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A government with the blood of its own citizens on its hands?


Intro by Steve Cook

The featured video below is from Radical’s hard-hitting journalist  (yes a real journalist) Maajid Nawas.

As he points out, we have here in the scandal of state-sanctioned murder using Madazolam the most news-worthy story in living memory Yet the corporate media and justice system, apparently untroubled by the systemic murder of British citizens, are steadfastly ignoring it.

Accusations are of course not proof but as the video clearly shows,  the accusations in this instance, backed up by considerable evidence, should at least compel a full police investigation with any wrongdoers, if such are found, brought to justice.

The unwillingness to investigate smacks of a government with blood on its hands. After all, if they have nothing to hide, then a full investigation if PROPERLY DONE would show the accusations unfounded and put the matter to rest.

As for the media, which normally never lets the truth get in the way of a good story, its unwillingness to touch this story at all, speaks volumes.

Cue Maajid Nawas who does the job the corporate “journalists” have failed or refused to do.

On Allegations of Involuntary State Euthanasia Using Midazolam


We speak to Freelance Investigative Journalist Jacqui Deevoy, Health Scientist Dr Kevin Corbett Phd, Retired Nurse Celia Jones who is a witness and widow to Brian Boulton, Practising Nurse Elena Anamaria who is a witness and widow to Stuart Nisbet and Medical Researcher Stuart Wilkie.



<iframe id=”odysee-iframe” width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://odysee.com/$/embed/Ep6-Radical/908a6e37cb13530285fac5adf3aaeca1be170ce3?r=8qrg6tDaM21V3zs6LfyYEvjH8drRFavF” allowfullscreen></iframe>


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This article is from UK Reloaded

A government with the blood of its own citizens on its hands?

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2 Responses to “A government with the blood of its own citizens on its hands?”

  1. danceaway says:

    Of course they ignore it; it is intentional!

    That is the story that needs to be told.

  2. Derek says:

    Celia Jones and Elena Anamaria tell harrowing accounts, but Stuart Wilkie confirms my suspicions over my Father-in-Laws death just last Monday 13th. He passed just 36hrs after being discharged from hospital where doctors had been ‘treating’ him with furosemide, a diaretic to evacuate fluid from the body. Whereas his previous dosage was 20mg per day, the hospital doctor put it up to 120mg per day. He was excessively dehyrdated prior to being discharged and back at the care home lasted little more than one day. It should be noted, he was 91yrs of age with some dementia and an ongoing thyroid condition. But Nil by mouth had also been prescribed by the hospital. He was unable to swallow he was so dehydrated.

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