A Reminder from Dr Vernon Coleman
Wed 1:22 pm +00:00, 30 Mar 2022
The Horrors of Social Credit
A few years ago, in a book called The Game’s Afoot (published in 2018) I wrote that the Chinese Government was giving people marks according to behaviour. It was I wrote, called social engineering, and citizens were being ranked and rated according to their behaviour.
Everyone starts off with so many points.
Of course, social credit scores are already here in the West and they have been introduced slowly.
When you’re away from home, the authorities will, of course, know where you are all the time.
You probably think I’m really kidding now. If you do just check out what is happening in Scotland.
You can forget about privacy, freedom or rights.
We will soon all be living in China.
If one person in a family breaks the law, the whole family will be punished.
And there are so, so many ways in which your social credit score can be adversely affected.
But our future won’t be so free and easy as life in China is at the moment.
We are moving rapidly into a dystopian, digital dictatorship.
In the brave new world, those with a low credit score won’t be able to move an inch.
And it’s already all happening.
Computer games are training us for our future.
How many sheets will you be allowed if you have a low credit score? Two? One? None at all?