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Going viral across Russia – a British clergyman speaks out

Sent by Igori Ilyn in Moscow.  The Bishop Richard Williamson and the words of his sermon.  He identifies the source of evil in the world and the man who is trying to undo its works.  Not quite wht you expect from a sold out British bishop in today’s Welbian Church Of England.  Bishop Williamson lives in the USA but still has a wonderful traditional British accent.  I follow him with Scott Ritter who also has words as to why the West is supporting the wrong side in Ukraine.

Scott Ritter has words for American Jews today being tolerant of Nazism in Ukraine.


Williamson was born in BuckinghamshireEngland,[11] the middle son of a Marks and Spencers buyer and his wealthy American wife. Williamson attended Winchester College before going on to study at Clare College, Cambridge, where he received a degree in English literature.[12] Upon graduating, he taught at a college in Ghana for a brief period.[11]

Williamson, originally an Anglican, was received into the Catholic Church in 1971.[13] After a few months as a postulant at the Brompton Oratory, he left. He became a member of the Society of Saint Pius X, a traditionalist Catholic faction founded in 1970 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in protest against what Lefebvre saw as the liberalism of the Second Vatican Council.[11] Williamson entered the International Seminary of Saint Pius X at ÉcôneSwitzerland, and in 1976 he was ordained a priest by Lefebvre.[12]

Williamson subsequently moved to the United States, where he served as the rector of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in RidgefieldConnecticut from 1983, and continued in the position when the seminary moved to WinonaMinnesota in 1988.[12][14]

Williamson is fluent in English, French, German and Spanish.[15] Currently Williamson writes comments on St. Marcel Initiative, part of BRN ASSOCIATES INC, non-profit corporation registered in Virginia with a mailing address in St. Louis.[16]

Consecration and excommunication[edit]

In June 1988 Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre announced his intention to consecrate Williamson and three other priests (Bernard FellayBernard Tissier de Mallerais, and Alfonso de Galarreta) as bishops. Lefebvre did not have a pontifical mandate for these consecrations (i.e. permission from the pope), normally required by Canon 1382 of the Code of Canon Law. On 17 June 1988 Cardinal Bernardin Gantinprefect of the Congregation for Bishops sent the four priests a formal canonical warning that they would automatically incur the penalty of excommunication if they were to be consecrated by Lefebvre without papal permission.

On 30 June 1988 Williamson and the three other priests were consecrated bishop by Archbishop Lefebvre and Antônio de Castro Mayer. On 1 July 1988 Cardinal Gantin issued a declaration stating that Lefebvre, de Castro Mayer, Williamson, and the three other newly ordained bishops “have incurred ipso facto the excommunication latae sententiae reserved to the Apostolic See“.

On 2 July 1988, Pope John Paul II issued the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei, in which he reaffirmed the excommunication, and described the consecration as an act of “disobedience to the Roman pontiff in a very grave matter and of supreme importance for the unity of the Church”, and that “such disobedience – which implies in practice the rejection of the Roman primacy — constitutes a schismatic act”.[17] Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, head of the commission responsible for implementing Ecclesia Dei, has said this resulted in a “situation of separation, even if it was not a formal schism.”[18]

The SSPX denied the validity of the excommunications, saying that the consecrations were necessary due to a moral and theological crisis in the Catholic Church, making them permissible under canon law.[19][20][21]

His excommunication, along with that of Archbishop Lefebvre and the other bishops consecrated the Écône consecrations were lifted in 2009 by Benedict XVI.[22]

Episcopal duties[edit]

After his episcopal consecration Williamson remained rector of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota.[14] He performed various episcopal functions, including confirmations and ordinations. In 1991, he assisted in the consecration of Licínio Rangel as bishop for the Priestly Society of St. John Mary Vianney after the death of its founder, Antônio de Castro Mayer.[citation needed] In 2006, he ordained two priests and seven deacons in WarsawPoland for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Priestly Society of Saint Josaphat (SSJK).[23]

In 2003 Williamson was appointed rector of the Seminary of Our Lady Co-Redemptrix in La Reja, Argentina.[13]


Williamson celebrating Mass in 1991


In common with other traditionalists, Williamson opposes the changes in the Catholic Church brought about by the Second Vatican Council. He sees such changes as being unacceptably liberal and modernistic, and as being destructive to the Church.[24][25][26] Among the changes he opposes are the Church’s increased openness to other Christian denominations and other religions,[24][27] and changes in the forms of Catholic worship such as the general replacement of the Tridentine Mass with the Mass of Paul VI. Williamson has criticised Pope John Paul II, to whom he attributed a “weak grasp of Catholicism”.[28] Williamson holds that the SSPX is not schismatic, but rather is composed of true Catholics who are keeping the “complete Roman Catholic apostolic faith”.[24][25][26][29]

Williamson is viewed as being located towards the hardline end of the traditionalist spectrum, though he does not go quite so far as to espouse sedevacantism.[30][31][32] In the past, he opposed compromise between the SSPX and the Church leadership in Rome,[33][34] accusing the latter of deceit[31] and of being under “the power of Satan“.[24][32] He has been reported as viewing reconciliation between the SSPX and the Holy See as being impossible, and he has noted that some SSPX members might refuse to follow the Society in such a direction even if an agreement were reached.[12][34][35]

Williamson was reportedly dismissive of Mother Teresa because of her supposedly ‘liberal’ views.[36]

Richard Nelson Williamson

8 March 1940 (age 82)[1]

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2 Responses to “Going viral across Russia – a British clergyman speaks out”

  1. ian says:

    Bishop Williamson is a good man and an honest man. He has been in trouble before for discussing the Holocaust fakery. Power to him.

  2. ROTH says:

    And in the same article Scott prolongs the same fakery.