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UK Government data proves the Covid-19 Injections cause damage to the innate Immune System that worsens by the week

UK Government data proves that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to a point where the not-vaccinated populations immune system if far superior to that of the fully vaccinated.

The Covid-19 figures for England are produced by the UK Health Security Agency (see here).
Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

Page 43 contains data on Covid-19 cases in England by vaccination status from 3rd Jan 22 to 30th Jan 22 and reveals that the majority of cases in January were among the triple vaccinated.

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The following chart shows the Covid-19 case-rates per 100,000 by vaccination status for each age group over the age of 18 in England, plus the average case rate per 100,000 for all adults in England –

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Concerningly the case rights have been highest among the double vaccinated population in every age group, but the triple vaccinated also have a car right far higher than the not-vaccinated population. This isn’t good news.

Now that we know the case-rates, we can use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / Unvaccinated case rate = Vaccine Effectiveness
e.g. Double Vaccinated 18-80+: 1,846.38 – 5,226.1 / 1,846.38 = minus-183%

Therefore, the average real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness in England for all adults as a whole is MINUS-183%. This means fully vaccinated adults are more likely to catch Covid-19 than unvaccinated adults. This is what vaccination has done to the people of England.

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But vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

Vaccines train the immune system to act and then once they’ve done the training they disappear. If you encounter the Covid-19 virus after being vaccinated then it isn’t the vaccine that springs into action to defend you against it, it’s you vaccine trained immune system that’s meant to spring into action. Therefore,

when authorities tell you that the effectiveness of a vaccine wanes over time, what they really mean is the immune system performance of the vaccinated wanes over time.

But to work out immune system performance we have to alter the calculation used to work out vaccine effectiveness slightly and divide our answer by either the largest of the vaccinated or unvaccinated case rate.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / largest of the unvaccinated / vaccinated case rate = Immune System Performancee.g. Double Vaccinated 18-80+: 1,846.38 – 5,226.1 / 5,226.1 = minus-65%

This means on average, fully vaccinated Brits currently have a 65% lower immune response than the unvaccinated have to Covid-19, but the following chart shows the true extent of the damage by age group as well –

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Therefore, the average fully vaccinated person in England is down to the last 35% of their immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc.

So now we know for certain from UK Government that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to the point where a not-vaccinated persons immune system is much better at preventing infection. But what about when it comes to protecting against serious disease and death?

Well unfortunately, the same UK Government data shows the Covid-19 injections also damage the innate immune system to the point where a not-vaccinated persons immune system is much better at protecting a person against death as well.

The following chart shows the Covid-19 death-rates per 100,000 by vaccination status for each age group over the age of 18 in England, calculated from the number of deaths found in the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report and the size of the double vaccinated population –

The double vaccinated population have the highest death rate per 100k in every age group except for the 18-29, and 40-49-year-olds. But we can expect in coming weeks for that rate to switch among the two anomalies based on historical trends that show things get worse for the vaccinated population by the week.

Now that we know the death-rates, we can again use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

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Real world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against death in England between 3rd Jan and 30th Jan 22 was as low as -110.24% in the over 80’s, -97% in people aged 70-79, and -98.14% on average in all adults over age 18.

Here’s what that means in terms of the fully vaccinated populations immune system performance against death –

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Keeping in line with historical trends that show the Covid-19 vaccines have caused damage to the immune system that worsens by the week we can see that the lowest immune system performance is among those who were vaccinated first, with the over 80’s recording an immune system performance of -52.4%, and then the 70-79 age group recording an immune system performance of -49.2%.

There is however a concerning anomaly in this data in that we should expect to see a positive immune system performance among the 30-39 age group of around 29%, but instead it is currently at -15.4%. There could be several explanations for this but none of them are good.

Either the 30-39 year-olds are genuinely doing worse, or all other age groups are doing much worse than what we are being told.

Either way we can be sure that the data is reliably telling us the Covid-19 injections are not just ineffective, but damage the innate immune system to the point where a not-vaccinated persons immune system is much better at protecting a person against death as well.

But what does this mean?

Well, there could be several possibilities for what’s happening here but again none of them are good.

One possiblilty could be that the Covid-19 injections cause Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease leading to conditions such as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. This is a real possibility because even Pfizer warned about the theoretical risk of this occurring in confidential documents produced in April 2021.

Another possibility could be that the vaccinated population are developing some new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome induced by the Covid-19 injections.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a condition that leads to the loss of immune cells and leaves individuals susceptible to other infections and the development of certain types of cancers. In other words, it completely decimates the immune system.

This doesn’t mean it’s the same condition that is supposedly induced by the HIV virus, but it’s a very similar condition that has instead been induced by the experimental jabs.

Further evidence to support the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome theory can also be found in the same UK Government data on page 52.

The UKHSA has found the vaccine interferes with the body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.

This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein even after infection and recovery.

It’s impossible to say exactly what’s happening because Governments around the world and the Big Pharma scientists are doing their best to sweep all of this under the carpet. But call it what you want, all we know is that UK Government data confirms the Covid-19 vaccines damage the innate immune system, and it is damage that worsens by the week.


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