in Hebrew and English is from “born” i.e. one’s extended family, Parish, nation/tribe; not people in distant countries unless they are relatives who have moved there! The government has squandered our wealth on wars of no concern to us, which could have been put to better use helping our own people!

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