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  1. Tapestry says:

    Excellent report.

  2. Gordon says:

    “HOSTS ARE STUNNED.” As are most other people!!

    Ask anyone what they think of Putin and you will most likely get a negative reply.
    “I don’t trust Putin.”
    “Don’t trust those Russians.
    “The Russians are a bad people.”
    “Russia is to blame for our oil prices being so high.” And so on.

    Anyone would think that they just came from a White House State of the Nation Address or a BBC interview but the reality is that for the most part people in the west have been so brainwashed from childhood into believing that the Russian people and its leaders are bad people without ever learning of the country and its culture.

    With such state sponsored Russophobic prejudice in the west then little wonder there is such ill feeling toward Russia and its people.

    As clearly pointed out in the video the route problem of this conflict called the Maidan Revolution commenced some fourteen years ago in 2008 when the US decided to stage a coup d’état ousting the legitimate democratically elected leader Viktor Yanukovych whom was pro Russian and replaced by pro west puppet Petro Poroshenko a wealthy businessman currently being held in Kyiv on treason charges.

    Blaming Russia for the hike in our energy prices is not entirely true as the market price was pushing up before Russia decided to enter Ukraine on a humanitarian peacekeeping mission to defend its people in the Donetsk and Luhansk areas now referred to as the DPR and LPR respectively.

    Just checked my heating oil price and its increased 150% since September 2021 to 104p per litre.


    A minimum order is 500Lt which will now cost £520 per delivery, ouch! Electricity prices are going up by 50% on 1st April (All fools day. Are these people taking the piss or what?) so all in all things are not looking too good but the blame lies more with the greedy west than with Russia.

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