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MARCH MADNESS 2022! The New Normal for the Decade

“It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!!!”

Submitted by The Armchair Geopolitical Analyst
SOTN Exclusive

What we are all witnessing — firsthand — is the final collapse of the entire planetary civilization.  But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

The whole human race is experiencing a convergence of cosmic circumstances which guarantees the complete demolition of every fatally flawed paradigm, every deceitfully pernicious ism and ideology, every inherently defective system, every hopelessly corrupt government, every habitually criminal corporation, and every irreparably broken institution on Earth.

After all, we are at the end of an age, which very few are even aware of, and especially the power elite who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid.

KEY POINTS: At the conclusion of every major era, all the frauds and scams, hoaxes and shams, fakes and cons, are exposed for all to see.  In this way, the masses will see for themselves how they have been deceived — ABOUT EVERYTHING — so that they can participate, at the right time, in taking down the whole godforsaken System.

However, before that can happen, it’s the System that will begin to come apart at the seams by its own doing.  That’s what’s going on right now … at breakneck speed.

Since President Putin ordered Russia’s “special military operation” to liberate the Ukrainian people from the clutches of an increasingly terrorizing Nazi regime, the worldwide breakdown has accelerated considerably.

This is all part of the PLAN; but not just the New World Order agenda designed to manufacture as much chaos, confusion and conflict as possible.  For only in this manner will the globalists be able to fully implement their planned Ordo ab Chao strategy as they have done successfully over millennia.  However, there really is a much bigger Plan at work here—one that the dark side is blissfully unaware of.

Because this truly is the last hurrah, only the most powerful and concealed decision-makers at the very zenith of the global power structure are aware of what’s coming down the pike.  And, those master manipulators will never reveal the grim realities which are about to unfold at warp speed.

So, the System collapse begins in earnest by way of the System taking itself down.  It literally is the bad guys taking down the bad guys.  This is how it always happens.  The states go after the federal government. The county fights the city. The local utility faces off with the municipality.  The telecoms go head to head with city councils.  The county courthouse overrules the statehouse.  The sheriff department strongly disagrees with the police department. The C.I.A. is attacked by Congress.  The Senate discloses wrongdoing by the House.  The POTUS and VPOTUS are assailed by everyone.

Of course, there are also instances of the good guys going after the bad.  The white hat FBI agents exposing the black hats. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons goes to war with the American Medical Association.  The good Covid doctors alliance exposes the Medical Mafia known as the CDC-NIH-HHS-FDA & Big Pharma crime syndicate.  Righteous military docs divulge bombshell vaccine truth.

A Glaring Example

Now take the same dynamic and apply it to the overarching isms and ideologies that control so much of our lives as well as society-at-large.

Let’s consider just one graphically calamitous “ism” that is tearing itself apart at this very moment.  Known as Predatory Capitalism, it also has several other offshoots such as Disaster Capitalism which happens to be on full display in the Ukraine this month.

You see, what happens at the end of the life cycle of Predatory Capitalism is that when all the easy prey have been completely devoured, the alpha predators begins to stalk their erstwhile co-conspirators and other partners-in-crime.

Then, when all of those previous associates have been adequately masticated, the snake of Predatory Capitalism will start to eat its very own body, before it eats its own head.  Having never gone a day without stealing someone else’s meal, the predatory capitalist will never stop eating until it has eaten itself up.  After all, these are the same lost souls who brought us the Consumer Society, where every human being is a consumer first, second and third, and a person last.

In light of the fact that when the tree of Predatory Capitalism was first planted during the Industrial Revolution, it actually contained the seeds of it own destruction for this very day and time.  Which is precisely why the Global Economic & Financial System is poised on the brink of collapse … and not just a periodic systemwide failure that can ever be recovered from.  In other words, this rapidly evolving “Second Great Depression” will be the final one.

The same goes for the MIC brand of Disaster Capitalism currently taking place all over the Ukraine.  Isn’t this exactly how the Military-Industrial Complex operates across the planet—24/7. “Raze it and then Raise it” is their motto since at least World War I when they began producing the requisite weapons of mass destruction and devastating armaments of war that could inflict industrial-level destruction anywhere, anytime.  Everyone knows that war damage needs to be fixed yesterday!

Even their cataclysmic biowars waged against all of humanity paralleled the schedule of fastidiously engineered world wars.  Whereas the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was deliberately timed to depopulate the planet during the last year of World War I, the COVID-19 pandemic was staged as a precursor to the hot phase of a planned World War III.

The Powers That Be know they have to throw everything at the human race in order to sufficiently soften up all the people on 7 continents.  For only in this way will the GREAT RESET take place without so much fierce resistance and pervasive pushback.  The WEF perpetrators will be able to execute their NWO schemes all the way to establishing a Global Biosecurity Superstate masquerading as a One World Government, so they think.

Naziism = Zionism

Were we to expound on another example of the System taking itself down we would have to look no further than Naziism as it’s now rearing its ugly head in Ukraine.  Just the multifarious ways in which the Ukrainian Nazis are exposing themselves is enough to bring its downfall in that tumultuous and war-torn country.

