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This blog provides a regular comment on matters of concern to readers. It is often described as 'lively' 'enjoyable' and 'interesting'. The Tap is run by software professionals who don't invoice their work, but who have ordinary jobs and like everyone else, need some income from time to time. If you are enjoying the Tap, you might bear this in mind and send us a little thank you occasionally. It would be greatly appreciated.. Click here to donate


    • ian says:

      Thanks emm jay, I’ll post it.

      • Alan Vaughn says:

        🙄 I’m not too sure whether his covid-19 compliant and appropriately shame-muzzled 😷 audience would have agreed entirely with his sentiments…

      • ian says:

        Hi Alan, I understand your comment. Jinty, my wife, wanted an eye appointment at Specsavers recently, so when we were recently in the town, we called round. There was a red rope over the door where we were met by a masked and visored woman, at shouting distance, about 6 feet away. I could probably do with an upgrade too, but I couldn’t face that fiasco. Many seem still genuinely terrified, when I’m out and about.

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