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Remember Odessa 2014.

How Neo-Nazi Thugs Supported by Kiev Regime Killed Odessa Inhabitants (May 2014): Photographic Evidence
Originally published on Global Research on May 5, 2014
The following text and photos were sent to Global Research. They indicate a carefully planned agenda to burn people alive inside the Trade Unions building.
The images as well as reports suggest that the death toll was significantly higher than that published by the media.
The Western media has been involved in acts of coverup and distortion, describing the self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi Brown shirts as nationalists and “honest patriots”.
Western governments have casually blamed the atrocities in Odessa on “pro-Russian paramilitaries”.
The Neo-Nazi thugs are directly supported by the Right Sector and Svoboda which play a central role in the coalition government. The Right Sector is supported by Washington.
The Neo-Nazi mobs in Odessa bear the hallmarks of US sponsored terrorism (e.g Syria) trained to commit atrocities against civilians. America’s Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Confirmed by Germany’s Bild: “Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government”
— Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research Editor, May 5, 2014
A Great tragedy happened to the port city of Odessa at Friday, May 2nd, 2014.
Supporters of federalism were chased to the Trade Unions House by Right Sector mob. The building caught fire soon afterwards, which resulted (by official reports) in 42 deaths.
Уже понятно, что в Доме Профсоюзов в Одессе было убито много более 42 человек. Провокаторы увлекли людей в здание, где их можно было убивать безнаказанно, с наслаждением и без свидетелей. Пожара внутри здания не было – была постановка пожара, чтобы списать на него массовое уничтожение граждан Украины.
It’s clear that the number of casualties in the Trade Unions House is far greater. Provocateurs captivated people into the building where it was possible to kill them with impunity, with great relish, and without witnesses. Fire inside the building was directed in order to hide mass murdering of Ukrainian citizens.
Сначала поджог палаток на площади и организация значительного по площади открытого пламени на фоне здания. Людей увлекают под защиту массивных дверей Дома Профсоюзов. У сторонников федерализма на площади не было заранее заготовленных бутылок с зажигательной смесью. Откуда же возник пожар внутри здания?
Firstly, the tents on the square were set on fire which resulted in appearance of large open fire areas close to the building. People were captivated to hide behind massive doors of the Trade Unions House. Federalism supporters had no Molotov cocktails prepared in advance. From where has fire inside the building appeared?
Люди, спрятавшиеся за дверями на первом этаже, были атакованы боевиками Правого Сектора, которые находились там задолго до начала экзекуции. На первом этаже люди сгорели до костей. Сначала у одного выхода…
People behind the doors of the ground floor have been attacked by the Right Sector thugs who got in there long before the execution has begun. Those people were burned to the bones, first at main entrance…
… потом у всех трёх.
…Then at rest of them.
… пожарные прибыли, когда уже сгорели даже массивные входные двери.
Firefighters only appeared when massive entrance doors were burned through.
В солидном пятиэтажном здании с потолками за 3 метра открытый огонь был ещё только в одном кабинете.
Only in a single room in a five-storey building with ceilings over 3 meters high had fire visible from outside.
Кто мог пробраться на крышу административного здания федерального значения? Наверно те, кто заранее получил ключи от замков, запирающих стальные решётки, ведущие к дверям на крышу.
Who could get onto the roof of the administrative building of nationwide significance? Perhaps those who in advance got the keys to locked steel gratings protecting the roof doors.
Этих боевиков следует найти. Они могли бы рассказать много интересного о том, когда начался осуществляться план по массовому уничтожению одесситов, и как они заранее заготовили запасы горючей смеси в Доме Профсоюзов.
На нижнем фото клоуны из массовки изображают сторонников федерализма. Типичная голливудская (США/Израиль)подстава под “чужим флагом”.
These thugs must be found. They could tell a lot about when the murdering plan implementation has started, and how in advance they brought supplies for Molotov cocktails to the Trade Unions House.
On the picture below stunt [above pic] clowns play a role of federalism supporters. Typical Hollywood (USA/Israel)-style false flag action.
The English version has been corrected, thanks to skydiggerpanchulИван Крамской.
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