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Health ‘nightmare’ alert over Covid jabs injecting a heart-damaging toxin

-February 11, 2022

A FRIEND of my ex-wife is so angry about lockdown lunacy and its associated abuses that she lets rip on busloads of cowed, mask-wearing passengers, letting them know they have been horribly duped.

I thought of her yesterday when I saw a large caravan parked in the centre of Worthing, the seaside town where I currently live, encouraging passers-by to drop in for a Covid jab.

Despite waiting lists now said to be likely to hit nine million, the NHS still finds the money to try to terrorise people into submitting to this experimental procedure.  I am happy to say there were no customers as I passed.

Just how experimental the rollout remains is brought home by a new international study looking at what happens in our bodies when injected with the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna, and comparing that with natural infection.  A 73-page report, with 43 authors, has been posted online as a preprint by the scientific journal Cell.

A key finding is that for up to two months following the jab, our bodies continue to produce a protein that has been associated with risks to the heart and blood vessels.  It may be longer – 60 days was as far as the researchers went.

Most readers are by now familiar with the infamous spike protein, the ‘gain-of-function’ feature through which American and Chinese scientists made a bat virus a danger to humans, causing the Covid-19 pandemic.

The vaccines inject copies of a genetic code that causes production of this protein, alerting the immune system to the danger it presents so as to limit damage from actual virus infection.  The Cell study confirms that in the short-term, the immune system response to the vaccine is broader than that seen in severely ill, naturally-infected patients.

But the researchers found mRNA from the vaccine still present on days seven, 16 and 37 post-jab, ‘with lower but still appreciable specific signal at day 60.’  Production of actual spike protein was ‘abundant’ 16 days after the second dose, and still present as late as 60 days.

Ninety-six per cent of vaccinees had the protein circulating in their blood in the first day or two after the jab, and 63 per cent at day seven, although the level fell dramatically during that first week.

What does this mean? According to Dr Robert Malone, an American virologist and immunologist whose work paved the way for mRNA vaccines, it means we are in the midst of a ‘health public policy nightmare’.

That is because the protein is now recognised as a danger in itself, regardless of the virus.  The fact that it continues to be produced for weeks or months after the jab helps to explain the record numbers of reports of post-vaccination deaths and injuries.

Once in the bloodstream, the genetic instructions are carried throughout the body, and cells that line our blood vessels are particularly prone to taking it in.  When they produce the ‘spike’, lymphocytes of the immune system recognise it as foreign and start attacking the cells, provoking the formation of blood clots of varying sizes.

Studies in patients who have died post-injection have shown how the lymphocytes infiltrate heart muscle in particular, causing inflammation.  Lungs, liver, kidney, uterus, thyroid and skin appear vulnerable to a similar reaction.

Cardiac surgeon Dr Steven Gundry has reported that in the wake of the jab, most patients show changes in biochemical markers signalling damage to the heart and circulatory system.

‘These changes persist for at least two and a half months post second dose of vaccine,’ he said in a November 2021 alert to the American Heart Association.

‘We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation of the endothelium and T-cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.’

His alert prompted a big reaction from some fellow professionals and a watered-down version appeared soon afterwards.

But a similar warning was issued as far back as last June by Canadian vaccine expert Dr Byram Bridle, who used freedom of information laws to obtain a previously confidential ‘biodistribution’ study in animals, conducted for Pfizer by Japanese researchers.  It showed that the spike protein does not just act at the site of the jab, but is carried through the circulation to many sites in the body.

‘I’m very much pro-vaccine, but always making sure that the science is done properly and that we follow the science carefully before going into public rollout of the vaccines,’ Bridle said.  With Covid, the rollout was a big mistake, he added.  ‘We didn’t realise that by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.’

He said it was now known that ‘the spike protein, on its own, is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation.  Indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals, they get all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system, and it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.’

At first glance that might not seem too disconcerting, he said, because the jab was injected into the shoulder muscle. ‘The assumption, up until now, has been that these vaccines behave like all our traditional vaccines: They don’t go anywhere other than the injection site, so they stay in our shoulder.  Some of the protein will go to the local draining lymph node in order to activate the immune system.’

But for the first time, the biodistribution study had allowed scientists to see where the mRNA goes after the jab.  ‘In other words, is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle?  The short answer is, absolutely not.’

Malone says the Cell findings may mean that a genetic device inserted in the Moderna and Pfizer products, aimed at avoiding immediate destruction of the mRNA by the immune system, ‘is working so well that the mRNA is completely evading the normal clearance/degradation pathways.’  Consequently, spike protein levels are even higher after the jab than seen in a person with severe Covid-19 disease.

‘That this has not been published or investigated more demonstrates the gross regulatory dereliction of duty by Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, NIAID VRC (the Vaccine Research Centre of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and that whole crew …  I do not know how to write this more strongly.’

Health ‘nightmare’ alert over Covid jabs injecting a heart-damaging toxin  

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2 Responses to “Health ‘nightmare’ alert over Covid jabs injecting a heart-damaging toxin”

  1. ian says:

    We could do with getting his ex wife’s friend onto the BBC.

  2. Weaver says:

    Now that would be interesting and entertaining instead of the paid actors the BBC uses.