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A theory well worth investigating

The Snake Venom Hypothesis of Covid – Dr. Bryan Ardis

ER Editor: We’re offering a few bits and pieces with the video of Dr. Bryan Ardis speaking to Stew Peters on the snake venom theory of Covid itself, plus the vaccine and Remdesivir. Below we’re providing some notes on the video in anticipation of watching the 45-minute interview.

[Additional, more fulsome interview lasting 2 hours with Scott McKay – Patriot Streetfighter channel on Rumble – https://rumble.com/v10myhi-4.11.22-patriot-streetfighter-interview-w-dr.-bryan-ardis-exposing-the-serp.html]


We’ll cut to the chase by saying that it’s a theory well worth investigating and not to be summarily dismissed as some have done. And we don’t buy the smear of Ardis based on his training as a chiropractor and acupuncturist. In our experience of medicine from the patient end of things, doctors with this type of training, plus homeopathy, naturopathy, etc. can be much more useful than the western-trained, Big Pharma doc with his prescription pad. You know, the ones who recommend you take multiple Covid ‘vaccines’.

We’re trusting to a certain level of journalistic integrity and due diligence here as Stew Peters, at least in our experience, shows a highly sceptical tendency unless he’s vetted things carefully first.

We can’t help wondering why this, why now? This is not to blame Ardis. But it’s rather curious when clearly somebody knew about a possible link or similarity to snake venom symptoms, at least as recently as 2020. Similar to the Hunter Biden laptop, or those Ukraine-US biolabs. Old news, but apparently now seems to be the time to get these stories out. 

Certain readers will hear echoes of something familiar with the ‘watch the water’ reference.


Here are responses to the video that take Ardis seriously yet critically:

‘Watch the Water’ Right on Remdesivir, But Snake Venom Theory Is a Stretch by Madhava Setty M.D.

What I think of the Bryan Ardis video, “Watch the Water”  by Steve Kirsch



Monoclonal antibody treatment – the basis

The key finding that Ardis’ case rests on is that an anti-venom treatment administered in a hospital will consist of monoclonal antibodies (MA). He was tipped off to this connection by a colleague. (Above, Dr. Setty notes that while some MAs are indeed an anti-venom, NOT ALL of them are. So you cannot simply equate one with the other.) Ardis’ train of thought equates the two, that MAs (all) ARE an anti-venom treatment; so given that MAs work effectively against Covid, Covid itself is caused by some type of venom. So Covid is not a virus and thus is not transmitted by air.

MA treatments have, of course, been attacked by federal health agencies in the US even though they were successful in treating Covid, as are ivermectin, hydroxochloroquine (HCQ) and NAC. Note that HCQ has expressly been forbidden with Remdesivir.

Historically, back in 2020, 3 animals were posited as the source of Covid (bats, pangolins and snakes), but the snake hypothesis would be repeatedly fact-checked and debunked by all the usual sources. Apparently, the genetic sequences of antibodies in sick people in Wuhan back in 2019/2020 were not like those of bats but of protein sequences found in snakes, particularly the Chinese krait and king cobra. In April 2020, a research study in France (shown on screen) found that certain receptors in the brain called ‘nicotinic acetylcholinesterase’ receptors bind most tightly to these particular types of snake venom; the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is identical (or almost) to these 2 types of venoms.

In May 2020, a young researcher, Dr. Bing LIU at the University of Pittsburgh had been researching the genetic sequencing of spike proteins for 5 months and was going to make a press release on what he and his team had found. Instead, he was found murdered and the results have never been released. (ER: Another young researcher also turned up dead within a calendar month of Dr. Liu – Dr. James Taylor, who was also researching the genetic sequencing of Covid. See A New Pandemic? Two Trailblazing COVID-19 Researchers Dead Within a Month)

In January 2020, a study was published after research over a 10-year period, which had mapped the genetic sequences of the proteins and peptides of the king cobra venom. The researchers came from a company called Genentech. There are 19 toxic proteins isolated, which specifically target organs in the human body. Funding for this study came from Roche, which put employees in the study in a conflict of interest as they were all shareholders in Roche. Genentech is related to Remdesivir manufacturer, Gilead. Gilead bought 2 facilities that deal with biological studies from Genentech in 2011; 55 of Genentech’s executives were brought into Gilead in 2011 just when the king cobra study started.

