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Whilst you were distracted by “Sir” Tony Blair, the UK Gov. released a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 3 in every 4 Omicron Hospitalisations

The latest data available from the UK Health Security Agency confirms that 3 in every 4 Omicron cases admitted to hospital up to 29th December 2021 were people who had been vaccinated against Covid-19.

On 31st Dec 21 the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which has recently replaced Public Health England, published a ‘Technical briefing on SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern‘, with this particular briefing being an update on hospitalisation and vaccine effectiveness for the alleged Omicron Covid-19 variant.

The UKHSA data confirms that up to 29th December there were 198,348 confirmed cases of Omicron, identified through sequencing or genotyping, as well as 451,194 cases deemed ‘probable’ and 292 cases deemed ‘possible’ by authorities.

Unfortunately, the UK Health Security Agency fails to inform us of the vaccination status of the confirmed cases of Omicron, but they do however provide the vaccination status of those hospitalised with Omicron up to 29th Dec 21.

The data within the UKHSA technical briefing shows that the most cases of Omicron admitted to hospital at the end of presentation to emergency care occurred on the 21st December, before falling slightly in the following two days and then declining sharply on the 24th December.

The shaded area towards the end of the above chart means that the data is incomplete and subject to change, but it is worth noting the UKHSA have confirmed that the sharp fall in hospitalisations on the 24th December was a complete set of data.

Table 3 of the UKHSA technical briefing confirms the number of Omicron hospitalisations by vaccination status, and it reveals that the vast majority of hospitalisations have occurred in the vaccinated population, with a huge chunk of those being people who had received the “Booster” shot.

According to the report 2.2% of Omicron hospitalisations could not be linked to a vaccination status, 25.3% were among the not-vaccinated, and 6.1% were among the one dose vaccinated. But the most concerning figures show that 43.2% of Omicron hospitalisations were among the two dose vaccinated population (previously considered fully vaccinated), and 23.2% were among the three/booster dose vaccinated population.

This means that the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 591 hospitalisations up to 29th December 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 206.

In terms of percentages this means the not-vaccinated population accounted for 26% of Omicron hospitalisations up to 29 Dec 21, whilst the three/two/one dose vaccinated population accounted for 74%.

With figures like this confirming 3 in every 4 people admitted to hospital with Omicron have been vaccinated, it begs the question as to why the UK Government has decided to turn the NHS into the National Booster Service in what is usually its most busiest time of the year.

Because it’s quite clear that the Covid-19 vaccines simply do not work.
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