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We’ve had the fireworks factory explosion. Now we have meteorites!!!!

The news is getting stranger by the day.

A fireworks factory blew up in Newbury last week, closing the M4 motorway in both directions with smoke and debris.

Only problem being there aren’t any fireworks factories in that location.

The explosion was ‘next to’ RAF Welford the depot for all of Britain’s air munitions.

In all probability it was a Russian missile blowing up the depot.

Russia warned of ‘unintended consequences’ of Britain supporting Ukraine with weapons

and the SAS training the Ukrainian armed forces in Ukraine, the day before the depot blew.

Next we have reports of a meteor shower south of Shropshire – and ‘a fireball’ – not that far from the SAS’ headquarters in Hereford.

This missile (if that is what it was), seems to have been less successful than the one fired at Welford, and the debris was dispersed over a wide area.

Meteorites don’t as a rule disperse.

They just burn out.

Was this another missile?

Local News writes –

Scientists search countryside south of Shrewsbury for meteorite fragments

NEWS April 19, 2022 Updated: 2 days ago By Shropshire Live

A spectacular fireball seen across the country last Wednesday night may have dropped a meteorite somewhere south of Shrewsbury, according to scientists from the UK Fireball Alliance (UKFAll). Fireball over Shropshire on Thursday 14th April at 00:45 am, Image credit: Gareth Oakey, UK Meteor Network

Scientists search countryside south of Shrewsbury for meteorite fragments

Planetary scientists spanning the UK have spent the Easter bank holiday weekend searching the Shropshire countryside for fragments of the meteorite. They haven’t found any space rocks just yet, and are now asking for the help of the local community. Dr Luke Daly of UKFAII and the University of Glasgow said: “We think about 500g of meteorite survived to the ground in approximately four fragments just south of Shrewsbury.

“Given the amount of wheat and oilseed rape in the area, we have been literally looking for a needle in a haystack.” Have you found any meteorite fragments? Now the UK Fireball Alliance are asking people in the area if they’ve found anything interesting in their back gardens or driveways over the bank holiday weekend to let them know. Professor Katie Joy of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences said: “The meteorite won’t be hot and is as safe to handle as any other rock, but please don’t pick it up with your bare hands as that would contaminate the stone. “It’s probably a glossy black or brown colour, maybe with the dark crust broken off in places.

The largest pieces won’t be bigger than an Easter egg, and the smallest could be the size of a mini egg! “It may be in a place where rocks aren’t usually found, like on a lawn or footpath. Don’t take any risks looking for it and don’t go where you shouldn’t. But if you do find something out-of-place, we’ll certainly be interested to check it out.” The meteorite fall zone The Shropshire meteorite fall comes just over a year after a meteorite was discovered in the town of Winchcombe in the Cotswolds after famously landing on a family’s driveway!

If you think you’ve found a piece of last week’s meteorite then please send a photo and the coordinates of the stone to shropshire@ukfall.org.uk

The UK Fireball Alliance is a collaboration between academics and citizen scientists interested in meteor observation and meteorite recovery. It was established in 2018 and led to the successful retrieval of the Winchcombe meteorite in 2021. Supporting Shropshire Live… –

Read the full article via Shropshire Live at: https://www.shropshirelive.com/news/2022/04/19/scientists-search-countryside-south-of-shrewsbury-for-meteorite-fragments/

TAP.  The picture given as ‘fireball over Shropshire’ looks very strange.  It was taken, it is claimed by a meteorite expert.  What was he doing out in the dark at 12.45 am, you might wonder.  I guess he has an automatic camera looking for bright flashes.  Did he inadvertently catch the moment a Russian missile was shot down on the way to its target.  Possibly a cruise missile, not a hypersonic variety, testing Britain’s defences out to see if we have any ability to shoot down cruise missiles.  What targets might there be in this vicinity?  The SAS Headquarters in Hereford are only a few minutes away for a 500 mph missile.  Not much else in this vicinity of military significance, apart from a huge army storage depot in Donnington, Telford,  less than one minute away from the explosion, where Britain’s artillery and ammunition is stored

I am not an expert at looking at meteorite photos, but if this is real, and from the incident, surely the flash should come at the top of the streak, not towards the bottom.  If this picture is real, then they can see roughly where the ‘meteorite’ landed and do not need to send people out across such a wide area searching.  The terrain is visible in the picture, and even a building on the left hand side.   You could draw a line on a map easily enough.  We are into the realm of fakes here.  So the question becomes – why?