It’s true, wherever the calamitous ism or ideology has captured the most citizens, that’s where the toughest times will be (like the Ukraine).  There are also many good folks in the Ukraine who are sacrificing themselves for the greater good, although very few are aware.  Their exceptional sacrifice is revealing the truth about the Fourth Reich that’s now established virtually everywhere in the West, albeit under the radar.

KEY POINT: The extreme forms of both naziim and communism look the same.

For example, here in the USA we have a very convenient yet covert collaboration between the Democrat communists and the Republican fascists (aka RINOs).  To the extent that the American people buy into these two extremely treacherous crime syndicates is the degree to which this nation will eventually descend into anarchy and then tyranny.

Which is why the intensity of this year’s March Madness is so extreme and totally off the charts in all 50 states.  Mostly unknowingly, the US citizenry has been pushed over several decades into a very serious yet subtle psychopathological state known as Political Bipolar Syndrome.  This collective psychiatric disorder manifested most recently and quite dramatically as both Trump Derangement Syndrome (for the Left) and Trump Cult Complex (for the Right).

Hence, when there are so many Americans who either identify with or have been unwittingly captured by these exceedingly debilitating psychological conditions, one can only expect March Madness to greatly exacerbate … … … even after this March is over and done with.

So, to sum up the current state of the American body politic, the communist takeover of the Democrat Party has pushed the vast majority of liberals, progressives and left-wingers into communism, socialism, cultural marxism, bolshevism, anarchism and totalitarianism.

Conversely, the fascist overthrow of the Republican Party has created a massive political  movement aligned with Zionism which is even more dangerous than Naziism.  Many good Christian conservatives don’t even know that they have morphed into hardcore Zionists.  For it is Zionism, above all else, that is responsible for the major political moves and monumental military maneuvers on the global geopolitical chessboard today.


So, what’s really happened this March is that the utter insanity of Zionism, as demonstrated by the crazy warmongering Neocon Zionists the world over, has come completely out of the closet.  The national insane asylum known as Israel is pushing its many vassal states throughout the West to wage full-scale world war against Russia, but only after first completely destroying the Russian economy.

This very same strategy was used against Germany in 1933 by the same Zio-Nazi tribe that was hellbent on subjugating the German people post World War II, which they have successfully done to this very day.   As a matter of historical fact, the highly organized network of international Jewry started “The Economic Boycott of 1933” after issuing what amounted to The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany.

Now fast forward to 2022 and we see the same tactics being used to bankrupt the Russian Federation.  The Zio-Anglo-American Axis first forced the Kremlin into initiating a “special military operation” in Ukraine for the sake of necessary national defense and self-preservation for the citizenry.  Then, the Zionist-controlled US-UK-EU crime syndicate immediately commenced a warmongering sanction regime against Russia with the explicit intention of overthrowing President Putin and his team of Russian patriots.

The pervasive and profound madness splashed across the front page of the Internet during March is a direct result of this Neocon-Zionist plot to topple the Russian government and replace it with an Israeli-controlled puppet régime.

Euphemistically known as the Great Game, this multi-century criminal enterprise to steal all of Russia’s land, natural resources, industrial base as well as to enslave the workforce saw its first culmination in the formation of the Soviet Union.  Now begins the final phase of this complex criminal conspiracy to forever conquer Russia.

KEY POINTS: What the Zio-Nazis are especially afraid of is the natural alliance forming between Russia and Germany.  For such an economic and political partnership would spell the end of the global domination of Zio-Anglo-American Axis; as well as the ascendancy of the BRICS-allied nations which would include the industrial powerhouse Germany.  In fact, one of the primary reasons for the West triggering the Ukraine War was to drive a wedge between Russia and Germany by halting the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. See: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination

Whenever such a maniacal group of warmongering Neocons and deranged Zionists collude to vanquish a sovereign nation what else could result but this year’s March Madness?!

Particularly when the targeted nation has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the planet, as well as possesses the most advanced technology to guard against nuclear attacks, has this unhinged cabal of criminally insane psychopaths proven that they have gone totally MAD! See: Russia Protected by Cosmospheres Against US-NATO Nuclear Attacks

In reality, these extremely dangerous sociopaths are so mad at President Putin because he will not play their game of globalism.  Their anger toward Putin is so visceral and so palpable because he is not complying with their nation-destroying GREAT RESET.  So, when you combine real madness with terribly mad Zionists and Neocons, you get March Madness like you’ve never seen it before.  These satanic entities are beside themselves with demonic rage—FOR REAL!

Look it, Putin has destroyed their 26 bioweapon labs sited across the Ukraine (after securing reams of evidence of illicit bioweaponry development); he has devastated many of Ukraine’s famous criminal networks engaged in human trafficking, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, etc.; and he has substantially disrupted the Ukrainian Deep State in every oblast and city now occupied by the Russian military.  Putin also has access to the financial records and audit trails that shows all the criminal activity conducted by the Biden Crime Family in the Ukraine.

Just imagine how any [HITHERTO] untouchable international crime syndicate would react after all of its biological and chemical weapon research laboratories were raided for volumes of highly incriminating proof that confirm the Covid Pandemic was purposefully carried out by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis of powers as a biowar against humanity.  Which is why the US-UK-EU-NATO terrorist group has gone totally ballistic!

Welcome to:

The Armchair Geopolitical Analyst
State of the Nation
March 24, 2022


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