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WHO sets out response to monkeypox


Containing the virus won’t require the same extensive population measures as Covid-19, the UN health body’s top official in Europe says

WHO sets out response to monkeypox

Informing the public about monkeypox, isolating the infected, and organizing effective contact tracing and monitoring are the best ways to contain the spread of the virus, the World Health Organization’s top official in Europe said on Tuesday.

The European continent “remains at the epicenter of the largest and most geographically widespread monkeypox outbreak ever reported outside of endemic areas in Western and Central Africa,” Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, said in a statement.

The WHO has registered more than 550 cases of the virus in 30 countries, with most instances outside Africa being found in Europe. The virus can leave distinctive pustules on the skin but rarely results in fatalities.

Investigations by the UN health body have shown the monkeypox outbreak was “certainly underway as early as mid-April” on the continent, Kluge said, adding that new infections are being confirmed “every day.”

Monkeypox cases ‘just tip of iceberg’ – WHO

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Monkeypox cases ‘just tip of iceberg’ – WHO

The disease mainly spreads among “men who have sex with men,” with many of the infected being those who had multiple partners and attended large events or parties. But that doesn’t mean people outside the gay and bisexual communities are not at risk, he warned.

The WHO official assured that “an effective response to monkeypox will not require the same extensive population measures as we needed for Covid-19 because the virus does not spread in the same way.”

He was referring to lockdowns and large-scale vaccination campaigns introduced in many countries to stem the spread of the coronavirus over the past two years.

A reduction in monkeypox cases should be achieved through “clear communication, community-led action, case isolation during the infectious period, and effective contact tracing and monitoring,”he said.

The risk groups, the general public and doctors should be better informed about the virus, while medical facilities should be better equipped to swiftly diagnose the disease, Kluge suggested.

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Gay dating app warns about monkeypox

Effective tracing and motoring of those who have been in contact with infected people, for 21 days, will also be paramount. “While the quarantining of contacts may not be necessary, twice-daily temperature checks and self-monitoring are critical,” he said.

The WHO official stressed that medical countermeasures should be fairly distributed between countries, based on the scale of the outbreaks they face. “We cannot allow ugly competition for constrained resources to mirror the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

However, even if this strategy is implemented, “we do not yet know if we will be able to contain its spread completely,” Kluge admitted.

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3 Responses to “WHO sets out response to monkeypox”

  1. ian says:

    Bill Gates predicted the day it would break out. Enough said.

  2. sovereigntea says:

    Former Senator Nunn, husband of a former Central Intelligence Agency officer, signed the law on arms reduction in the countries of the former Soviet Union together with Senator Richard Lugar, to whom President Barack Obama named the Tbilisi research center (Georgia) managed by the American to Big Pharma Gilead which speculated on Covid-19 thanks to its antiviral Remdesivir, which was expected to arrive just as forecast in the Event 201 exercise on the coronavirus, held a few months before the pandemic.

    Attending this exercise organized by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was attended by lawyer Avril Haines, former deputy director of the CIA and bio-weapons consultant for the NTI until January 21, 2021 when she was appointed by the new president Joseph Biden Director of the National Intelligence of the US.


    TID: Analysis of this document makes it clear, the US developed a strain of Monkeypox at one of its four labs in Nigeria based on its similarity to Smallpox. The US has developed Smallpox as a biological weapon and inoculated US military since 2003 while most of the world is vulnerable. Documents demonstrate that the policy of deploying biological weapons by the US against China, Russia and even itself (when politically expedient) is and has been policy for decades.

    The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine.

    As part of the special military operation, materials of US instructors training Ukrainian specialists in emergency response to smallpox outbreaks were discovered in biolaboratories in Ukraine.

    The Pentagon’s interest in this infection is far from accidental: the return of the smallpox pathogen would be a global catastrophe for all mankind.


    • ian says:

      They can now give all the willing the smallpox vaccine to protect them from monkey pox. Then release smallpox and kill all us crazy antivaxxers.

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