The date of the incident is given as Thursday the 14th April 2022 in the early hours.

If this date is correct, then why did it take until the weekend before the ‘experts’ came out looking for the meteorite?

Is it possible that the date has been adjusted backwards in time by a day or two even?  The story took a long time to hit the media, about a week – so its timing could have been altered to suit the narrative.

Just by chance the 14th April 2022 was the day the Moskva was set on fire by missiles, possibly with help from Britain.  Russia then warned the US and the UK that there would be ‘unintended consequences’ (NATO code for nuclear warfare) if we continued arming and assisting Ukraine.  The reply from the US about arming and training Ukraine was ‘guilty as charged’ and Britain’s Deputy Minister Of Defence replied that Britain is already in Ukraine training the AFU to handle the UK’s missiles, with no offer to withdraw.  Russia then announced that they would proceed ‘without hesitation’.  None of this crucial correspondence was reported in the Western media.  It was reported across Russia.

On Saturday 17th April RAF Welford blew up.

Was the meteorite another missile fired at around the same time or even the day before?

From here the situation for Britain especially, can only deteriorate.  At least we can shoot down cruise missiles, when we need to.  But the hypersonic missiles as fired at Welford will get through to whatever target Russia chooses.





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5 Responses to “We’ve had the fireworks factory explosion. Now we have meteorites!!!!”

  1. Aldous says:

    “What was he doing out in the dark at 12.45pm…”
    I’m assuming you mean 12:45am there Tap.

  2. Tapestry says:

    Yes Aldous. It felt wrong as I was writing it but I ploughed on hoping I could finish without any interruptions!

  3. Aldous says:

    It was wifey who spotted it at the bar while the rest of us were reminiscing over the late and lovely Doris Day in #Move Over Darling# – a sex flick without the sex as it were.
    Wifey is ‘bat crazy’ anyway and a virtual nocturnal animal who knows her PMs from AMs and is always at her happiest when hanging upside down from the ceiling where she belongs.
    She managed to get us all scratching our heads as to whether 12:45am was after midday or midnight while she enjoyed watching our pain.
    I won’t get into when Midnight actually is and when AM starts because a couple of cops present that we know taking a coffee break got involved in the discussion. We get a tad nervous when the boys in blue start to take an interest in what we’re discussing.
    Keep your friends close, the enemy closer but cops as far away as possible is our motto.

  4. ian says:

    If Russia likes, it could pop one into the post to the BBC, they deserve it.

  5. newensign says:

    A friend of mine living in the Gloucestershire area (who wishes to remain anonymous) to whom I passed on your article sent me the comments below received by him that add more weight to your suggestion that this was a Russian attack unreported by the MSM:
    “On the eastbound carriageway three miles west of M4 junction 13 is a large exit labelled Works Access Only. It leads to a road, not marked on any map, that disappears over a hill. The millennium map on the internet shows a large array of rectangular structures. Is it anything I should worry about?
    Jeff Knaggs, Stevenage, Herts
    • Here or hereabouts can be found the atomic bomb factory of Burghfield Common… just south of the M4 at Reading. It isn’t on any map I’ve seen. Perhaps the two are related? If so, worrying is certainly in order.
    Mark Iliff, Reading
    • The answer, quite obviously, is yes.
    Alex Long, London
    • Locals maintain that this slip road leads to RAF Welford, which was used as a base by the US during the cold war. This would explain the rectangular shapes on the millennium map – they are missile silos. My mother, who lives near Newbury, has always maintained that the cruise missiles, allegedly at nearby Greenham Common, were in fact based at Welford. This would make sense, if only in terms of transport logistics. Cruise missiles were designed to be mobile and capable of being launched from any part of the country. To reach the M4 from Greenham (in the 80s) necessitated driving through Newbury, whereas Welford has its own private slip road. Perhaps all the women who so persistently protested against the cruise missiles were actually camping in the wrong place after all.

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