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NATO pushes Ukraine towards a chemical false flag

Amid the ongoing military operations in Ukraine, US President Joe Biden went to Europe, where a NATO summit was held on March 24.

Despite Kiev’s attempts to involve NATO in a war with Russia and establish a no fly zone over Ukraine, the alliance has once again confirmed its unwillingness to get into a military confrontation with the Russian Army.

Instead, the alliance has decided to strengthen the defense of its own territories. Four additional multinational NATO combat groups of 40,000 troops will be deployed in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia on a permanent basis.

Biden offered to Ukraine to resolve territorial issues with Moscow itself, but left the opportunity for the alliance to use force against Russia. The US President noted that NATO could intervene in the conflict in the case of the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine. Given the example of false flag chemical weapon attacks in the war in Syria, the risks of provocation by the Kiev regime and the threat to civilians and military alike on the territory of Ukraine have increased.

Poland’s proposal to deploy NATO military units in Ukraine was rejected. However, this does not exclude the possibility of Poland’s participation in the war in Ukraine outside the alliance. Warsaw intends to introduce its contingent in the western regions of Ukraine to support the “fraternal Ukrainian people” and not miss the opportunity to establish its own control over the historically disputed territories. Apparently, this will be the main topic of negotiations between Biden and Duda on March 25.

If Biden allows Poland to send troops to Ukraine, it will most likely push Belarus to enter into the conflict in order to take control of the regions of Polesie and Volyn.

The Kiev authorities have completely destroyed the sovereignty of the state, and in the new realities, Ukraine risks losing almost all its territories and ceasing to exist.

At the same time, NATO member countries continue to participate in the conflict through the deployment of mercenaries sent to Ukraine as volunteers, and through weapon supplies. European leaders are noting that their ability to continue supplying military equipment is also limited.

On March 24, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the UK will provide Kiev government forces with 6,000 missiles, in addition to the 4,000 NLAW and Javelin anti-tank missiles already supplied. Johnson declared his readiness to consider Zelensky’s request for the transfer of tanks and aircraft for the AFU. However, realizing the risks and the price of such supplies, he complained about some difficulties with logistics.

The reaction of Western countries to military operations in many ways reaches the absurd and confirms that their leaders are largely unaware of the realities of the new emerging world order.

Joe Biden at a press conference in Brussels called for the exclusion of Russia from the G20 despite the lack of support for such a decision from all members of the organization. He called for inviting Ukraine to take Russia’s place to participate in the upcoming summit.

The official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry commented on the issue and noted that Moscow is an important member of the G20, and no country has the right to exclude another country.

Europe is outraged that Moscow is taking retaliatory measures against the imposed sanctions.

The head of the European Commission has said that Russian oil and gas companies “will not be allowed to demand payment for fuel in rubles.” despite the fact that there is no more effective means of putting pressure on the Russian companies.

The hysteria of Western leaders over Russia’s transition to payments for the supply of energy resources in rubles demonstrates that the Western leadership still cannot realize and accept the new reality. Today, the shouts of Washington, London and Brussels have become perceived only as an annoying squeak by Russia, as well as by a number of world political centers.

Initially, the reason for the entire conflict in Ukraine was the West’s attempts to solve its own economic problems at the expense of Russian resources. The economies of Western countries are slowly but surely moving towards collapse. One of the few ways out is to get access to large quantities of cheap energy, natural resources and foodstuffs. This could only be achieved by dividing Russia into several small parts that are in a state of permanent conflict under Western control.

The West has brainlessly destroyed almost all the means of interaction, and therefore of pressure on Moscow on its own.

The dynamics of the development of geopolitical and geo-economic processes are highly likely to lead, to a pan-European military conflict in the foreseeable future at best. In the worst case they may lead to a global nuclear war.


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6 Responses to “NATO pushes Ukraine towards a chemical false flag”

  1. danceaway says:

    “Biden offered to Ukraine to resolve territorial issues with Moscow itself, but left the opportunity for the alliance to use force against Russia. The US President noted that NATO could intervene in the conflict in the case of the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine. Given the example of false flag chemical weapon attacks in the war in Syria, the risks of provocation by the Kiev regime and the threat to civilians and military alike on the territory of Ukraine have increased.

    Instead, the alliance has decided to strengthen the defense of its own territories. Four additional multinational NATO combat groups of 40,000 troops will be deployed in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia on a permanent basis.

    The dynamics of the development of geopolitical and geo-economic processes are highly likely to lead, to a pan-European military conflict in the foreseeable future at best. In the worst case they may lead to a global nuclear war.”

    Just some of the ominous statements from the Russians. They see clearly.

  2. Aldous says:

    “Instead, the alliance(sic) has decided to strengthen the defense of its own territories. [its ‘own’ territories???]
    Four additional multinational NATO combat groups of 40,000 troops will be deployed in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia on a permanent basis.

    The North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation are not dealing with innocents like Libya or Serbia here but a nuclear superpower who means business if really pissed off.

  3. Aldous says:

    This ‘chemical weapon’ crap and nonsense fear propaganda from the usual suspects is really growing tiresome.
    Can’t they come up with some other fear-porn narrative like ‘Russia intends to steer a blazing asteroid approaching Motherfucking Earth into a Ukraine child hospital including those still in incubators and on life support’?
    The propagandists have absolutely no imagination these days.
    Believe you me, most sheeple would believe it.

  4. sovereigntea says:

    Friday 25th March suspected Rothschild agent Mark Sedwill appeared on BBC radio 4 circa 08:20hrs promoting the very same “chemical attack” narrative thus priming the media for the event to come. The very spooky Sedwill is now ennobled as a Baron https://www.iiss.org/governance/the-advisory-council/mark-sedwill

    Just in time ?

    Rothschild & Co appoints Mark Sedwill as Senior Adviser 09/12/2020


  5. sovereigntea says:

    If one were to conduct a chemical attack in a warzone one might need to employ “special forces”……
    From Spooky Sedwill’s bio on the Rothschild site linked above.

    Additional background on Lord Sedwill

    Mark Sedwill, Baron Sedwill of Sherborne KCMG FRGS, is Chairman of the Atlantic Futures Forum, Chairman of the G7 Panel on Global Economic Resilience, and a member of the UK Parliament’s House of Lords. He was Cabinet Secretary & Head of the Civil Service (2018-20), National Security Adviser (2017-20), Permanent Secretary at the Home Office (2013-17), and HM Ambassador and NATO Representative in Afghanistan (2009-11). Before that he had a diplomatic and security career serving in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan. He was also CEO of UKvisas (2005-08). Educated at St Andrews and Oxford Universities, Lord Sedwill is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and of the Institute of Directors, and the recipient of several awards and honours for national and international public service. He is President of the Special Forces Club and has several charitable interests.

  6. sovereigntea says:

    Here you see a highly compromised puppet being deployed to make the case for WW3

    Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham has said that he would “fiercely advocate” a no-fly zone over Ukraine should Russia use chemical weapons.

    The South Carolina Republican ranking member of the Senate Committee on Budget made the comments on Saturday during a plenary session titled “Transforming for a New Era”, at the annual Doha Forum in the Qatari capital.

    In related news, US President Joe Biden on Wednesday claimed there was a “real threat” that Russia could use chemical weapons against Ukraine. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/03/26/679205/US-Senator-Graham-Russia-Ukraine-No-Fly-Zone-Qatar

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