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Who Demolished the Twin Towers on 9/11?

By Mike King – Real History Channel

A Visual Presentation

During the months and weeks prior to the attacks of 9/11, media and entertainment agents of the Cabal took delight at putting hints of what was to come, right in our faces!

Terrified woman, one-eye illuminati symbolism/ “2001, Life Beyond the Boom


Just a few weeks prior to the attacks of 9/11, a group of Jewish art students based in New York — who were given after-hours access to the upper floor of the WTC — put the clues right in our face. E-Team = Explosives team? (story here)


ZIM — a major partly state-owned Israeli Shipping company — broke its lease and moved out of the World Trade Center (as a “cost-saving” move) one week before 9/11? Boy oh boy, weren’t they “lucky?”

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were OBVIOUSLY blown up into pebbles, dust and aerosol by both conventional and exotic explosives.

Later that same afternoon, a THIRD skyscraper — World Trade Center # 7 — which had not even been struck by a plane — collapsed at free fall speed into its own footprint.


“This was an unbelievably powerful building(s). When I first looked at it, I couldn’t believe it because there was a hole in the steel!. … How could a plane, even a 767, possibly go through the steel? …. I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously…. I just can’t imagine anything going through that wall.”  — Donald Trump, 9/11/2001
(audio here, quote starts at about 5:30)

A plane strikes a flock of birds and sustains so much damage —- yet the steel walls of the twin towers were so easily and completely penetrated? Click to enlarge


Also that same afternoon, five Israeli agents — after being seen celebrating the attacks — were arrested (two separate incidents) on suspicion of being co-conspirators.  Police dogs detected traces of explosives in one of the vans, and another van was found actually packed with explosives as it approached the George Washington Bridge. The operatives were held by the FBI and treated in a rough manner for 40 days, until “higher ups” in the Justice Department intervened and got them released.

Just a few weeks after 9/11, Israeli operatives were  caught
red-handed trying to blow up the Mexican Parliament Building (to frame Muslims).

Click to enlarge


In the weeks and months following the attacks, news reports about as many as 60 suspicious Israeli “art students” across the country (some with backgrounds in explosives) having been rounded up and deported actually penetrated certain “mainstream media” outlets. The stories were never followed up upon and disappeared.

Click to enlarge


The attacks of 9/11 were a JOINT Deep State operation (CIA Globalists & Mossad Zionists) designed to justify a long “War on Terror” so that the Israelis could expand in the Middle East and the Globalists (a separate but overlapping entity from the Zionists) could subdue Central Asia.


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7 Responses to “Who Demolished the Twin Towers on 9/11?”

  1. danceaway says:

    These visuals are right on point and so effective.

    I especially like the bird destroying the nose of the plane!

    • ian says:

      Yes danceaway, just what I thought.

      • ian says:

        Sorry D’, cut myself off before, yes I agree, visuals are great at explaining instantly, what might take a lot of effort to put into words.

  2. Occams says:

    One of the best compilations I’ve seen.

    As I often tell people and commenters who argue the ‘how’, focus on the ‘who’ – Cui Bono – which was NEVER ASKED – because only 2 groups benefited; the US and Israel.

    You want to know the ‘how’? Beginning to end? You need to waterboard CEO of Murder, Inc., Dick Cheney, or Nutznyahu

    • ian says:

      Torturing people would harm me inside, but I’d still have a go at the two who you mention.

      • Occams says:

        Wouldn’t bat an eyelash nor lose a moment of sleep. Fooking murderers – but Team Gates is catching up quick, it appears.

      • ian says:

        Oh yes, now him, and the rest of the crew, bring out the torture gear while they build the gallows.

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