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Ukrainian philanthropists kindly call wives and mothers of captured Russian soldiers on their cellphones


Ukrainian nazis calling relatives of the POWs on their cellphones, shouting ‘glory to ukraine’, mocking them. Girlfriend of a captured Russian pilot was threatened that her lover will be castrated. On the second video, Ukrainian soldier called mother of a killed Russian soldier, making fun and threatening her.

Overview 18+: More Evidence Of Murders, Torture Of Russian POWs By Ukrainian NazisSouth Front

Overview 18+: More Evidence Of Murders, Torture Of Russian POWs By Ukrainian Nazis

The pose of the Russian serviceman confirms that he had his hands up when he was killed. He was shot after he surrendered.

Here is a short overview of more evidences of the murders and torture of Russian prisoners of war (POW) by Ukrainian Nazis. More and more shocking facts that show the essence of the criminal Ukrainian regime are being revealed. While there are almost no successes on the front lines to share, the Kiev regime publishes and widely distributes videos of torture and murders of Russian prisoners of war.

Ignoring international conventions, the Kiev Nazi regime hope that such videos will increase patriotic sentiments among civilians to push them to confront the Russian aggressors. Such tactics are likely aimed at threatening Russian servicemen. However, the facts only confirm the Nazi essence of the modern Ukrainian patriotism, convincing Russian soldiers that they are fighting for the right goal of denazification of a neighboring state.

Unfortunately, only Russia’s large-scale intervention could reveal the truth to the ‘international community’, which turned a blind eye to the inhumane actions of Ukrainian nazis on Ukrainian soil. All crimes committed against DPR/LPR soldiers and civilians have been hushed up by all the MSM and leaders of the so-called civilized West for more than eight years.

Wounded Russian POWs are murdered, tortured and mocked. The footage shared from the hotspots confirms that no medical assistance is provided to them. Not only servicemen but also their relatives are victims of the nazis. Ukrainian are calling to POWs’ relatives, making fun of their loved ones.

Footage promoted by nazi Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine:

POWs with severe burns are mocked and are not provided with any medical assistance. They are forced to claim ‘glory to ukraine’. The POW on the video was proposed to chose rather he prefers ‘to have his throat cut or to be castrated’. He was later killed by Ukrainian nazi Ruslan Mironyuk who also filmed the murder on camera. LINK


A Russian POW was dragged on the floor near bodies of his dead comrades. On the video it is heard that the Ukrainian soldier loaded his rifle.

Another Russian POW was tortured, his finger was cut off.

Overview 18+: More Evidence Of Murders, Torture Of Russian POWs By Ukrainian Nazis

Click to see full-size image

Ukrainian nazis calling relatives of the POWs, shouting ‘glory to ukraine’, mocking on them. Girlfriend of a captured Russian pilot was threatened that her lover will be castrated. On the second video, Ukrainian soldier called mother of a killed Russian soldier, making fun and threatening her.

Overview 18+: More Evidence Of Murders, Torture Of Russian POWs By Ukrainian NazisSouth Front

Meanwhile, notorious Zelensky’s advisor Arestovich, who is a fan of ISIS, reminded that the “Ukrainian army” is the “European Army”!

TAP – I go to my son’s school every day and see Ukrainian flags and ‘I Support Ukraine’ lityerally everywhere you look – and Love and Peace to Ukraine on posters covering – no exaggeration – the whole carpark.  I wrote to the Head Teacher.  No reply. (In the past she’s been quite good at calling back when I was complaining about some detail or other).  But this time the western media is gone.  Totally.  And the dear old Brits are fully taken in.

The Ukrainian state is a Nazi totalitarian state which believes in torture, rape and murder as a good thing.  They are completely unhinged as these videos (see the link) demonstrate.  How come the BBC, CNN, FOX and all the lot of them are so willing to hide the crimes of the Ukrainian State?  If Alexandr Solzienitsyn once said – if the Western media doesn’t report massive crimes against humanity committed by Nazis and Fascists, it means the Western media is owned by the same people.  Be warned.  Come and see the truth being broadcast on numerous channels from the ground level – each day on Tap News.  Not because it’s comfortable to know, but because we have to know and then we might be able to obtain peace and end this total mayhem.


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8 Responses to “Ukrainian philanthropists kindly call wives and mothers of captured Russian soldiers on their cellphones”

  1. Aldous says:

    I’ll pass on watching the vids Tap as I’ve seen more than enough of it on active service in what now seems another life. A bit too much reality in my dotage and I have enough recall and nightmares about those days as it is.
    I’m sorry about your son’s school but wonder what is inside the head of the Principal. ‘Toe the line’ or find another job? I reckon so in a lot (if not most) cases.
    It can be dangerous to let Commie/Nazi tyrannies know what you’re thinking. Let them know your face but never your mind so to speak as Shakespeare would say.
    Anyway, kind regards.

  2. Aldous says:

    Conscience and God are always on ‘active service’ and never miss a trick. Most of those perpetrating those atrocities on their fellow man will die an early death.
    Why Are U.S. Soldiers Killing Themselves?
    The military must confront the enemy within.

    • Tapestry says:

      Their souls will pay a terrible price, forever unable to rest. The souls of the tortured will more easily recover, and weigh in on the side of God against these agents of the Devil. If the killers realise in time what they are doing they might be able to ‘change sides’ but they are psychologically locked in by their crimes. Very few will emerge to sanity or contentment. God rest the tortured and murdered victims, and help their mothers, wives and children.

  3. Aldous says:

    New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day

    Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide, according to new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs — a figure that dispels the often quoted, but problematic, “22 a day” estimate yet solidifies the disturbing mental health crisis the number implied.

    In 2014, the latest year available, more than 7,400 veterans took their own lives, accounting for 18 percent of all suicides in America. Veterans make up less than 9 percent of the U.S. population.


    • Tapestry says:

      Mostly to do with vaccines Aldous. They realise their lives were wrecked by medication and don’t want to continue. The idea of PTSD is doing it doesn’t make sense as after WW2, people didn’t top themselves. The PTB don’t want former military as they are politically aware so they vaxx them while in service so they rapidly decline afterwards.

  4. ian says:

    Horrible bastards. Tap’, re’ your son’s school, they didn’t get where they are by bucking against superiors. They don’t want the truth ever, it is easier by a country mile, to watch TV, obey the boss, and capitulate. The teachers will all talk rubbish that’s subliminally agreed when in the staff room. You’re letter means thinking, making a stand, and ending the warm fuzzy included feeling. I’ve found out to my own detriment on a few occasions, facts and truth don’t get anywhere when up against being included in their herd.

    • danceaway says:

      That seems describe most of society, Ian.

      • ian says:

        It does danceaway. They’ve no time for those of us who rock the boat.