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  1. Occams says:

    I watched the vid at BitChute. Go read the comments;

    “This ALL BS”

    Talking to Trumptards is like talking to anyone who worships any politician; Anything said against said politician is ‘BS’.

    “Hillary never hurt anyone!”

    “Obama ran an 8 year, scandal-free administration!”

    “Bush had NOTHING to do with 911!” (probably not – he was basically too stupid. Cheney and Netanyahu ran 911…)

    • David 2 says:

      People have been totally brainwashed into believing they need a saviour. What politician has ever served the people and not some freemason agenda. Trump is a megalomaniac, a freemason and it would appear he is a pedophile. Would you trust the masons Macron, Trudeau, Ardhern, Biden, Draghi, Pelosi or Theresa Maybe?

      People cannot understand that they are their own authority. There is no saviour to save them. The so called saviours cannot save themselves.

      The good thing about the plandemic, is waking people up to the fact that they have to be the authority. Perhaps the whole concept of political saviours will end with the exposure of their crimes against humanity.

      • Tapestry says:

        Pre-1992 there were some politicians of conscience like our local MP John Biffen. John Heyes MP is still in there, but there are precious few of them, and they are left to rot as a rule on the back benches. The saviour is ourselves but we need to ask for help against demonic attack from God – and he will remove the demons from our realm if we instruct them to go in his name. Very few people today are aware of demons and very few have experience of driving them out, or have researched it. I describe our experiences in Angels & Devils My Extraordinary Life – last two chapters. Amazon.
        These trauma survivors know the score – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3qJ3kDoQyI

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