Gilead’s Remdesivir is created from synthetic peptides and proteins of king cobra venom. Before and during treatment, the patient’s prothrombin time must be monitored: a high level means the patient’s blood cannot clot. A University of Arizona study in 2021 looked at the tissues of patients who had died of Covid; present were extremely high levels of ‘an enzyme related to neurotoxins found in rattlesnake venom’. The internal organs of these patients had been attacked by this enzyme, leading to multiple organ failure.

Using snake venom in treatment can be an effective way to kill people without the substance administered being suspected. As the venom attacks certain organs (pancreas, heart, liver, spleen, brain, lungs, etc.), people with diseases of these organs will naturally succumb, apparently to their original health problem and not the treatment. Snake venom is thus an effective bioweapon.

Ardis is ‘convinced’ – ‘believes’ – that Covid itself, as well as the vaccines and Remdesivir, all contain some degree of snake venom.

Since 2005, it’s been known that nicotine blocks the receptors in the brain stem that are attacked by cobra venom. These receptors control the diaphragm and thus enable a person to breathe, thereby obtaining sufficient oxygen. The venom ingested will normally reach these brain receptors, paralyzing breathing. However, it was being reported early on that smokers were the least represented demographic among Covid sufferers (less than 5%), which is odd for a respiratory virus that should especially target smokers. In the first 6 months, however, Fauci was telling people to stop smoking; they simply lied about smokers being the most hospitalized group. Nicotine, on the contrary, protects these receptors against poisoning by venom. French researchers in 2020 worked out that the nicotine receptors that control the diaphragm’s ability to breathe were what the spike protein was targeting. So they theorized that people actually need to be given nicotine to prevent Covid.

As a non-smoker, if you go into hospital to be treated for Covid, they give you Remdesivir (based on venom), which attacks the nicotine receptors in the brain stem, paralyzing breathing. Then, in order to put you on a ventilator, they give you one of 5 drugs first (e.g. midazolam, morphine, etc.) which acts to further suppress breathing. So these two drugs, which are worked out in a precise cocktail, are euthanizing patients. Two 5-day back to back treatments are authorized in these circumstances: on average, a person dies on Day 9.

In July of 2021, a Moderna co-founder announced they were using mRNA technology to treat venomous snakebites. The new ‘Opherics’ company, based in San Francisco, would solely produce anti-venom drugs for snake bites, funded by the DoD, Wellcome Trust and the United Nations. How many snake bite victims are there typically in a year? Around 100,000. So why put such effort into creating this technology? mRNA technology was created in 2015 using cobra venom (presumably synthetic form), that was wrapped in nano-particulate dynabeads (made of metal), put in hydrogel to make it very stable. (The accompanying video shows vaccinated people able to attach magnets to their arms.)

Canada’s Dr. Charles Hoffa noticed that his (Moderna) vaccinated patients were suffering from elevated D-dimer levels (which indicate clotting). When patients exhibit this, one of the things doctors typically factor in is snake venom poisoning. The classic problem with Remdesivir is kidney failure, which is the number one organ attacked by cobra venom.

Ardis believes that the damage from Covid (SARS-CoV-2), the vaccines, and Remdesivir treatment all correlate with the damage done from snake venom as per the findings of research studies. The disease process put in place by the vaccines, for example, will just continue with the boosters. Further, the sickness going around is not a virus; based on snake venom, it is likely found in water (hence the title, Watch the Water).

Ardis believes this is how the problem was spread. CDC has been tracking waste water on its Covid surveillance site: it has 400 water testing sites in 37 US cities. From January to September, 2020, nobody knew about this water testing. Results are now being released.

Why would you PCR-test water as they have been doing? They test the water to PREDICT viral outbreaks in a given area. Yet this is backwards: if the ‘virus’ is in the water, it assumes that the population has already had the symptoms of infection.

loss of taste and smell have been signature symptoms of Covid, yet long-term loss of taste and smell are precisely the symptoms people get if they’ve reversed a snake-bite by sucking out the venom from the wound site. This parallels water drinking. (See his discussion of the series Black List, season 4, episode 15, where Reddington is poisoned by snake venom from drinking. His symptoms mimic other types of health problems.)


The Snake Venom Hypothesis of Covid – Dr. Bryan Ardis [VIDEO]

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