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Here you are schools and churches. There’s more about your friends in Ukraine that you support..



A woman from Mariupol described how Ukrainian servicemen were holding the entire city in the grip of fear.

She claimed that they were looting, shot at people and that Ukrainian tanks shelled on residential buildings.

She also recalled that Ukrainian militants deployed their tanks in their yard in mid-March.

After her husband reprimanded them for using civilians as a human shield, the nationalists shot him in his legs.

On March 20, when her husband was on his way to dress his wounds, the Ukrainian militants shot him dead.

As DPR and Russian Federation units advance in Mariupol, more and more eyewitness accounts of AFU war crimes appear. This content is deleted from MSM social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We will continue to provide such video testimonies with English subtitles or with a voice-over narration.

We encourage our readers and viewers who are willing and able to translate and voice-over such videos in English to email us: info@southfront.org and southfront@list.ru (it is better to write to both emails).

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5 Responses to “Here you are schools and churches. There’s more about your friends in Ukraine that you support..”

  1. Occams says:

    Wow. Russian kid is a student. His dad approached me about “Putin’s screwup”

    “How did he ‘screw up’? He’s ended an 8 year war on the DPR and exposed the biolabs”.

    “There’s no biolabs”

    “Really. So why did Victoria Nuland say the same thing, and when it all started getting exposed, she admitted there’s 26”?

    “I don’t want to talk about it”

    • Tapestry says:

      The brainwashing and shepherding is awesome – to the point people want to close off their own thoughts and connection with reality. On a whim I bought a car flag in Russian colours and flew it as we drove to schools and round town. I was greatly enjoying the experience but my children were not so sure. Until they saw the confused look on people’s faces and they started rocking with laughter. It fell off and I decided to leave it in the road.

      • archer says:

        I was so tempted to do the same, Tap but ended up not in case some overzealous, brainwashed idiot took offence and decided to cause a scene.

  2. nixon scraypes says:

    The Reiner Fuelmich video reduces the Ukraine affair to mere trivia in comparison

    • Tapestry says:

      In some ways Nixon, but it’s all part of the same programme. The lawyer describes the system for hospital homicides, which has been killing hundreds of thousands of people – or millions worldwide. Hospitals and Judiciary are an extension of Law Enforcement. Agenda 21 implementation.

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