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8 Responses to “Hugo Talks – Airport queues; all part of the plan?”

  1. ian says:

    Off topic a little. I have never been abroad. I do not have a passport, for various reasons. I also dislike travelling. Today I went to pick up my granddaughter and boyfriend from Manchester airport. A nearly 300 mile round trip, only carried out as they were stranded. The journey was as ok as a 300 mile drive gets. The traffic at the airport was frantic and aggressive. I took a turn and couldn’t back up as I had an eager following convoy. So attempted to get into the carpark. There was a barrier down and I tried to put money into the machine, but it wouldn’t accept it and the queue behind me was building. Suddenly it opened. No good, wrong place, but I couldn’t get out. The barrier was down. Tokens only. I had a tailback. I pushed the phone button. Put your token in, she said. I haven’t got a token. Stressful, yes I stress easily where people are involved. I eventually got the kids.

    What a load of crap these places are. Sorry for the moan, I had to tell someone.

  2. ian says:

    I looked at this again this morning, and realise how lame it makes me sound. I am definitely not your average guy, but I can make it up other ways, the ways I enjoy living. That sounds lame too I suppose.

    • archer says:

      Not at all, ian. Manchester – like most UK airports – is an abomination. I have used it a number of times over the years and costs/charges have gone up regularly, possibly to part-fund the development of the place. The layout is also pretty poor – internally as well as the surrounding roads.
      Security staff are usually a bunch of brainless robots with ideas way above their station.
      I avoid the place if I can help it; regional airports are slightly better (though have many of the same rotten habits and charging practices).

    • sovereigntea says:

      Airport operators are the scum of the earth. Each and every aspect of these piss poor facilities is designed to irritate delay and infuriate the human species whilst fleecing them of every last penny.

      Worst of the worst being Menzies the operator of Birmingham. Aside from their overpriced offerings to the captured public. The robbing scumbags even charge you £££s just to park for 5 mins pickup your granny & her cases.

      Beware the Net Zero Nudge being deployed with services being ever worsening for you peasants.

      Bet there are seperate zero delay entrance & services for 1st class & airline executive travel club members not forgetting those private CO2 belching private jets & helicopters.

      Under New Net Zero Normal you lot won’t be flying anywhere get used to it or fight.

      • archer says:

        Couldn’t agree more, sov. The thievery of charging for pickups and drop offs is despicable and is now commonplace at most UK airports as I understand.

        I recall seeing a YT video mid-2020 with a blogger explaining that executive travel was essentially unaffected – including border checks. The plandemic was clearly designed to inconvenience (or worse) the proles.

      • Aldous says:

        G’day sovereigntea, Ian, archer.
        Don’t forget NHS Hospital/Death Camp car parks where apparently one has to pay through the nose to be with dying loved ones.
        Unbelievable or what?

  3. Aldous says:

    Not posting much these days due to faltering health in my twilight years and dotage zone – I mean twilight zone and dotage years – but I’m still able to read the articles and comments much of the time.
    I was at Manchester Airport decades ago and didn’t think much of it then. I hate to think what it’s like now. Mancunians are great Salt of the Earth people but I kind of hope the airport is on Putin’s short list for doing away with once and for all.

    I have a lot of sympathy for those trying to connect with family and loved ones during these difficult times and enduring these NWO engineered airport nightmares but not so much sympathy for those ‘sunseekers’ naively thinking/dreaming that things are somehow getting back to normal.
    Nothing of course could be further from the truth. Some of these idiots are jetting off to virtual war zones where they could well be stranded indefinitely.
    I honestly don’t understand their mentality.
    Oh well.

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