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Censorship of the people, by the people, for the people is an idea whose time has come, if you’re a complete idiot.

Spotify must remove all liberals from its platform; the obvious solution to the Joe Rogan blow-up.
I keep solving these thorny problems. I really should get paid for the work.

In lieu of paying my usual fee of one billion dollars, you can make a donation to the Canadian truckers.
by Jon Rappoport
In this case, I need to define “liberal.” It’s anyone who wants to censor free speech. Simple.
Spotify needs to issue a statement to its contracted contributors: “You have 48 hours to tell us whether you favor censoring free speech. If you do favor that policy, we’re cutting you loose. You’re a menace. If you claim you stand for free speech, but later prove, by word or action, that you’re lying, we’ll cut you loose and find some ground to sue you.”
Right away, the Joe Rogan problem disappears. The wrangle with Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and other liberals who want Rogan banned is over. Spotify offloads those two aging singers.
Then to prove they mean business, Spotify creates special sections of content. For example, the Holocaust archive. This is for commentators who assert the Holocaust never happened, Hitler was a genius and a prophet of salvation, and the Jews run the world.
Then you have another section for pundits who claim Trump IS Hitler, he was foiled from declaring martial law and enlisting the Army to put all minorities into concentration camps, and he came close to destroying the reliable trusted news networks.
Here’s one more section. This is a mixed bag. People argue that white people are devils, the ills of American society all stem from systemic racism, while others claim black people are born with lower IQ’s than white people, and selling and buying slaves in Africa was widespread before the white man ever showed up, etc.
Then Spotify stands back and waits.
And nothing happens.
Except a hurricane on social media, in the press, and in the halls of government bloviation. Otherwise, people go about their lives.
Free speech is confirmed as a non-threat to the safety and security of the nation.
We have to deal with a special case of free speech: “COVID misinformation.” Because here the charge is: allowing people to contradict the official party line AUTOMATICALLY puts all our lives in danger: the ranks of vaccine refusers grow; living unvaccinated out in the open, without masks, gathering in large groups spreads the “deadly virus.”
So Spotify hosts a free live-streamed event for the world audience. A six-month every-day all-day discussion from ALL quarters. Government scientists, dissenting scientists, vaxxers, anti-vaxxers, semi-vaxxers, WHO/CDC reps, Constitutional lawyers, mainstream reporters, independent reporters, Fauci, Gates, Rand Paul, Scott Atlas, etc.
The question under discussion: IS THE GOVERNMENT COVID POLICY EFECTIVE?
Air it out. Air it all out.
Let the chips fall where they may.
If governments can launch a global open-air clinical trial of an experimental RNA vaccine, involving 8 billion people, in order to see what happens, then Spotify can host a continuous demonstration of free speech about COVID—and we can see what happens.
Open the doors, open the windows, let people speak.
Run the experiment.
It’s no mystery. The promotion of censorship is based on fear. The inducement of puddling and huddling fear of what will happen if “we” allow the 1st Amendment to stand.
Here’s another great idea. I’m just giving away these ideas to Spotify for nothing. The platform hosts an event called META-FEAR. This one features a full spectrum of speakers who claim, or reject the notion, that free speech has, in fact, directly incited criminal violence.
Why is this event necessary? Because AFTER Spotify breaks out the massive free-speech campaign I’ve described above, the government will surely come in behind that and claim the consequences HAVE BEEN awful and tragic. They always play that card. “Freedom is a threat to our free way of life.”
At the META-FEAR event, the Department of Homeland Security can step up and sprinkle the air with vague generalizations about “elevated terrorism threats” stemming from “online misinformation inciting violent anti-government groups.” And other speakers can demand specifics and offer counter-narratives.
I would certainly put my two cents in: You guys at Homeland Security HAVE TO invent dire threats to the nation. If you don’t, you have no reason to hold down your jobs and collect your paychecks. If you say, “Well, another week has just gone by and nothing happened,” you’re in trouble.
At the META-FEAR event, you DHS guys will also need to explain why you feature certain types of threat warnings and ignore other types. Do you have a list of protected terrorist groups? Do you have a list of other groups who aren’t threatening anybody—but you’re pretending they are?
Well, this wraps up my business plan for rescuing Spotify. I hereby give permission for other elite platforms to deploy it as well.
In lieu of paying my usual fee of one billion dollars, you can make a donation to the Canadian truckers.
And remember what someone way back there said. It still applies today: Censorship of the people, by the people, for the people is an idea whose time has come, if you’re a complete idiot.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here.)
(Follow me on Gab at @jonrappoport)
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
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Jon Rappoport
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